363 research outputs found

    Influence of Process and Material Parameters on Impact Response in Composite Structure: Methodology Using Design of Experiments

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    Even if the mechanical performances of composite materials give new perspectives for the aircraft and space design, the variability of their behavior, linked to the presence of initial microscopic defects or led in service, constitute however a still important brake in their development. As regards particularly the response to fatigue loads or ageing, the behavior of these materials is affected by several sources of uncertainties, notably on the nature of the physical mechanisms of degradation, which are translated by a strong dispersion in life time. In aerospace industry, low energy impact phenomenon is not well known concerning composite materials and composite structures. Many manufacturers use important safety factors to design structures. The aim of this work is to define the most predominant parameters which permit a good response of damage using experiences plans. The differences of these parameters by using Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) or Liquid Resin Infusion (LRI) process than prepreg one is also studied in this work

    Robust algorithm for calibration of robotic manipulator model

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    The paper focuses on the robust identification of geometrical and elastostatic parameters of robotic manipulator. The main attention is paid to the efficiency improvement of the identification algorithm. To increase the identification accuracy, it is proposed to apply the weighted least square technique that employs a new algorithm for assigning of the weighting coefficients. The latter allows taking into account variation of the measurement system precision in different directions and throughout the robot workspace. The advantages of the proposed approach are illustrated by an application example that deals with the elasto-static calibration of industrial robot.AN

    Z. David Zuwiyya (Ă©d.), A Companion to Alexander Literature in the Middle Ages

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    SpĂ©cialiste du Roman alexandrin, Z. D. Zuwiyya coordonne ici un ouvrage qui se propose d’inventorier richement la postĂ©rioritĂ© des rĂ©cits traitant de l’épopĂ©e d’Alexandre le Grand dans la littĂ©rature mĂ©diĂ©vale – cinquante-cinq ans aprĂšs G. Cary – en faisant ressortir la gĂ©nĂ©alogie, ascendante comme descendante, de ces traditions. Eu Ă©gard Ă  la nature composite de ce vaste vadĂ©mĂ©cum, nous maintiendrons dans les lignes qui suivent sa structure encyclopĂ©dique. R. Stoneman examine les sources pri..

    La traduction princeps de l’Explication sur le temple divin de SymĂ©on de Thessalonique par Pontanus en 1603

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    Dans notre sĂ©rie de confĂ©rences pour l’annĂ©e 2016-2017, il s’est agi d’approfondir et d’étudier les conditions qui ont permis Ă  l’Ɠuvre de SymĂ©on de Thessalonique d’ĂȘtre lue, Ă©ditĂ©e et traduite en Occident avant l’édition DosithĂ©e

    L’édition DosithĂ©e (1683) des Opera omnia de SymĂ©on de Thessalonique

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    SymĂ©on († 1429), archevĂȘque de Thessalonique durant la dĂ©cennie qui prĂ©cĂ©da la prise dĂ©finitive de cette ville par les Ottomans en 1430, fut l’un des auteurs ecclĂ©siastiques les plus prolixes et les plus lus de l’Église byzantine du xve siĂšcle. DĂšs avant la chute de Thessalonique, un vĂ©ritable corpus de ses Ɠuvres avait dĂ©jĂ  commencĂ© de se diffuser, comme en tĂ©moigne le nombre considĂ©rable de manuscrits qui le mirent en circulation du xve au xviiie siĂšcle, tant en Orient qu’en Occident. Les r..

    L’édition DosithĂ©e (1683) des Opera omnia de SymĂ©on de Thessalonique

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    SymĂ©on († 1429), archevĂȘque de Thessalonique durant la dĂ©cennie qui prĂ©cĂ©da la prise dĂ©finitive de cette ville par les Ottomans en 1430, fut l’un des auteurs ecclĂ©siastiques les plus prolixes et les plus lus de l’Église byzantine du xve siĂšcle. DĂšs avant la chute de Thessalonique, un vĂ©ritable corpus de ses Ɠuvres avait dĂ©jĂ  commencĂ© de se diffuser, comme en tĂ©moigne le nombre considĂ©rable de manuscrits qui le mirent en circulation du xve au xviiie siĂšcle, tant en Orient qu’en Occident. Les r..

    Comparaison entre quatre solutions pour échanger de l'énergie entre systÚmes de forte capacité de stockage

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    International audienceL'électrification de systÚmes toujours plus puissants est habituellement corrélée à de plus grands besoins de fiabilité, continuité de service et échanges d'énergie entre sources. Dans le domaine des systÚmes de stockage électrochimique d'énergie, ces besoins sont souvent satisfaits en parallélisant des batteries. La déconnexion de deux batteries en parallÚle est un processus simple et bien maßtrisé. En revanche, la connexion est un processus bien plus long et compliqué qui requiÚre de l'électronique de puissance adaptée car cela revient à connecter en parallÚle deux sources de tension. Basé sur un cas concret d'application et grùce à des simulations, cet article propose une comparaison entre quatre solutions pour échanger de l'énergie entre systÚmes batterie lithium-ion et maitriser la connexion en parallÚle de ceux-ci

    Random integrals and correctors in homogenization

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    International audienceThis paper concerns the homogenization of a one-dimensional elliptic equation with oscillatory random coefficients. It is well-known that the random solution to the elliptic equation converges to the solution of an effective medium elliptic equation in the limit of a vanishing correlation length in the random medium. It is also well-known that the corrector to homogenization, i.e., the difference between the random solution and the homogenized solution, converges in distribution to a Gaussian process when the correlations in the random medium are sufficiently short-range. Moreover, the limiting process may be written as a stochastic integral with respect to standard Brownian motion. We generalize the result to a large class of processes with long-range correlations. In this setting, the corrector also converges to a Gaussian random process, which has an interpretation as a stochastic integral with respect to fractional Brownian motion. Moreover, we show that the longer the range of the correlations, the larger is the amplitude of the corrector. Derivations are based on a careful analysis of random oscillatory integrals of processes with long-range correlations. We also make use of the explicit expressions for the solutions to the one-dimensional elliptic equation

    Intensification of heat-transfer and mixing in heat exchanger-reactors by artificially generated streamwise vortices

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    International audienceCompact heat exchangers are well known for their ability to transfer a large amount of heat while retaining low volume and weight. The purpose of this paper is to study the potential of using this device as a mixer as well as a chemical reactor, generally called a multifunctional heat exchanger (MHE). Indeed, the question arises: can these geometries combine heat transfer and mixing in the same device? Such a technology would offer many potential advantages, such as better reaction control (through the thermal aspect [S. Ferrouillat, P. Tochon, H. Peerhossaini, D. Della Valle, Open-loop thermal control of exothermal chemical reactions in multifunctional heat exchangers, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, in press]), improved selectivity (through intensified mixing, more isothermal operation and shorter residence time, and sharper residence time distribution (RTD)), byproduct reduction, and enhanced safety.Several geometries of compact heat exchanger based on turbulence generation are available. This paper focuses on one type: vortex generators. The main objective is to contribute to the determination of turbulent flow inside various geometries by computational fluid dynamics methods. These enhanced industrial geometries are studied in terms of their thermal-hydraulic performance and macro-/micro-mixing ability [S. Ferrouillat, P. Tochon, H. Peerhossaini, Micromixing enhancement by turbulence: application to multifunctional heat exchangers, Chem. Eng. Process., in press]. The longitudinal vortices they generate in a channel flow turn the flow perpendicular to the main flow direction and enhance mixing between the fluid close to the fin and that in the middle of the channel. Two kinds of vortex generators are considered: a delta winglet pair and a rectangular winglet pair. For both, good agreement is obtained between numerical results and data in the literature. The vortex generator concept is found to be very efficient in terms of heat-transfer enhancement and macro-mixing. Nevertheless, the micro-mixing level is poor due to strong inhomogeneities: the vortex generator must be used as a heat-transfer enhancement device or as a static mixer for macro- and meso-mixing
