827 research outputs found

    Corrosion-protective coatings from electrically conducting polymers

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    In a joint effort between NASA Kennedy and LANL, electrically conductive polymer coatings were developed as corrosion protective coatings for metal surfaces. At NASA Kennedy, the launch environment consist of marine, severe solar, and intermittent high acid and/or elevated temperature conditions. Electrically conductive polymer coatings were developed which impart corrosion resistance to mild steel when exposed to saline and acidic environments. Such coatings also seem to promote corrosion resistance in areas of mild steel where scratches exist in the protective coating. Such coatings appear promising for many commercial applications

    Detection of motional ground state population of a trapped ion using delayed pulses

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    Efficient preparation and detection of the motional state of trapped ions is important in many experiments ranging from quantum computation to precision spectroscopy. We investigate the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) technique for the manipulation of motional states in a trapped ion system. The presented technique uses a Raman coupling between two hyperfine ground states in 25^{25}Mg+^+, implemented with delayed pulses, which removes a single phonon independent of the initial motional state. We show that for a thermal state the STIRAP population transfer is more efficient than a stimulated Raman Rabi pulse on a motional sideband. In contrast to previous implementations, a large detuning of more than 200 times the natural linewidth of the transition is used. This approach renders STIRAP suitable for atoms in which resonant laser fields would populate fluorescing excited states and thus impede the STIRAP process. We use the technique to measure the wavefunction overlap of excited motional states with the motional ground state. This is an important application for photon recoil spectroscopy and other force sensing applications that utilize the high sensitivity of the motional state of trapped ions to external fields. Furthermore, a determination of the ground state population enables a simple measurement of the ion's temperature.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Vitamin E content of different animal products: Influence of animal nutrition

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    Zusammenfassung: In der vorliegenden Studie wurde der α-Tocopherolgehalt verschiedener Fleischstücke untersucht. Hähnchenschenkel hatte den höchsten α-Tocopherolgehalt, gefolgt von Hähnchenbrust und Schweineschulter (p Leber > Fettgewebe >Musculus longissimus dorsi. Die Nährstoffdichten betrugen 28.8, 7.3, 0.9 und 1.2 mg α-Tocopherol/MJ für Eigelb, Leber, Fettgewebe und Musculus longissimus dorsi der jeweiligen mit Vitamin E supplementierten Gruppe. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Fleisch, mit Ausnahme des Hähnchenschenkels, von Tieren mit supplementierten Diäten kein bedeutender Vitamin E-Lieferant ist. Hingegen wurde Eigelb durch fütterungsbedingte Modifikation zu einer guten Vitamin E-Quell

    Precision isotope shift measurements in Ca+^+ using highly sensitive detection schemes

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    We demonstrate an efficient high-precision optical spectroscopy technique for single trapped ions with non-closed transitions. In a double-shelving technique, the absorption of a single photon is first amplified to several phonons of a normal motional mode shared with a co-trapped cooling ion of a different species, before being further amplified to thousands of fluorescence photons emitted by the cooling ion using the standard electron shelving technique. We employ this extension of the photon recoil spectroscopy technique to perform the first high precision absolute frequency measurement of the 2^{2}D3/2_{3/2} →\rightarrow 2^{2}P1/2_{1/2} transition in 40^{40}Ca+^{+}, resulting in a transition frequency of f=346 000 234 867(96)f=346\, 000\, 234\, 867(96) kHz. Furthermore, we determine the isotope shift of this transition and the 2^{2}S1/2_{1/2} →\rightarrow 2^{2}P1/2_{1/2} transition for 42^{42}Ca+^{+}, 44^{44}Ca+^{+} and 48^{48}Ca+^{+} ions relative to 40^{40}Ca+^{+} with an accuracy below 100 kHz. Improved field and mass shift constants of these transitions as well as changes in mean square nuclear charge radii are extracted from this high resolution data

    QCD spectroscopy with three light quarks

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    We report about a simulation using three dynamical Wilson quarks and on the progress in going to small quark masses.Comment: Lattice2001(spectrum), 3 pages, 4 figure

    Light quark fields in lattice gauge theories

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