953 research outputs found

    Pedagogical and learning strategies for promoting internet information literacy in Singapore secondary school students

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    Internet information literacy has the potential to open the whole world of knowledge to easy access and use. Computer literacy and Internet readiness alone do not empower the learner to capitalise on the use of the Internet to acquire useful knowledge. Without information literacy, the learner would be overwhelmed not only by the information overload but also by being confronted with the amount of unreliable information posted on the Internet. Therefore this paper looks at how the Internet age might influence the ways that students learn and how to capitalise on it to prepare those students for the digital world of today and how to be empowered for the future challenges of the increasing complexities of tomorrow. The findings indicate that the integration of discipline-specific Internet information literacy into the curriculum is essential before we can enhance student learning using the Internet for resource-based learning. It is also to equip them with relevant information management skills and the ability to learn independently. These are fundamental skills required to become emerging lifelong learners in the midst of an information explosion so as to be able to meet the challenges of the 21st century and the knowledge economy

    Chemical studies of bovine transferrin /

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    Sejarah Perdagangan dan Kekeluargaan dalam Menjadi Penerus Kepada Penyeludupan Barangan dalam kalangan Komuniti Sempadan di Kalimantan Barat dan Sarawak: Kajian Kes Sempadan Lubok Antu-Badau

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    Perdagangan lintas sempadan antara Sabah-Sarawak dan Kalimantan secara informal telah wujud sejak sebelumnya konfrontasi Indonesia berlaku pada tahun 1962-1966. Dalam hal ini, penyeludupan barangan di kawasan sempadan turut merupakan satu fenomena yang berterusan sehingga sekarang. Oleh itu, artikel ini ditulis bagi membincangkan mengenai fenomena penyeludupan barangan di kawasan sempadan dengan melihat kepada pandangan komuniti berkaitan permasalahan ini. Kajian ini menggunakan temu bual secara mendalam dan pemerhatian ke atas 15 orang informan bagi melihat kepada fenomena penyeludupan di kawasan kajian. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa sejarah perdagangan dan kekeluargaan di kedua-dua kawasan mempunyai kaitan dengan berlangsungnya aktiviti penyeludupan barangan dalam kalangan komuniti sempadan. Persepsi daripada komuniti dan pihak penguatkuasa turut mempengaruhi kelangsungan fenomena tersebut disebabkan sejarah perdagangan dan hubungan kekeluargaan yang dimiliki oleh kedua-dua komuniti sempadan. Namun demikian, dari sudut pandang nasional, fenomena tersebut merupakan satu aktiviti yang menyalahi undang-undang yakni penyeludupan. Oleh itu, bertitik-tolak daripada faktor tersebut isu ini terus berlaku di kawasan kajian

    Applying Component Technology to Improve Global Supply Chain Network Management

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    A key requirement of supply chain management strategies is information sharing. Component technology facilitates information sharing by providing a means for integrating heterogeneous information systems into virtual information systems. The component environment makes possible new strategies to reshape and improve supply chain networks. These strategies include modularization and encapsulation, plug-and-play component development, enterprise specialization, dynamic supply chain network configuration, and cross- industry enterprise integration. We show how these strategies can be applied to the supply chain network management using the order fulfillment process as an illustration

    The Relationship between Demand, Product, and Information Sharing Strategies

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    The hallmarks of todayís business environment are volatile demand, shorter product life cycles, and increasing global competition. Advances in information technology allow more and more information to be shared across entities so that the activities can be better coordinated throughout the entire supply chain. For different products and under different demand patterns, sharing information may have quite different results. Our research aims to study the relationship between product nature, demand pattern,and information sharing strategy. As product nature changes at different stages in the production cycle, and over time, demand pattern changes accordingly, thus requiring changes in information sharing strategies employed. We use the multi- agent simulation system to evaluate the effectiveness of the information sharing strategies under different product natures and demand patterns

    Classification of Postponement Strategies and Performance Metrics Framework

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    Determinan Kemiskinan dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Provinsi Bali

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    Abstrak Paradigma pembangunaan manusia saat ini telah menjadikan manusia sebagai subjek dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Perubahan tersebut akan meningkatkan kualitas manusia, sehingga manusia dapat menjadi modal dalam pembangunan ekonomi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kesejahteraan masyarakat sebagai point penting yang ingin dicapai dalam SDGs, dapat diukur melalui IPM. IPM Bali secara nasional pada tahun 2016 IPM bali berada pada kategori menengah yaitu sebesar 73,65 persen, namun setelah dilihat di setiap kabupaten/kotanya ternyata terdapat lima kabupaten yang memiliki rata-rata IPM dibawah rata-rata provinsi. Tujuan penelitian yang hendak dicapai : 1) untuk menganalisis pengaruh gini rasio dan pengeluaran non makanan per kapita terhadap kemiskinan di kabupaten/kota Provinsi Bali; 2) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh gini rasio, pengeluaran non makanan per kapita dan kemiskinan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat di kabupaten/kota Provinsi Bali; dan 3) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh gini rasio dan pengeluaran non makanan per kapita melalui kemiskinan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat di kabupaten/kota Provinsi Bali. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis jalur dan hasil penelitian Gini Rasio berpengaruh positif terhadap kemiskinan dan pengeluaran non makanan berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kemiskinan. Hasil pengujian variabel Gini Rasio terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat, gini rasio tidak berpengaruh, sedangkan pengeluaran non makanan berpengaruh positif dan kemiskinan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kata kunci: gini rasio, IPM, kemiskinan   Abstrac                  The paradigm of human development has made humans as subjects in economic development. These changes will improve human quality, so that humans can become capital in economic development that aims to improve people's welfare. Community welfare as an important point to be achieved in the SDGs, can be measured through HDI. National HDI Bali in 2016 Bali HDI is in the middle category, which is equal to 73.65 percent, but after being seen in each regency / city it turns out there are five districts which have an average HDI below the provincial average. The objectives of the study were to be achieved: 1) to analyze the influence of the gini ratio and non-food expenditure per capita on poverty in the regency / city of Bali Province; 2) To analyze the influence of the gini ratio, non-food expenditure per capita and poverty on the welfare of the community in the regency / city of Bali Province; and 3) To analyze the influence of the gini ratio and non-food expenditure per capita through poverty on the welfare of the community in the regency / city of the Province of Bali. The analysis technique uses path analysis and Gini research results. Ratio has a positive effect on poverty and non-food expenditure has a significant negative effect on poverty. The results of testing the Gini variable ratio on community welfare, the gini ratio has no effect, while non-food expenditure has a positive effect and poverty has a negative and significant effect on people's welfare Keywords: gini ratio, HDI, povert