1,055 research outputs found

    Separability and public finance

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    In a second best environment, the optimal policy choice sometimes follows the first best rules. This note lays down the information structure and separability assumptions under which this property holds in a variety of setups.separability, second best optimality, indirect taxes, Samuelson rule, Pigovian taxation

    La stratégie du conteur masqué

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    L’éclectisme culturel : l’exemple de la tĂ©lĂ©vision au QuĂ©bec

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    Cet article se penche sur l’hypothĂšse, avancĂ©e dans les annĂ©es 1990 par Richard Peterson, que l’on assiste actuellement dans le champ des pratiques culturelles Ă  l’émergence d’une polarisation entre une classe Ă©duquĂ©e d’omnivores culturels, dont les goĂ»ts et les pratiques sont diversifiĂ©s, et une classe moins Ă©duquĂ©e d’univores culturels aux goĂ»ts plus restreints.  À partir d’une analyse de l’écoute de dix genres d’émissions de tĂ©lĂ©vision, nous nous interrogeons Ă  savoir si l’éclectisme contemporain varie en fonction du champ dans lequel il s’exprime. AprĂšs avoir construit un indice de diversitĂ© des pratiques et une typologie des types d’amateurs de tĂ©lĂ©vision, nous faisons Ă©tat de rĂ©sultats qui vont en sens inverse de toutes les recherches antĂ©rieures qui ont portĂ© sur la musique et les sorties culturelles : en matiĂšre d’écoute tĂ©lĂ©visuelle, ce sont les personnes qui sont les plus Ă©duquĂ©es, qui vivent dans de grandes villes, qui ont une origine ethnique mixte et qui utilisent plus d’une langue qui ont tendance Ă  avoir des goĂ»ts plus restreints et Ă  ĂȘtre univores. Ces rĂ©sultats indiquent que l’éclectisme des goĂ»ts n’est socialement valorisĂ© que dans la mesure oĂč il s’alimente au moins en partie Ă  des activitĂ©s qui sont elles-mĂȘmes valorisĂ©es ou valorisables et que les logiques Ă  l’oeuvre dans des champs comme la musique et les sorties culturelles ne sont donc pas automatiquement transposables Ă  toutes les pratiques culturelles.This paper examines the hypothesis, put forward in the 1990s by Richard Peterson, that in the field of cultural practices, a polarization is emerging between an educated class who are culturally omnivorous, with diversified tastes and practices, and a less educated class who are culturally univorous, with a narrower range of tastes. Based on an audience analysis for ten genres of television broadcasts, the authors investigate whether contemporary eclecticism varies according to the field in which it is expressed. Following the construction of an index of diversity of practices and a typology of television audience types, results are presented that lean in the opposite direction to all the previous research which focused on music and cultural outings: where television preferences are concerned, it is those who are the most highly educated, living in large cities, of mixed ethnic origin and speaking more than one language, who tend to have narrower tastes and to be univorous. These results indicate that eclecticism of tastes is not socially valued unless it is at least partly based on activities that are themselves valued or liable to be valued, and hence the logic systems at work in fields such as music and cultural outings are not automatically carried over into all cultural practices

    On the value of randomization

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://centredeconomiesorbonne.univ-paris1.fr/bandeau-haut/documents-de-travail/ Revised version : September 3, 2012.Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2011.62 - ISSN : 1955-611XAn optimal contract may involve randomization when the agents differ in their attitudes towards risk, so that randomization enables the principal to relax the incentive constraints. The paper provides a necessary and sufficient condition for local random deviations to be welfare improving in a neighborhood of a nonrandom optimum.Une fiscalitĂ© alĂ©atoire peut ĂȘtre optimale lorsque les assujettis diffĂšrent selon leur attitude envers le risque, de sorte qu'un alĂ©a permet de relĂącher les contraintes d'incitation auxquelles l'autoritĂ© fiscale fait face. Cet article donne une condition nĂ©cessaire et suffisante pour que l'introduction de taxes alĂ©atoires soit socialement bĂ©nĂ©fique dans le voisinage d'un optimum oĂč les impĂŽts ont Ă©tĂ© supposĂ©s dĂ©terministes. Il s'intĂ©resse Ă©galement Ă  la caractĂ©risation d'un optimum global alĂ©atoire. L'impĂŽt optimal est caractĂ©risĂ© complĂštement dans une Ă©conomie Ă  deux biens et deux agents dont les utilitĂ©s sont isoĂ©lastiques

    On the value of randomization

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    International audienceThe paper identifies a necessary and sufficient condition for a deterministic local optimum to be locally improved upon by a stochastic deviation. When this condition is satisfied, a method to construct the stochastic allocations that increase the objective is provided. This technique is applied to a number of adverse selection and moral hazard problems

    Seize the Moments: Approximating American Option Prices in the GARCH Framework

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    This paper proposes an efficient approach to compute the prices of American style options in the GARCH framework. Rubinstein's (1998) Edgeworth tree idea is combined with the analytical formulas for moments of the cumulative return under GARCH developed in Duan et al. (1999, 2002) to yield a simple recombining binomial tree for option valuation in the GARCH context. Since the resulting tree is univariate, the proposed approach represents a convenient approximation of the bivariate GARCH system. Numerical analyses are used to demonstrate the speed and accuracy of the proposed approximation.American Options; Edgeworth binomial tree; Garch process

    A New Genetic Mechanism for Autism

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    Default Risk in Corporate Yield Spreads

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    An important research question examined in the recent credit risk literature focuses on the proportion of corporate yield spreads which can be attributed to default risk. Past studies have verified that only a small fraction of the spreads can be explained by default risk. In this paper, we reexamine this topic in the light of the different issues associated with the computation of transition and default probabilities obained with historical rating transition data. One significant finding of our research is that the estimated default-risk proportion of corporate yield spreads in highly sensitive to the term structure of the default probabilities estimated for each rating class. Moreover, this proportion can become a large fraction of the yield spread when sensitivity analyses are made with respect to recovery rates, default cycles in the economy, and information considered in the historical rating transition data.Credit risk, default risk, corporate yield spread, transition matrix, default probability, Moody's, Standard and Poor's, recovery rate, data filtration, default cycle
