62 research outputs found

    Characterization of beech wood pulp towards sustainable rapid prototyping

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    Wood has several advantages that are transferable to various derivates allowing the introduction of a sustainable material into the product lifecycle. The objective of this paper is to apply a design for manufacturing approach based on wood flour rapid prototyping, while associating the requirements of the ‘mass customisation’ in the implementation of a customised product. New collaborative software allows consumers to be involved in the design process. Prototyping processes allow direct manufacturing of products

    Characterization of beech wood pulp towards sustainable rapid prototyping

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    International audienceWood has several advantages that are transferable to various derivates allowing the introduction of a sustainable material into the product lifecycle. The objective of this paper is to apply a design for manufacturing approach based on wood flour rapid prototyping, while associating the requirements of the 'mass customisation' in the implementation of a customised product. New collaborative software allows consumers to be involved in the design process. Prototyping processes allow direct manufacturing of products

    Characterization of wood filament in additive deposition to study the mechanical behavior of reconstituted wood products

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    The use of materials derived from biomass is unavoidable to decrease environmental impact of products. The main advantage of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) concept is the ability to create complex geometries one layer at a time. The primary aim of this study was to create objects using reconstituted wood through manufacturing with low environmental impact. Wood can be converted into various derivatives allowing the introduction of sustainable material into the product lifecycle. This work uses an AM device adapted to a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine [1] to produce a reconstituted wood product by filament deposition. The first part assessed the deposit of wood pulp with a 3D printing head device, while the second part focuses on the characterization of microscopic structure of the material. Fiber morphology and mechanical properties of composite materials incorporating the filaments are characterized

    ReprĂ©sentation virtuelle d’un produit dans le processus de conception centrĂ©e utilisateur : Cas d’un seau Ă  champagne

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    La rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle 3D Ă©volue vers une reprĂ©sentation de plus en plus rĂ©aliste d’environnements ou de produits. Cette reprĂ©sentation virtuelle peut ĂȘtre enrichie de diffĂ©rentes informations mĂ©tiers et tendre vers un modĂšle intermĂ©diaire permettant d’interprĂ©ter certaines problĂ©matiques en amont de la conception. L’article prĂ©sente une Ă©tude de cas au sein d’une PMI PME fabricant des produits haut de gamme par injection plastique dans le domaine de l’art de la table. Dans la plupart des cas, un designer fournit un croquis du produit avant de lancer l’étape de conception propre au mĂ©tier de la plasturgie. Les itĂ©rations entre le concepteur et le designer sont basĂ©es sur des Ă©changes souvent causĂ©s par ce que l’on appelle la diversitĂ© de forme du produit. D’un cĂŽtĂ©, le designer propose une forme et des fonctionnalitĂ©s, et de l’autre, le concepteur propose une adaptation rĂ©alisable en intĂ©grant des rĂšgles mĂ©tiers. Ceci engendre des Ă©changes entre une sensibilitĂ© esthĂ©tique et une sensibilitĂ© technique. Le design d’origine se transforme en modĂšles alternatifs pour trouver un compromis entre aspect et fabricabilitĂ© du produit. Cet article aborde l’apport de la reprĂ©sentation virtuelle d’un produit pour traiter les problĂšmes de diversitĂ© de formes et de perception des contraintes de fabrication tout en prenant en compte l’aspect usage Ă  travers la conception centrĂ©e utilisateur. Cette reprĂ©sentation est utilisĂ©e comme support dĂ©cisionnel dans le processus collaboratif. Nous proposons de prĂ©senter la mĂ©thodologie appliquĂ©e Ă  la rĂ©alisation d’un seau Ă  champagne design et l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’utiliser le prototypage rapide pour valider certaines fonctionnalitĂ©s

    Une application à l’usage du bois en conception de produit

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    Le matĂ©riau bois comporte diffĂ©rents avantages qui sont transposables Ă  diffĂ©rents dĂ©rivĂ©s permettant d’introduire un matĂ©riau durable, parfaitement intĂ©grĂ© au cycle de vie d’un produit. Notre Ă©tude consiste Ă  appliquer une mĂ©thodologie de conception adaptĂ©e Ă  la fabrication d’un produit grĂące au prototypage rapide, tout en associant les besoins spĂ©cifiques du “grand public” dans la rĂ©alisation d’un produit personnalisĂ©. Les nouveaux outils de communication permettent d’associĂ© les consommateurs au processus de conception et les procĂ©dĂ©s de prototypage permettent une fabrication directe d’un produit

    Représentation virtuelle d'un produit dans le processus de conception centrée utilisateur : Cas d'un seau à champagne

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    La rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle 3D Ă©volue vers une reprĂ©sentation de plus en plus rĂ©aliste d’environnements ou de produits. Cette reprĂ©sentation virtuelle peut ĂȘtre enrichie de diffĂ©rentes informations mĂ©tiers et tendre vers un modĂšle intermĂ©diaire permettant d’interprĂ©ter certaines problĂ©matiques en amont de la conception. L’article prĂ©sente une Ă©tude de cas au sein d’une PMI PME fabricant des produits haut de gamme par injection plastique dans le domaine de l’art de la table. Dans la plupart des cas, un designer fournit un croquis du produit avant de lancer l’étape de conception propre au mĂ©tier de la plasturgie. Les itĂ©rations entre le concepteur et le designer sont basĂ©es sur des Ă©changes souvent causĂ©s par ce que l’on appelle la diversitĂ© de forme du produit. D’un cĂŽtĂ©, le designer propose une forme et des fonctionnalitĂ©s, et de l’autre, le concepteur propose une adaptation rĂ©alisable en intĂ©grant des rĂšgles mĂ©tiers. Ceci engendre des Ă©changes entre une sensibilitĂ© esthĂ©tique et une sensibilitĂ© technique. Le design d’origine se transforme en modĂšles alternatifs pour trouver un compromis entre aspect et fabricabilitĂ© du produit. Cet article aborde l’apport de la reprĂ©sentation virtuelle d’un produit pour traiter les problĂšmes de diversitĂ© de formes et de perception des contraintes de fabrication tout en prenant en compte l’aspect usage Ă  travers la conception centrĂ©e utilisateur. Cette reprĂ©sentation est utilisĂ©e comme support dĂ©cisionnel dans le processus collaboratif. Nous proposons de prĂ©senter la mĂ©thodologie appliquĂ©e Ă  la rĂ©alisation d’un seau Ă  champagne design et l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’utiliser le prototypage rapide pour valider certaines fonctionnalitĂ©s

    3D printing device for numerical control machine and wood deposition

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    The paper presents the development of a new sustainable approach in additive manufacturing adapted on a Numerical Control (NC) machining. Wood has several advantages that are transferable to various derivatives allowing the introduction of sustainable material into the product lifecycle. The application involves the integration of wood pulp into rapid prototyping solutions. Wood is the main material studied for its ecological aspect. The primary goal was to create reconstituted wood objects through a rapid manufacturing. Additive manufacturing technology is most commonly used for modeling, prototyping, tooling through an exclusive machine or 3D printer. An overall review and an analysis of technologies show that the additive manufacturing presents some little independent solutions [9] [12]. The problem studied especially the additive manufacturing limits to produce an ecological product with materials from biomass. The study developed a 3d printing head as solution for shaping wood pulp or powder materials. Some technological problematic require enslavement to the NC controller, the programming building of model, and the realization of wood pulp. This work also presents a wood pulping process characterized by adding wood flour and starch. A machine implementation and some application examples used for its development are presented

    Characterization of wood filament in additive deposition to study the mechanical behavior of reconstituted wood products

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    The use of materials derived from biomass is unavoidable to decrease environmental impact of products. The main advantage of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) concept is the ability to create complex geometries one layer at a time. The primary aim of this study was to create objects using reconstituted wood through manufacturing with low environmental impact. Wood can be converted into various derivatives allowing the introduction of sustainable material into the product lifecycle. This work uses an AM device adapted to a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine [1] to produce a reconstituted wood product by filament deposition. The first part assessed the deposit of wood pulp with a 3D printing head device, while the second part focuses on the characterization of microscopic structure of the material. Fiber morphology and mechanical properties of composite materials incorporating the filaments are characterized

    3D Printing device adaptable to Computer Numerical Control (CNC)

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    This article presents the development of a 3D printing device for the additive manufacturing adapted to a CNC machining. The application involves the integration of a specific printing head. Additive manufacturing technology is most commonly used for modeling, prototyping, tooling through an exclusive machine or 3D printer. A global review and analysis of technologies show the additive manufacturing presents little independent solutions [6][9]. The problem studied especially the additive manufacturing limits to produce of ecological product with materials from biomass. The motivation for this work was to develop a new 3d printing device with a solution for formatting pulp or powder materials. Some problems require enslavement to the CNC controller and programming building of model. An implementation on a machine is presented along with some application examples used for its development

    Local scale fracture characterization of an advanced structured material manufactured by fused deposition modeling in 3D printing.

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a promising way to produce complex structures by adding layers. It arises great interest both in industrial and academic sectors to develop new advanced structured material. To benefit from its advantages, it is important to accurately characterize the obtained structures in order to ensure their integrity during operation. It becomes then important to characterize these structures at the local scale (micron and/or the nanometer scale). In the specific case of polymeric materials obtained by Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), the comprehension of the mechanical behavior between adjacent layers during deformation can help improving mechanical properties. However, few studies in the literature have focused on implementing approaches to characterize local strains at the surface of these materials. In this study, an original approach based on the use of speckle pattern with particle average size of 20 microns in diameter was coupled to digital image correlation (DIC). It has been applied to the case of a SENT structure with a notch made by FDM. The successive images recorded by a digital microscope allow a qualitative analysis of the evolutions of the local strains. The kinematic fields are obtained by DIC. The strain evolutions at the tip of the notch are highlighted. The deformation mechanisms at the local scale are confronted with macroscopic behavior of the structure
