1,427 research outputs found

    Is there a Wage-Supervision Trade-Off? Efficiency Wages Evidence From the 1990 British Workplace Industrial Relations Survey

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    Efficiency Wages cannot be ruled out on a priori theoretical grounds and evidence is needed. Direct evidence on the effects of wages on productivity and indirect evidence from the wage structure does not seem persuasive. In this paper we offer an indirect test of the efficiency wage theory, by testing the prediction of the ā€˜shirkingā€™ and ā€˜gift-exchangeā€™ models of efficiency wages of a wage-supervision trade-off, using data from the 1990 British Workplace Industrial Relations Survey. We highlight the main empirical problems that hinder the estimation of the wage-supervision relationship, and we offer a novel theoretical explanation of the wagesupervision trade-off in terms of union bargaining power. We find evidence that wages and supervision are substitutes in eliciting effort for unskilled manual workers. This evidence supports principal-agent models, many of which do not have the efficiency wage property. Finally, after we test whether wages are set optimally above the market clearing level we fail to find any evidence that can rule out efficiency wages in favour of incentive contracts.Efficiency Wages, Wage-supervision trade-off, Endogeneity bias, private and Non-Unionised establishments

    Is the Minimum Wage Efficient? Evidence of the Effects of the UK National Minimum Wage in the Residential Care Homes Sector

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    In this paper we exploit a natural experiment provided by the 1999 introduction and 2001 increase of the UK National Minimum Wage (NMW) to investigate the relationship between wages and supervision and to test for efficiency wages considerations in a low-wage labour market, the UK residential care homes sector. We also provide evidence of the effects of the UK National Minimum Wage introduction and increase on the main labour market outcomes in the sector. We find evidence supporting a wage-supervision trade-off for the 1999 NMW introduction but no evidence of a trade-off for the 2001 NMW increase. We also find that the 1999 NMW introduction caused significant growth in average home hourly wages but only moderate negative employment effects and no significant effect on other outcomes as prices and profits. Finally, we find that the 2001 NMW increase generated higher wage growth than the 1999 introduction but had no employment effect, which can be possibly explained by the fact that homes increased the price of care to offset the increased wage costs generated by the NMW increase.Efficiency Wages, National Minimum Wage, Difference-in-Differences, Insrumental Variables.

    Mobile consultant: Combining total mobility with constant access

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    Minimizing the time required for a medical consultant to offer his/her expert opinion, can be viewed as a life-saving procedure. We have designed and tested an integrated system that will allow a medical consultant to freely move either within, or outside the hospital, while still maintaining constant contact with the patients via videoconferencing and high-resolution imaging. The above system is explained in this paper, along with its advantages and its potential limitations. Conclusively, we demonstrate that such a system further increases the mobility of the medical consultant, while improving the healthcare service

    Mobile consultant: Combining total mobility with constant access

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    Minimizing the time required for a medical consultant to offer his/her expert opinion, can be viewed as a life-saving procedure. We have designed and tested an integrated system that will allow a medical consultant to freely move either within, or outside the hospital, while still maintaining constant contact with the patients via videoconferencing and high-resolution imaging. The above system is explained in this paper, along with its advantages and its potential limitations. Conclusively, we demonstrate that such a system further increases the mobility of the medical consultant, while improving the healthcare service

    Using handheld devices for real-time wireless teleconsultation

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    Recent advances in the hardware of handheld devices, opened up the way for newer applications in the healthcare sector, and more specifically, in the teleconsultation field. Out of these devices, this paper focuses on the services that personal digital assistants and smartphones can provide to improve the speed, quality and ease of delivering a medical opinion from a distance and laying the ground for an all-wireless hospital. In that manner, PDAs were used to wirelessly support the viewing of digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM) images and to allow for mobile videoconferencing while within the hospital. Smartphones were also used to carry still images, multiframes and live video outside the hospital. Both of these applications aimed at increasing the mobility of the consultant while improving the healthcare service

    Development of an algebraic turbulence model for analysis of propulsion flows

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    A simple turbulence model that will be applicable to propulsion flows having both wall bounded and unbounded regions was developed and installed within the PARC Navier-Stokes code by linking two existing algebraic turbulence models. The first is the Modified Mixing Length (MML) model which is optimized for wall bounded flows. The second is the Thomas model, the standard algebraic turbulence model in PARC which has been used to calculate both bounded and unbounded turbulent flows but was optimized for the latter. This paper discusses both models and the method employed to link them into one model (referred to as the MMLT model). The PARC code with the MMLT model was applied to two dimensional turbulent flows over a flat plate and over a backward facing step to validate and optimize the model and to compare its predictions to those obtained with the three turbulence models already available in PARC

    Observations on parental care in the glass frog Hyalinobatrachium orientale (Anura: Centrolenidae) from Tobago, with comments on its natural history

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    We made observations on parental care in the glass frog Hyalinobatrachium orientale (Anura: Centrolenidae) from Tobago, and comments on its natural histor
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