73 research outputs found

    Le trasformazioni del diritto del lavoro tra ragioni dell’economia e dignità della persona = The transformation of labor law between economic reasons and human dignity. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 412/2020

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    The essay is part of the current debate on the changes of the scientific paradigm of labor law. The Author aims to demonstrate the vitality of the founding values of labor law and their enduring function to protect the dignity of workers. The analysis has as its guiding principle the jurisprudence on unfair dismissals, with particular reference to the systematic importance assumed by sentence no. 194/2018 of the italian Constitutional Cour

    L’art. 8 della legge n. 148 del 2011 nel sistema delle relazioni sindacali

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    Il saggio analizza i principali profili problematici sottesi alla disciplina della contrattazione di prossimità. Segnatamente, vengono esaminati i rapporti tra l'art. 8 della l. n. 148/2011 e le regole sulla rappresentanza e sui rapporti tra livelli di contrattazione previste dall'ordinamento intersindacale. In tale prospettiva, l'Autore si sofferma altresì sui dubbi di legittimità costituzionale legati all'estensione dell'efficacia soggettiva dei contratti collettivi aziendali in deroga, sulla base di un meccanismo che parrebbe in contrasto con l'art. 39 Cost. Perplessità vengono sollevate anche con riferimento alla compatibilità della disposizione l'art. 3 della Costituzione, atteso che la contrattazione di prossimità appare ancorata al perseguimento di obiettivi vaghi ed indeterminati, che non sembrano consentire alcun controllo sulla ragionevolezza delle scelte operate in sede decentrata

    L’art. 8 della legge n. 148/2011 nel sistema delle relazioni sindacali = Article. 8 of the law n. 148/2011 in the union relations system. WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .IT - 139/2012

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    The paper analyzes the impact of the recent art. 8 of l. n. 148/2011 on the system of industrial relations and on the traditional order of italian labour law. After outlining the regulatory framework, the Author focuses on the most relevant questions posed by that provision of law, pointing out the critical issues concerning the legislative choice of overloading the collective bargaining with the power to derogate the discipline of the individual employment relationship. The reflection deals with the two most known problems of the trade union representativeness and the so called “erga omnes” effects of the collective bargaining. The author compares the criteria adopted by art. 8 l. n. 148/2011 with the ones contained in the interconfederal Agreement of june 28th 2011, in order to highlight the discontinuity between the two legal sources. At last, the Author identifies some aspects of unconstitutionality of the law, because of its possible contrast with art. 39 of the italian Constitution

    Nuova disciplina dei licenziamenti e tecniche di prevenzione del conflitto = New layoff discipline and conflict prevention techniques. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 245/2015

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    The paper analyzes the new discipline of the techniques to prevent the conflict contained in the so-called jobs act (l. n. 183/1024 which is going to be implemented by a Government decree). In particular, it examines the discipline of the revocation of the dismissal and the one concerning the offer of conciliation, both classified among the instruments of alternative dispute resolution. After making a comparison with the similar tool ruled by the German Hartz Law, the Author focuses his attention above the problems opened by the discipline of the offer of conciliation in the Italian system, highlighting the possible profiles of unconstitutionality and the contrast with EU law

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    Il saggio ripercorre in chiave storico evolutiva, e con taglio critico, il percorso a più fasi della della privatizzazione del lavoro alle dipendenze della p.a. Tale impostazione metodologica è preordinata all'analisi dei principali punti critici della riforma brunetta (d.lgs. n. 150/2009), caratterizzata da un rovesciamento dei rapporti fra legge e contrattazione collettiva, a tutto vantaggio della regolazione unilaterale dei rapporti di lavoro. In particolare, l'Autore critica l'assetto autoritaristico sotteso al provvedimento, mettendo in evidenza la debolezza della visione pseudo-aziendalistica da esso adottata. Nella parte finale ci si sofferma sul "fallimento" del disegno legislativo, frenato nei suoi punti caratterizzanti (valorizzazione del merito e penalizzazione dei "nullafacenti") dall'incedere della crisi finanziaria e dall'assenza di risorse

    Occupazione e diritto del lavoro. Le politiche del lavoro del governo Renzi = Employment and labor law. Labor policies of the Renzi government. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 226/2014

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    The paper is focused on the analysys of the most recent labour law policies made by government Renzi. It tries to give a first evaluation about the so called jobs act, strengthening its critical aspect. The A. sets also a particular attention on the provisions of Law Decree 34/2014 (converted into Act 78/2014) and expecially on the new rules of fixed-term contract, in the light of their compatibility with the rules of the E.U

    F-VIPGI: a new adapted version of VIPGI for FORS2 spectroscopy. Application to a sample of 16 X-ray selected galaxy clusters at 0.6 < z < 1.2

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    The goal of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we present F-VIPGI, a new version of the VIMOS Interactive Pipeline and Graphical Interface (VIPGI) adapted to handle FORS2 spectroscopic data. Secondly, we investigate the spectro-photometric properties of a sample of galaxies residing in distant X-ray selected galaxy clusters, the optical spectra of which were reduced with this new pipeline. We provide basic technical information about the innovations of the new software and, as a demonstration of the capabilities of the new pipeline, we show results obtained for 16 distant (0.65 < z < 1.25) X-ray luminous galaxy clusters selected within the XMM-Newton Distant Cluster Project. We performed a spectral indices analysis of the extracted optical spectra of their members, based on which we created a library of composite high signal-to-noise ratio spectra representative of passive and star-forming galaxies residing in distant galaxy clusters. The spectroscopic templates are provided to the community in electronic form. By comparing the spectro-photometric properties of our templates with the local and distant galaxy population residing in different environments, we find that passive galaxies in clusters appear to be well evolved already at z = 0.8 and even more so than the field galaxies at similar redshift. Even though these findings would point toward a significant acceleration of galaxy evolution in densest environments, we cannot exclude the importance of the mass as the main evolutionary driving element either. The latter effect may indeed be justified by the similarity of our composite passive spectrum with the luminous red galaxies template at intermediate redshift.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, in press on Astronomy and Astrophysic
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