19 research outputs found

    Cyanobacterial bloom mitigation using proteins with high isoelectric point and chitosan-modified soil

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    A new environmental friendly method was developed for cyanobacterial blooms mitigation using local lake shore soil modified by protein with high isoelectric point (pI) and chitosan jointly. Results suggested that 5 mg/L lysozyme (pI ≈ 11) and 100 mg/L bromelain (pI ≈ 9.5) modified 10 mg/L soil can both reduce the surface charge of microcystis aeruginosa, the dominant species forming cyanobacterial blooms, from -26 mv to -10 mv and remove 73% and 60% of algal cells in 30 min, respectively. The limited improvement of removal efficiency was due to the small flocs (< 60 μm) formed by charge neutralization, which need more than 90 min to settle in static condition. However, when the small flocs were linked and bridged by the other modifier, chitosan with long polymer chain, large flocs of about 800 μm and 300 μm were fomed and more than 80% of algal cells were removed in 5 min and 30 min by lysozyme-chitosan modified soil and bromelain-chitosan modified soil, respectively. The lower removal ability of bromelain-modified soil was due to the lower charge density leading to less powerful in destabilization of algal cells. Depending on the bi-component modification mechanism including charge neutralization of proteins with high pI and netting and bridging function of chitosan with long polymer chain, it is possible to flocculate cyanobacterial blooms in natural waters effectively using locally available materials

    Germinação de sementes e desenvolvimento de plântulas de moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) em função do peso da semente e do tipo de substrato Germination of seeds and seedling development of drumstick as a function of seed weight and substrate type

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    Moringa oleifera Lam. é uma espécie arbórea originária do noroeste indiano, cultivada graças ao seu valor alimentar, medicinal, industrial e no tratamento de água para o consumo humano. Os efeitos do peso de sementes e do substrato na germinação e desenvolvimento das plântulas foram determinados, sob condições de casa de vegetação (sombrite 50% com nebulização intermitente) em Fortaleza (CE), de 29/11 a 14/12/02. Os tratamentos constaram de arranjo fatorial 3x3 referente a três categorias de semente: pesadas (272,41 g/1000 sementes), médias (218,88 g/1000 sementes) e leves (177,07 g/1000 sementes); e três substratos: vermiculita; Plantmax® e uma mistura à base de solo esterilizado (S), húmus de minhoca (H) e pó de coco lavado (PC), na proporção de 2:1:1, dispostos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições (24 sementes/repetição). Efetuou-se a semeadura das três classes de pesos de sementes em bandejas de isopor de 72 células contendo os substratos, avaliando-se a percentagem, velocidade e tempo médio de germinação, altura da plântula, massa seca da parte aérea e massa seca total. As sementes pesadas e médias apresentaram maior percentagem e velocidade de germinação do que as leves; as sementes pesadas proporcionaram plântulas mais vigorosas; no substrato Plantmax® e na mistura (S+H+PC) a percentagem e a velocidade de germinação foi superior à vermiculita; e as plântulas desenvolveram-se melhor no substrato Plantmax®.<br>To compensate the shortage of information on the influence of seed weight and substrate over the germination and seedling development of Moringa oleifera an experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions (50% of natural light with intermittent nebulization) in Fortaleza, Ceará State, Brazil. The treatments consisted of a 3x3 factorial arrangement [three seed weights: heavy (272.41 g/1000 seeds); medium (218.88 g/1000 seeds) and light (177.07 g/1000 seeds) and three substrates: vermiculite; Plantmax® and a v/v 2:1:1 mixture based on sterilized soil (S) plus earthworm humus (H) and washed powdered coconut peels (PCP), respectively] disposed on an entirely randomized design with four repetitions (24 seeds/repetition). The three seed classes were sown in isopor trays with 72 cells containing the respective substrate. The percentage, rate and average time for germination; height and dry weight of total and aerial parts of the seedling were measured. Heavy and medium seeds presented a higher percentage and rate of germination than light seeds; heavy seeds yielded more vigorous seedlings; the commercial substrate Plantmax® and the mixture (S+H+PCP) allowed a higher percentage and germination rate than vermiculite; the seedlings showed a better development on the commercial substrate Plantmax®