701 research outputs found

    The Security imaginary: Explaining military isomorphism

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    This article proposes the notion of a security imaginary as a heuristic tool for exploring military isomorphism (the phenomenon that weapons and military strategies begin to look the same across the world) at a time when the US model of defence transformation is being adopted by an increasing number of countries. Built on a critical constructivist foundation, the security-imaginary approach is contrasted with rationalist and neo-institutionalist ways of explaining military diffusion and emulation. Merging cultural and constructivist themes, the article offers a ‘strong cultural’ argument to explain why a country would emulate a foreign military model and how this model is constituted in and comes to constitute a society’s security imaginary.Web of Scienc

    Necessary fictions: indigenous claims and the humanity of rights

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    Indigenous right insistently challenges the surpassing arrogations of sovereign right. In so doing, it affirms dimensions of being-together denied or stunted in sovereign modes of political formation. This force of Indigenous right is amplified here through legal and literary instantiations. These, in turn, uncover the continuously created and fictional quality of rights, revealing them to be necessary fictions

    "Preferred reading" of Legal Texts

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    In the 1970s, British cultural theorist Stuart Hall introduced a concept known as preferred reading. It combines the ideological influence of mass media and dominant ways of understanding any text. This article focuses on mass media as a source of ideological background or context of legal interpretation and of any reading of legal texts. Law operates in culture and culture represents limitations in the law, according to the needs of dominant ideology. Culture introduces structures of domination which manipulate law. An important role is also given to popular culture and mass culture. These parts of the culture industry create borders in which the recipients (audience) think of law. Through mass media – rather than through other channels – dominant ideology infiltrates law. Legal consciousness is formed by dominant cultural frames formed by dominant ideology. Through this formation of mass media, law becomes a commodity. It shares the same values or contents as that of cultural industry and is the place where the theory of preferred reading can be introduced. According to the aforementioned theory, there are methods of interpretation that are more accurate than others are. This is simply because they lead to a result that is more preferred by ‘common opinion’ disseminated by mass culture.V roce 1970, britský kulturní teoretik Stuart Hall představil koncept známý jako preferovaného čtení. Ten v sobě spojuje ideologický vliv masových médií a dominantní způsoby chápání jakéhokoli textu. Tento článek se zaměřuje masová média jako zdroj ideologického pozadí nebo kontextu právního výkladu. Právo působí v kultuře a kultura představuje omezení právo dle potřeb dominantní ideologie. Kultura vytváří struktury dominace, které manipulují právem. Důležitou roli také sehrává populární a masová kultura. Tyto části kulturního průmyslu vytváří hranice, ve kterých příjemci (publikum) uvažují o právu. Prostřednictvím masových médií - spíše než prostřednictvím jiných kanálů - dominantní ideologie infiltruje právo. Právní vědomí je tvořeno dominantními kulturními rámci vytvořenými dominantní ideologií. Prostřednictvím této formace vytvářené masovými médii se právo stává komoditou. Sdílí proto stejné hodnoty, nebo obsah jaké definuje kulturní průmysl. Proto lze i v právním kontextu uvažovat o tzv. preferovaném čtení. Proto lze identifikovat paradigmata výkladu, které jsou mnohem "použeitelnější" než jiné, protože vedou k očekávaným výsledkům. K výsledkům, které odpovídají očekávání masového publika.In the 1970s, British cultural theorist Stuart Hall introduced a concept known as preferred reading. It combines the ideological influence of mass media and dominant ways of understanding any text. This article focuses on mass media as a source of ideological background or context of legal interpretation and of any reading of legal texts. Law operates in culture and culture represents limitations in the law, according to the needs of dominant ideology. Culture introduces structures of domination which manipulate law. An important role is also given to popular culture and mass culture. These parts of the culture industry create borders in which the recipients (audience) think of law. Through mass media – rather than through other channels – dominant ideology infiltrates law. Legal consciousness is formed by dominant cultural frames formed by dominant ideology. Through this formation of mass media, law becomes a commodity. It shares the same values or contents as that of cultural industry and is the place where the theory of preferred reading can be introduced. According to the aforementioned theory, there are methods of interpretation that are more accurate than others are. This is simply because they lead to a result that is more preferred by ‘common opinion’ disseminated by mass culture

    Diaspora identification and long-distance nationalism among Tamil migrants of diverse state origins in the UK

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    Accounts of Tamil long-distance nationalism have focused on Sri Lankan Tamil migrants. But the UK is also home to Tamils of non-Sri Lankan state origins. While these migrants may be nominally incorporated into a 'Tamil diaspora', they are seldom present in scholarly accounts. Framed by Werbner's (2002) conception of diasporas as 'aesthetic' and 'moral' communities, this article explores whether engagement with a Tamil diaspora and long-distance nationalism is expressed by Tamil migrants of diverse state origins. While migrants identify with an aesthetic community, 'membership' of the moral community is contested between those who hold direct experience of suffering as central to belonging, and those who imagine the boundaries of belonging more fluidly - based upon primordial understandings of essential ethnicity and a narrative of Tamil 'victimhood' that incorporates experiences of being Tamil in Sri Lanka, India and in other sites, despite obvious differences in these experiences. © 2013 Taylor & Francis