38 research outputs found
Quality protein maize—Bridging the malnutrition gap
United States Agency for International Developmen
Yield and stability of new cowpea varieties in Zimbabwe
Cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp) is highly nutritious and fits
well in smallholder crop-livestock farming systems of sub-Saharan
Africa. Newly developed cowpea varieties need to be assessed for grain
yield performance and stability across environments. Furthermore, a
comprehensive understanding of the test environments is crucial in
rationalising resources for breeding programmes. The objective of this
study was to identify high yielding and stable cowpea genotypes, and
determine the ideal (representative and discriminating) testing
environments for cowpea in Zimbabwe. Fifteen cowpea genotypes were
evaluated at 5 locations, for 2 years under rain-fed conditions.
Combined analysis of variance for grain yield across locations and
years showed highly significant (P < 0.001) genotype x environment
interaction (GE). The variance component due to GE was 6 times larger
than that of genotypes. Genotype plus GE biplot showed that
environments studied were actually in one mega-environment; and Harare
Research Station (HRS) was identified as desirable discriminating and
representative environment. Genotypes G1, G11 and G3 were high yielding
and more stable than the check varieties, G4 (CBC2) and G7 (CBC3).
These genotypes are suitable for release; while HRS is recommended for
culling inferior genotypes during early generation testing.Le ni\ue9b\ue9 ( Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp) est hautement
nutritif et bien adapt\ue9 au syst\ue8me de production associant
culture-animal de l\u2019Afrique Sub-Saharienne. Des
vari\ue9t\ue9s nouvellement d\ue9velopp\ue9esont besoin
d\u2019\ueatre \ue9valu\ue9es pour leur performance en grain et
leur stabilit\ue9 \ue0 travers des environnements. De plus, une
bonne ma\ueetrise des environnements \ue0 tester en rationalisant
les ressources pour les programmes d\u2019am\ue9lioration
g\ue9n\ue9tique. L\u2019objective de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait
d\u2019identifier les g\ue9notypes \ue0 haut rendement et stables,
et de d\ue9terminer les environnements id\ue9aux
(repr\ue9sentatifs et discriminants) pour le ni\ue9b\ue9 au
Zimbabwe. Quinze g\ue9notypes du ni\ue9b\ue9 ont \ue9t\ue9
\ue9valu\ue9s dans 5 localit\ue9s, pendant deux ans sous des
conditions pluviales. Analyse combin\ue9e de variance pour le
rendement en grain \ue0 travers les\ua0localit\ue9s et
ann\ue9es ont montr\ue9 une interaction g\ue9notype x
environnement (GE) significative (P < 0.001). La composante de
variance due \ue0 GE \ue9tait 6 fois plus grande que celle des
g\ue9notypes. G\ue9notype plus GE biplot a montr\ue9 que les
environnements \ue9tudi\ue9s \ue9taient \ue9videmment dans un
m\ue9ga-environnement\ua0; et la station de recherche de Harare
(HRS) \ue9tait identifi\ue9e comme un environnement d\ue9sirable
discriminant et repr\ue9sentatif. Les g\ue9notypes G1, G11 et G3
\ue9taient \ue0 haut rendement et plus stable que les
vari\ue9t\ue9s contr\uf4les, G4 (CBC2) et G7 (CBC3). Ces
g\ue9notypes sont les plus appropri\ue9s pour d\ue9livrance,
alors que HRS est recommand\ue9e pour faible s\ue9lection dans la
g\ue9n\ue9ration pr\ue9coce
Prospects in cultivation and utilization of spiderplant (Cleome gynandra L.) in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review
Spiderplant (Cleome gynandra L.,) exists as a semi-cultivated, indigenous leafy vegetable in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It has a natural habitat in the tropics and subtropics. The crop has the potential to contribute to sustainable food and nutritional security. This is due its richness in both macro- and micro-nutrients (minerals, vitamins and essential oils respectively). With its nutritional and ethnopharmacological uses, it is underutilized due to lack of awareness, promotion of production and utilization approaches globally. Globally, poor resource farmers are depending on such crops for income generation from economically fresh or dried spiderplant. Additionally, the potential contribution of spiderplant to pests and disease management can justify the need for its promotion in SSA. Spiderplant remains a primitive vegetable due to lack of the valorization units in Africa, which miss scientific information and indicators to understand how the cultivation and chemical compositions varies. Development of spiderplant in SSA requires all sectors to engage especially the breeders and consumers so that good agronomic traits can be achieved. All the biotic (response to field and storage pests and diseases) and abiotic stressors (nutrient use, salinity, drought) need to be addressed during spiderplant breeding program. Nonetheless, understanding the functional potential of spiderplant rhizosphere microbiome may promote sustainable bio-fertilizer-and- processing products in agriculture and related industries. Through value chain development, and technology transfer programs, the transformation of research efforts on spiderplant on the creation of sustainable collaboration frameworks for stakeholders in industry, innovations can be rapidly disseminated and popularized. Analysis of constraints and opportunities for orphan crops like spiderplant require the action and engagement of sectors such as farmer organizations, researchers, seed companies, traders, policy makers and consumers. This, therefore, justifies the need for promotional efforts through breeding, value chain development as well as development of national frameworks, which support orphan crops in SSA, aligning with the United Nations (UN) sustainable developmental goals (SDGs) in nutrition, health and food security. Little is known in most developing countries of SSA, on the cultivation, production, utilization and marketing of the vegetable across regions. This article examined the opportunities for the production, utilization, constraints as well as the promotional efforts of spiderplant in SSA. 
Prevalence and Implications of Sweetpotato Recovery From Sweet Potato Virus Disease in Uganda
Sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) is the most important disease of
sweetpotato in the tropics. It causes yield losses of up to 98% and
extinction of elite cultivars. Although there are no reports of immune
cultivars, disease recovery phenomenon (a manifestation of some form of
resistance) was reported in many vegetatively propagated crops
including sweetpotato. A total of 1320 sweetpotato cultivars from 3
major sweetpotato growing regions in Uganda were field evaluated for
SPVD severity, of which 24% showed recovery from SPVD. The nature of
SPVD recovery was assessed in the screenhouse using 20 distinct
cultivars after graft inoculation with SPCSV and SPFMV, the SPVD
causing viruses. SPVD progress in 20 graft inoculated cultivars was
significantly (P<0.05) different; Munyeera was the most resistant
cultivar followed by New Kawogo and Polyster. The 3 resistant cultivars
(disease score 1-2) displayed recovery from SPVD which was correlated
with a reduction in SPFMV titers as observed from quantitative ELISA.
Reversion was not evident since all cuttings taken from recovered vine
tips later tested positive for both viruses. Cultivars with the ability
to recover were common in farmers' fields in central (36.4%) and
western (33.3%) regions of Uganda, which are high SPVD pressure zones.
Conversely, fewer cultivars (5.6%) from the low disease pressure
eastern region displayed recovery. The very susceptible cultivars
(disease score of 4-5) were not prevalent in central and western
regions. These observations suggest that SPVD recovery has an influence
on the cultivars grown in different SPVD pressure zones, where more
susceptible cultivars are preferred in areas of low disease pressure.La maladie de virus de la patate douce (SPVD) est une maladie la plus
importante de la patate douce dans les tropiques. Elle provoque des
pertes de production allant jusqu'\ue0 98 % et voir m\ueame
l'extinction des cultivars d'\ue9lite. Bien qu'il n'ya pas de
rapports sur les cultivars r\ue9sistants, le ph\ue9nom\ue8ne de
r\ue9couvrement contre la maladie (manifestation de quelques formes
de r\ue9sistance) \ue9tait signal\ue9 dans beaucoup de cultures
v\ue9g\ue9tativement propag\ue9es dont la patate douce. Au total
1320 cultivars de patate douce provenant de 3 grandes r\ue9gions
cultivatrices de la culture en Ouganda \ue9taient \ue9valu\ue9s
au champs pour la s\ue9v\ue9rit\ue9 en SPVD parmi lesquels 24%
ont montr\ue9 une r\ue9sistance \ue0 la SPVD. La nature de la
r\ue9sistance au SPVD \ue9tait \ue9valu\ue9e en serre utilisant
20 diff\ue9rents cultivars apr\ue8s inoculation de la greffe avec
SPCSV et SPFMV, les SPVD causant les virus. Le progr\ue8s de la SPVD
dans 20 greffes innocul\ue9es \ue9tait significativement
(P<0.05) diff\ue9rent; Munyeera \ue9tait le cultivar le plus
r\ue9sistant suivi de New Kawogo et Polyster. Les 3 cultivars
r\ue9sistants (score de maladie: 1-2) ont montr\ue9 un
r\ue9couvrement de SPVD correl\ue9 avec une r\ue9duction dans les
titres de SPFMV comme observ\ue9 dans l'enzyme quantitatif ELISA. La
r\ue9version n'\ue9tait pas \ue9vidente depuis que toutes les
bout\ufbres prises des cultivars r\ue9sistants \ue9taient
finalement infect\ue9es par les virus SPCSVet SPFMV. Les cultivars
ayant la capacit\ue9 de se r\ue9tablir du virus \ue9taient commun
dans les champs de fermiers dans les r\ue9gions centrale (36.4%) et
ouest ( 33.3%) de l'Ouganda, qui \ue9taient des zones sous pression
\ue9lev\ue9e de SPVD. Au contraire, tr\ue8s peu de cultivars
(5,6%) provenant de la r\ue9gion east \ue0 niveau bas de pression
de maladie ont manifest\ue9 un r\ue9tablissement. Les cultivars les
plus susceptibles (score de maladie: 4-5) n'\ue9taient pas
pr\ue9valents dans les r\ue9gions centrale et ouest. Ces
observations sugg\ue8rent que le r\ue9couvrement de la patate
contre le SPVD a une influence sur les cultivars cultiv\ue9s dans
diff\ue9rentes zones de pression sous SPVD o\uf9 plus de cultivars
susceptibles sont pr\ue9f\ue9r\ue9s dans des milieux \ue0 basse
pression de maladie
Implications of correlations and genotype by environment interactions among cotton traits
The existence of negative correlations, coupled with significant
genotype x environment interaction (GE) among cotton traits poses both
opportunities and challenges in breeding. This study aimed at
determining the existence of GE on seed cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum
L.) yield, lint yield, earliness index, gin out turn ratio, 100 seed
weight, split boll weight and fuzz grade and correlations, among these
traits, as well as understanding the implications on variety evaluation
and release. Ten genotypes from Cotton Research Institute, Zimbabwe,
were evaluated across seven locations, during the 2012/13 and 2013/14
cropping years with three replications at each location. Seed cotton
and lint yield, earliness index, gin out turn ratio, 100-seed weight,
split boll weight and fuzz grade were measured on the genotypes at all
locations. Analysis of variance for GE showed significant differences
(P<0.05) on most traits, except earliness index. There were huge GE
and error variance components on seed cotton yield and allied traits
that reduced heritability and correlation among these traits. Seed
cotton and lint yield were significantly correlated (P<0.001; r =
0.95) to each other; while split boll weight had significant
correlation (P<0.004; r = 0.82) with 100-seed weight. The genotype
plus GE biplot analysis showed that SZ 9523 had high and stable yield
and desirable fuzz grade, which made it an ideal genotype for release.
All locations belonged to one complex mega-environment with Chisumbanje
Research Station more representative and most discriminating location
which can be used in early generation testing of cotton.L\u2019existence des corr\ue9lations n\ue9gatives, coupl\ue9e
avec l\u2019interaction significative entre g\ue9notype et
environnement (GE) parmi les traits de coton pose \ue0 la fois des
opportunit\ue9s et des d\ue9fis en s\ue9lection. Cette\ue9tude
a pour objectif de d\ue9terminer l\u2019existence de GE sur le
rendement des graines de coton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.), le rendement
en fibres, l\u2019indice de pr\ue9cocit\ue9, le taux de gin
obtenu, le poids de 100 graines, le poids des capsules fendues et la
qualit\ue9 du duvetet les corr\ue9lations, entre ces traits, de
m\ueame que comprendre les implications sur l\u2019\ue9valuation
de la vari\ue9t\ue9 et la d\ue9livrance. Dix g\ue9notypes de
l\u2019Institut de Recherche sur le Coton du Zimbabwe, ont
\ue9t\ue9 \ue9valu\ue9s dans sept localit\ue9s, durant les
ann\ue9es de production 2012/2013 et 2013/2014 avec trois
r\ue9plications dans chaque localit\ue9. Le rendement en graine et
en fibre, indice de pr\ue9cocit\ue9, le taux de gin obtenu, le
poids de 100 graines, le poids des capsules fendues et la qualit\ue9
du duvet ont \ue9t\ue9 mesur\ue9s sur les g\ue9notypes dans
toutes les localit\ue9s. L\u2019analyse de variance pour GE a
montr\ue9 de diff\ue9rences significatives (P<0,05) sur la
plupart des traits, sauf l\u2019indice de pr\ue9cocit\ue9. Il y
avait une grande composante de la variance de GE et l\u2019erreur sur
le rendement en graine du coton et les traits li\ue9s qui ont
r\ue9duit l\u2019h\ue9ritabilit\ue9 et la corr\ue9lation parmi
ces traits. Le rendement en graine et en fibre du coton ont
\ue9t\ue9 significativement corr\ue9l\ue9s (P<0,001; r =
0,95) l\u2019un \ue0 l\u2019autre\ua0; alors que le poids des
capsules fissur\ue9es ont de corr\ue9lation significative
(P<0,004; r = 0,82) avec le poids des 100 graines. L\u2019analyse
de g\ue9notype plus GE biplot a montr\ue9 que SZ9523 a eu de haute
et stable rendement et d\ue9sirable qualit\ue9 du duvet, qui le
rend un g\ue9notype id\ue9al pour la d\ue9livrance. Toutes les
localit\ue9s ont form\ue9 un complexe m\ue9ga-environnement avec
la station de recherche de Chisumbanje plus repr\ue9sentative et plus
discriminante qui peut \ueatre utilis\ue9e pour une \ue9valuation
du coton \ue0 une g\ue9n\ue9ration pr\ue9coce
Most cereal crops, including maize ( Zea mays L.), are deficient in
essential amino acids, such as lysine and tryptophan; hence they are
poor in protein quality. A mutant maize with elevated levels of lysine
and tryptophan was developed by the International Maize and Wheat
Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) and was called quality protein maize (QPM).
Nonetheless, people in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) continue to use normal
endosperm maize (non-QPM) instead of QPM. The objective of this article
was to examine the existing information on institutional arrangements,
infrastructure and social systems hampering adoption of QPM and to
identify opportunities for promoting the campaign for its utilisation
in SSA, through innovative research for development initiatives. It is
clear that QPM has superior nutritional value, both to humans and to
monogastric animals compared to non-QPM. Lack of sound policies and
awareness among farmers about the existence and advantages of QPM are
some of major drawbacks to QPM adoption and realisation of its
benefits. Most farmers hardly believe information regarding nutritional
composition of varieties, without convincing visual evidence such as
grain yield from demonstration plots. Many African governments have
mounted campaigns geared to promote adoption of QPM varieties. Varying
levels of QPM adoption have been recorded in South Africa, Burkina
Faso, Uganda and Ghana with high QPM production under areas ranging
from 12 500 to 71 250 ha. In order to reduce protein-energy
undernutrition (PEU), SSA countries should implement policies that
promote QPM adoption such as providing farmers with a premium price for
the QPM grain. Results from meta-analysis community based studies
revealed that QPM based diets resulted in a 12% improvement on weight
and 9% increase in height in infant and young children compared to
non-QPM based diets. Therefore, quality protein maize bears great
potential for reducing PEU and its adoption could be high given that
most SSA countries depend on maize as the major source of calories and
protein.La plupart des cultures c\ue9r\ue9ali\ue8res, y compris le
ma\uefs ( Zea mays L.), sont d\ue9ficients en acides amin\ue9s
essentiels, tels que la lysine et le tryptophane, donc elles sont
pauvres en prot\ue9ines de qualit\ue9. Un ma\uefs mutant avec des
niveaux \ue9lev\ue9s de lysine et tryptophane \ue9tait
d\ue9velopp\ue9 par le Centre International
d\u2019Am\ue9lioration du\ua0Ma\uefs et du Bl\ue9 (CIMMYT)
appel\ue9 ma\uefs \ue0 prot\ue9ine de qualit\ue9 (QPM).
N\ue9anmoins, les peuples de l\u2019Afrique Sub-Saharienne (SSA)
continuent d\u2019utiliser le ma\uefs \ue0 endosperme normal
(non-QPM) \ue0 la place du QPM. L\u2019objectif de cet article
\ue9tait d\u2019examiner l\u2019information existant sur les
dispositions institutionnelles, les infrastructures et les
syst\ue8mes sociaux emp\ueachant l\u2019adoption du QPM et pour
identifier les opportunit\ue9s pour une campagne de promotion pour
son utilisation dans les SSA, \ue0 travers la recherche innovante
pour les initiatives de d\ue9veloppement. C\u2019est clair que QPM a
une valeur nutritionnelle sup\ue9rieure au non-QPM, \ue0 la fois
pour les hommes et les animaux monogastriques. L\u2019absence
d\u2019une politique solide et de sensibilisation entre les
producteurs concernant l\u2019existence et les avantages du QPM sont
les quelques facteurs limitant l\u2019adoption de l\u2019QPM et la
r\ue9alisation de ses b\ue9n\ue9fices. La plupart des producteurs
croient difficilement les informations relatives \ue0 la composition
nutritionnelle des vari\ue9t\ue9s, sans l\u2019existence
d\u2019une \ue9vidence visuelle comme le rendement en grain des
parcelles de d\ue9monstration. Plusieurs gouvernements africains ont
mont\ue9 des campagnes pour promouvoir l\u2019adoption des
vari\ue9t\ue9s QPM. Des niveaux d\u2019adoption de l\u2019QPM ont
\ue9t\ue9 enregistr\ue9s en Afrique du Sud, au Burkina Faso, en
Ouganda et au Ghana avec une forte production de QPM sur des
superficies variant de 12500 \ue0 71250 ha. Dans le but de
r\ue9duire le d\ue9nutrition prot\ue9ino-\ue9nerg\ue9tique
(PEU), les pays du SSA devraient mettre en application les politiques
qui favorisent l\u2019adoption des QPM telles que fournir aux
producteurs des prix r\ue9duits sur les graines de QPM. Les
r\ue9sultats des m\ue9ta-analyses sur la base des \ue9tudies
communautaires ont montr\ue9 que les r\ue9gimes alimentaires
bas\ue9s sur le QPM r\ue9sultent en une augmentation de 12% du
poids et 9% en taille des enfants et des petits enfants compar\ue9s
aux r\ue9gimes alimentaires bas\ue9s sur les non-QPM. Donc, les
ma\uefs \ue0 prot\ue9ine de qualit\ue9 ont un grand potentiel
de r\ue9duire le PEU et son adoption pourrait \ueatre forte
\ue9tant donn\ue9 que beaucoup de pays du SSA d\ue9pendent du
ma\uefs comme source principale d\u2019\ue9nergie et de
Effect of BAP, NAA and GA3, either alone or in combination, on meristem culture and plantlet establishment in sweet potato (cv Brondal)
In Zimbabwe, the average sweet potato yield (6 t/ha) is relatively low when compared to Asian counterparts (17 t/ha). These low crop yields have been blamed on weevil infestations and viral infections which account for 60-90% of sweet potato yield losses in Africa. Meristem tip culture, a Centre for Potato Improvement (CIP) initiated tissue culture technique, has been widely used to eradicate viruses from clonally propagated crops and has been noted to be one of the instrumental techniques that helped China to increase sweet potato yields. In an effort to adopt the meristem tip culture technique for the production of virus-free planting material of a local sweet potato (cv Brondal), a study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Benzylamino purine (BAP), 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and Gibberellic acid (GA3) (either alone or in combination) on cultured Brondal meristems. The different hormonal treatments were assessed on the following parameters: plantlet regenerative capacity, multiple plantlet production, shoot height, average leaf number per shoot and average node number per shoot, ten weeks after meristem culture. All treatments containing a combination of BAP (1 mg-L) and GA3 (at either 5 mg-L, 10 mg-L, or 20 mg-L) had a significantly (p<0.01) higher plantlet regenerative capacity of 33-66% when compared to other treatment combinations. Only treatments, 10 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP and 20 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP were capable of inducing multiple plantlet formation, producing an average of three plantlets/meristem and two plantlets/meristem respectively. Overall, treatment 10 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP gave rise to significantly (p<0.01) taller shoots (20 mm) compared to the rest of the treatments used. For average leaf number per shoot, all GA3 treatments (5 mg-L, 10 mg-L, or 20 mg-L) supplemented with 1 mg-L BAP gave significantly (p<0.01) higher numbers of leaves (six leaves/shoot) than the rest of the treatments. Treatments 10 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP and 20 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP gave rise to the highest number of nodes per shoot, producing an average of three nodes per shoot. In sharp contrast to treatments containing a combination of BAP and GA3, all treatments containing a combination of BAP and NAA performed poorly in all parameters tested for plant regeneration of Brondal sweet potato variety. In conclusion, the best hormonal treatment for culturing Brondal meristems proved to be 10 mg-L GA3 + 1 mg-L BAP.Keywords: Ipomoea batatas, meristem, regeneration, Benzylamino purine, Gibberellic acid, 1-Naphthaleneacetic aci
Genetic diversity and heterotic orientation of South Africa maize inbred lines towards tropical and temperate testers
Open Access Article; Published online: 20 Jul 2021An ecient hybrid breeding program denes and utilizes few heterotic groups. The objectives of this study were to determine genetic diversity and alignment of South Africa maize inbred lines collection towards tropical and temperate testers. Forty-two maize inbred lines were genotyped with 56110 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) DNA markers, using the Illumina MaizeSNP50 Bead chip. The 42 lines were crossed to two tropical and two temperate inbred line testers. The testcrosses were evaluated across seven environments, in South Africa, during 2014-2016. Genotypes and specic combining ability (SCA) effects of hybrids were signicantly different (P<0.05) for grain yield. There was a weak correlation between molecular genetic distances and both grain yield mean and specic combining ability effects of hybrids, indicating that productivity of maize inbred lines could not be reliably determined based on molecular genetic distances. The SCA data was capable of classifying these maize inbred lines into three heterotic groups with respect to both tropical and temperate
testers. Only a few lines could not be grouped on the basis of SCA data. The study also indicated high level of diversity among the maize inbred lines, which was shown by both the dendogram and molecular genetic distances. The SNP marker data classied the inbred lines into 11 clusters that could be simplied into three major groups of normal maize endosperm and two groups of quality protein maize (QPM) endosperm types. However, the SNP data indicated that maize lines were more aligned towards tropical than temperate inbred testers. This information would be useful for simplifying heterotic classication of the lines with profound implications for breeding progress
Genetic basis and the current breeding efforts for quality protein maize in Southern Africa
Maize ( Zea mays L.) is deficient in essential amino acids, lysine
and tryptophan. Opaque-2 maize mutant discovery that is high in lysine
and tryptophan, offers an avenue for maize protein quality improvement.
Quality protein maize (QPM), a product of the extensive development of
the Opaque-2 mutant, is an affordable and viable option for overcoming
the scourge of protein malnutrition in humans and monogastric livestock
especially in sub-Saharan Africa. The objective of this review was to
scrutinise the genetic basis of quality protein maize (QPM), and
current breeding efforts, and propose potential uptake pathways for QPM
products in southern Africa. The conventional QPM breeding methods are
based on phenotypic selection to identify genotypes carrying the
recessive Opaque-2 alleles. However, phenotypic selection is negatively
influenced by the environment and has huge drain on resources such as
time, money and labour, with low genetic gains. From this, marker
assisted breeding methods are clearly the most efficient way of QPM
breeding. Institutions such as the International Maize and Wheat
Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) are currently employing molecular breeding
in QPM breeding programmes so as to quicken and ease the process of QPM
breeding. To date, a number of QPM varieties have been released and are
being promoted using various pathways and policies.Le Ma\uefs ( Zea mays L.) est d\ue9ficient en acides amin\ue9s
essentiels, lysine et tryptophane. La d\ue9couverte du ma\uefs
mutant Opaque-2 qui a un taux \ue9lev\ue9 en lysine et tryptophane,
offre une voie pour une am\ue9lioration de la qualit\ue9 de
prot\ue9ine dans le ma\uefs. Le ma\uefs \ue0 haute teneur
prot\ue9ique (QPM), un produit du d\ue9veloppement extensif du
mutant Opaque-2, est une option \ue9conomique et viable pour
r\ue9duire le taux de malnutrition prot\ue9ique chez les humains et
les animaux monogastriques sp\ue9cialement en Afrique sub-saharienne.
L\u2019objectif de cette revue \ue9tait d\u2019examiner la base
g\ue9n\ue9tique du ma\uefs \ue0 haute teneur prot\ue9ique
(QPM), et les efforts r\ue9cents d\u2019am\ue9lioration
g\ue9n\ue9tique, et de proposer un moyen d\u2019adoption des
produits QPM en Afrique du Sud. Les m\ue9thodes conventionnelles
d\u2019am\ue9lioration pour QPM sont bas\ue9es sur la
s\ue9lection ph\ue9notypique pour identifier les g\ue9notypes
portant les all\ue8les r\ue9cessifs d\u2019Opaque-2. Cependant, la
s\ue9lection ph\ue9notypique est n\ue9gativement influenc\ue9e
par l\u2019environnement et n\ue9cessite assez de ressources telles
que le temps, argent et la main d\u2019\u153uvre, avec moins de gain
g\ue9n\ue9tique. De l\ue0, les m\ue9thodes de s\ue9lection
assist\ue9e par les marqueurs sont clairement les moyens les plus
efficients pour la s\ue9lection pour QPM. Les institutions telles que
le Centre International l\u2019Am\ue9lioration du Ma\uefs et du
Bl\ue9 (CIMMYT) sont actuellement entrain d\u2019employer la
s\ue9lection mol\ue9culaire dans les programmes
d\u2019am\ue9lioration pour QPM de fa\ue7on \ue0
acc\ue9l\ue9rer et faciliter le processus d\u2019am\ue9lioration
pour QPM. Au jour d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui, un certain nombre de
vari\ue9t\ue9s QPM ont \ue9t\ue9 livr\ue9es et sont en cours
d\u2019\ueatre promues en utilisant diff\ue9rents chemins et
Prospects of quality protein maize as feed for indigenous chickens in Zimbabwe: A review
Indigenous chickens (IC) play an important role in African rural
household settings, particularly in improving their livelihoods.
However, IC production is characterised by low productivity due to poor
quality and quantity of feed, compounded by poor management practises.
This dire situation is aggravated by the fact that IC are raised under
extensive systems, supplemented with meagre grain supplements. They are
a hardy poultry species and as a result most farmers assume that their
nutritional requirements can be met through scavenging. To the
contrary, analysis of crop contents has shown that IC nutritional
intake levels are often below optimum for production. To enhance the
productivity of IC, there is urgent need to explore the use of
alternative nutritionally rich feed stuffs. One of such ingredients is
Quality Protein Maize (QPM). Quality protein maize contains elevated
levels of lysine and tryptophan, compared to non-QPM. The objective of
this article is to review the prospects of QPM as feed for IC, through
a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis. Due to its
superior nutritional quality, QPM has the potential to enhance growth
rate, carcass characteristics and immunity of indigenous chickens.
However, QPM is still a new technology in Zimbabwe; most farmers are
not aware of its existence. There is, therefore, need for policies and
infrastructural adjustments to promote its widespread adoption.
Furthermore, there is need for feeding trials as they provide concrete
evidence of the benefits of this kind of maize.Les poulets \ua0indig\ue8nes (CI) jouent un r\uf4le important
dans les m\ue9nages ruraux africains, en particulier pour
am\ue9liorer leurs moyens de subsistance. Cependant, la production de
circuits int\ue9gr\ue9s se caract\ue9rise par une faible
productivit\ue9 due \ue0 la qualit\ue9 et quantit\ue9
d\u2019aliment m\ue9diocres, aggrav\ue9es par de mauvaises
pratiques de gestion. Cette situation d\ue9sastreuse est
aggrav\ue9e par le fait que les CI sont cultiv\ue9es dans le cadre
de syst\ue8mes \ue9tendus, compl\ue9t\ue9s par de maigres
suppl\ue9ments de c\ue9r\ue9ales. C\u2019est une esp\ue8ce de
volaille robuste et, par cons\ue9quent, la plupart des agriculteurs
pensent que leurs besoins nutritionnels peuvent \ueatre satisfaits
gr\ue2ce au nettoyage. Au contraire, l\u2019analyse du contenu des
cultures a montr\ue9 que les niveaux d\u2019apport nutritionnel en
IC sont souvent inf\ue9rieurs \ue0 l\u2019optimum pour la
production. Pour am\ue9liorer la productivit\ue9 des circuits
int\ue9gr\ue9s, il est urgent d\u2019explorer l\u2019utilisation
de produits de substitution pour aliments riches en aliments. Un de ces
ingr\ue9dients est le ma\uefs \ue0 prot\ue9ines de qualit\ue9
(QPM). QPM contient des niveaux \ue9lev\ue9s de lysine et de
tryptophane par rapport au ma\uefs non-QPM. L\u2019objectif de cet
article est d\u2019examiner les perspectives de QPM en tant que source
pour IC, \ue0 travers une analyse SWOT. Gr\ue2ce \ue0 sa
qualit\ue9 nutritionnelle sup\ue9rieure, le QPM peut
potentiellement am\ue9liorer le taux de croissance, les
caract\ue9ristiques de la carcasse et l\u2019immunit\ue9 des
poulets indig\ue8nes. Cependant, le QPM est encore une nouvelle
technologie au Zimbabwe; la plupart des agriculteurs ne sont pas au
courant de son existence. Des politiques et des ajustements
d\u2019infrastructures sont donc n\ue9cessaires pour promouvoir son
adoption \ue0 grande \ue9chelle. En outre, des essais
d\u2019alimentation sont n\ue9cessaires car ils fournissent des
preuves concr\ue8tes des avantages de ce type de ma\uefs