1,456 research outputs found

    Analisis Manajemen Distribusi Ud Karya Baru

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    Penerapan manajemen distribusi yang baik diperlukan Perusahaan distribusi agar dapat menjadi Perusahaan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana penerapan manajemen distribusi pada UD Karya Baru dila­ku­kan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mewawancara tiga narasumber. Data dianali­sis secara kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menun­juk­kan bahwa UD Karya Baru sudah menerapkan manajemen distribusi secara baik terutama dalam fungsi manajemen yakni planning dan Acutating, hal ini ter­li­­­­­­­hat dengan adanya pembagian tugas dan alur distribusi yang jelas mulai dari awal hingga akhir kegiatan distribusi. Fungsi manajemen yang lain yakni orga­nizing dan controlling masih perlu ditingkatkan dengan mengadakan pembagian tugas di dalam Perusahaan yang jelas dengan jobdesk secara tertulis serta adanya peng­ontrolan yang juga melibatkan beberapa standart kedisiplinan dalam pelak­sa­na­an­nya. Fungsi manajemen distribusi secara keseluruhan telah diterapkan dengan ba­ik di dalam Perusahaan

    La Revelación del ser divino de Jesús mediante los verbos joánicos.

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    La Sagrada Escritura en la Encíclica "Evangelium Vitae".

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    Análise de intervisibilidade um caso de estudo em Valença, Portugal

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    As questões ligadas ao estudo da visibilidade de cenários naturais ou artificiais são consideradas de grande importância na elaboração e implantação de projectos, pois permitem a avaliação das alterações nos aspectos visuais do território através de simulações de cenários e da visualização tridimensional. O presente trabalho apresenta um arcabouço teórico básico referente à análise de intervisibilidade, através de revisão bibliográfica, e mostra um caso da aplicação prática dessa análise para o estudo da visibilidade de alguns elementos da paisagem do Concelho de Valença, Portugal. Os resultados são apresentados através de mapas de visibilidade para diferentes raios de alcance e alturas de visibilidade e mostram uma avaliação geral da visibilidade em Valença


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    This study aimed to assess the role of the agricultural sector in Southeast Minahasa Regency. The role was measured by the contribution of the agricultural sector in GRDP and the position of the agricultural sector in the regency economy, whether as it was a base or non-base sector. This research was conducted in Southeast Minahasa Regency. The data used were collected from the Central Bureau of Statistics, both South Minahasa and North Sulawesi offices, Planning Board (Bappeda) of Southeast Minahasa, and the Agricultural Agency of Southeast Minahasa Regency. The data were analyzed by calculating  the contribution of the agricultural sector, LQ and DLQ. The results showed that inspite of the drop in recent years, the agricultural sector remained had the largest contribution in GRDP of Southeast Minahasa Regency. Based on LQ analysis, it was shown that the agricultural sector was one of the four base sectors. Other base sectors were mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and construction sectors. Furthermore, from five sub-sectors within the agricultural sector, two of them were base sub sectors, namely food crops and plantation, while livestocks, forestry and fisheries were non-base sub-sectors. Based on DLQ analysis, the position of the agricultural sector in the future would remain as a base sector. There would be several sub-sectors in agriculture that had the potential to become base sub-sectors in the future, namely food crops, plantation, livestock and forestry, while fisheries sub-sector was predicated to remain as a non base sub-sector in the future

    Resultados do NUTAU'2004

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    Sobre o Espaço Natural e a Forma Urbana - à guisa de posfácio

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    As dificuldades da pós-graduação e da elaboração da tese. A abordagem científica das questões formais do espaço natural e urbano. A especificidade dos estudos urbanos e o rigor terminológico. Instrumentos, técnica e tecnologia. Projeto e construção. A possibilidade dos juízos de valor sobre as adapta­ ções espaciais e suas aglomerações. As adaptações espaciais e a sua simulação: a operação com modelosDifficulties of the post-graduation studies and of the thesis work. The scientific approach to the natural and urban space formal questions. Specificity of the urban studies and terminological rigor. Instruments, technique and technology Design and building. The possibility of a value judgment about spatial adaptations and its agglomerations. The spatial adaptations and its simulation: models operation