1,622 research outputs found

    A wavelet-based method for local phase extraction from a multi-frequency oscillatory signal.

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    International audienceOne of the challenges in analyzing neuronal activity is to correlate discrete signal, such as action potentials with a signal having a continuous waveform such as oscillating local field potentials (LFPs). Studies in several systems have shown that some aspects of information coding involve characteristics that intertwine both signals. An action potential is a fast transitory phenomenon that occurs at high frequencies whereas a LFP is a low frequency phenomenon. The study of correlations between these signals requires a good estimation of both instantaneous phase and instantaneous frequency. To extract the instantaneous phase, common techniques rely on the Hilbert transform performed on a filtered signal, which discards temporal information. Therefore, time-frequency methods are best fitted for non-stationary signals, since they preserve both time and frequency information. We propose a new algorithmic procedure that uses wavelet transform and ridge extraction for signals that contain one or more oscillatory frequencies and whose oscillatory frequencies may shift as a function of time. This procedure provides estimates of phase, frequency and temporal features. It can be automated, produces manageable amounts of data and allows human supervision. Because of such advantages, this method is particularly suitable for analyzing synchronization between LFPs and unitary events

    Graduate Student Perceptions of their Lived Experiences: Navigating the Process of Being a Minority in Counselor Education

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    Counselor education programs have made concentrated eforts to recruit and retain minority students. Graduate students already encounter difculties and minority graduate students experience additional and unique sets of challenges. In this moderated panel discussion, minority graduate students will discuss their experiences and their research. Counselor educators will receive feedback on how to better support, protect, and include minority students in counselor education, and graduate students will learn strategies to navigate graduate school

    “Un tout non hégémonique”

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    Cédric Chauvin & Arnaud Despax Commençons, en remontant votre temps biographique, par parler de science-fiction. Dans une communication non publiée, vous montrez comment les “histoires du futur” du XXe siècle sont imprégnées des philosophies de l’Histoire des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, qui les auraient rendues possibles : plus précisément, la science-fiction se définirait, en réponse à la double fermeture du passé par les philosophies de l’Histoire et de la Terre par son exploration, comme proje..

    2017 Eclipse RFD-900 Still Image System

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    As part of the NASA Space Grant 2017 Eclipse Ballooning Project, Montana Space Grant Consortium designed a camera system capable of transmitting still images from a balloon borne payload to a remote ground station via a RFD-900 radio. This payload consists of a Raspberry Pi, a Raspberry Pi camera, custom power supply and a RFD 900MHz radio. This system was designed to record pictures at high and low resolution at altitude. The low resolution images could be selected for downlinking back to the ground via the radio, while the high resolution pictures were saved to the Raspberry Pi memory card. This poster describes the full hardware configuration and the communication protocol and graphical user interface used to receive the transmitted images

    Effects of bioDensity Training on Lipid Profile in Young Women: A Pilot Study

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    bioDensity training is a novel type of resistance exercise, which includes four basic isometric exercises in a subsequent fashion: chest press, leg press, core pull, and vertical lift. Although it’s primarily targeted on bone strength, a previous study showed that it improved HbA1C, fasting glucose, HDL, LDL and total cholesterol in elderly patients with Type 2 diabetes (Zheng et al. 2019). To date, the research on bioDensity training is limited, and its effects on a healthy population are unknown. PURPOSE: We are looking to examine the effects of 12-week bioDensity training on lipid profiles in young women. METHODS: Twelve young, healthy women, between the ages 18-30 years old completed this study. They were matched to 1-repetition group (1-REP, n=6) and 2-repetition group (2-REP, n=6) based on their age, weight and height. Both groups performed the bioDensity training protocol, either one repetition or 2 repetitions, once a week for 12 weeks. Two fasting blood samples were taken from the participants, both before and after the bioDensity training intervention. Whole blood was analyzed via the Lipid Panel Plus kit in Piccolo Express chemistry analyzer, including total cholesterol (CHOL), HDL, Triglycerides (TRIG), LDL, VLDL, Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), and glucose (GLU). Independent sample t-test was used to compare the baseline between both groups, and mixed measure ANOVA (2x2) was used to compare the effects of time, group, and time x group interaction. RESULTS: We found significant time x group interactions in TRIG (p = .04) and VLDL (p = .028). Although there are no statistically significant differences, there is a large time effect in LDL (η2 = .246) and a large group effect in ALT (η2=.235). In addition, there are large effects of time x group interaction in HDL, ALT, AST, and Glucose despite no statistically significant differences. TRIG and VLDL significantly decreased in the 1-REP group after training, whereas AST significantly decreased in the 2-REP group after training. CONCLUSION: Our pilot data suggests that bioDensity training has potential beneficial effects on specific lipids. A larger sample size and manipulation of the training protocol are needed to further confirm the results from the study

    Ostreid herpesvirus 1 detection and relationship with Crassostrea gigas spat mortality in France between 1998 and 2006

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    Since its molecular characterisation, Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) has been regularly detected in Crassostrea gigas in France. Although its pathogenicity was demonstrated on larval stages, its involvement during mortality outbreaks at the juvenile stage was highly suspected but not evidenced. To investigate mortality outbreaks, the French National Network for Surveillance and Monitoring of Mollusc Health (REPAMO) carried out two surveys in juvenile C. gigas. The first survey lasted from 1998 to 2006 and was an epidemiological inquiry occurring when oyster farmers reported mortality outbreaks. The second survey, a longitudinal one, was set up in 1998 to complete the network observations on OsHV-1. Data analysis showed a specific pattern of mortality outbreaks associated with OsHV-1 detection. Ostreid herpesvirus 1 detection mainly appeared during the summer, suggesting the influence of the seawater temperature on its occurrence. It mostly presented a patchy distribution in the field in contrast to the nursery. Significant relationship between OsHV-1 detection and spat mortality was found, preferentially in sheltered and closed environments. The longitudinal survey confirmed most of the network observations. Although subsequent works particularly epidemiological surveys would be useful to confirm the causal link between the detection of OsHV-1 and the mortality outbreaks in juvenile C. gigas, the role of OsHV-1 in oyster mortality is progressing

    Anti-CD44-Conjugated Olive Oil Liquid Nanocapsules for Targeting Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells

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    The latest trends in cancer research and nanomedicine focus on using nanocarriers to target cancer stem cells (CSCs). Specifically, lipid liquid nanocapsules are usually developed as nanocarriers for lipophilic drug delivery. Here, we developed olive oil liquid NCs (O2LNCs) functionalized by covalent coupling of an anti-CD44-fluorescein isothiocyanate antibody ({\alpha}CD44). First, O2LNCs are formed by a core of olive oil surrounded by a shell containing phospholipids, a nonionic surfactant, and deoxycholic acid molecules. Then, O2LNCs were coated with an {\alpha}CD44 antibody ({\alpha}CD44-O2LNC). The optimization of an {\alpha}CD44 coating procedure, a complete physicochemical characterization, as well as clear evidence of their efficacy in vitro and in vivo were demonstrated. Our results indicate the high targeted uptake of these {\alpha}CD44-O2LNCs, and the increased antitumor efficacy (up to four times) of paclitaxel-loaded-{\alpha}CD44-O2LNC compared to free paclitaxel in pancreatic CSCs (PCSCs). Also, {\alpha}CD44-O2LNCs were able to selectively target PCSCs in an orthotopic xenotransplant in vivo model.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Evaluation of noise environments during daily activities of university students

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    Noise conditions specifically in areas inside university facilities and its impact on the quality of life of university students aretopics that have received little attention. In this paper, a study of the noise conditions in which university students of various institutions in Madrid carry out their daily studies. A representative number of measurements were carried out using noise dosemeters and dataloggers in order to evaluate the levels of noise, noise dose and exposure to noise during study period and extracurricular activities. The results obtained in these measurements were compared with the recommendations given by current environmental noise regulations.This paper was complemented with a survey to get to know how students perceive the exposure to noise inuniversity environments

    Respiratory cycle as time basis: an improved method for averaging olfactory neural events.

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    International audienceIn the mammalian olfactory system, neural activity appears largely modulated by respiration. Accurate analysis of respiratory synchronized activity is precluded by the variability of the respiratory frequency from trial to trial. Thus, the use of respiratory cycle as the time basis for measuring cell responses was developed about 20 years ago. Nevertheless, averaging oscillatory component of the activity remains a challenge due to their rhythmic features. In this paper, we present a new respiratory monitoring setup based on the measurement of micropressure changes induced by nasal airflow in front of the nostril. Improvements provided by this new monitoring setup allows automatic processing of respiratory signals in order to extract each respiratory period (expiration and inspiration). The time component of these periods, which can differ from trial to trial, is converted into a phase component defined as [-pi, 0] and [0, pi] for inspiration and expiration, respectively. As opposed to time representation, the phase representation is common to all trials. Thus, this phase representation of the respiratory cycle is used as a normalized time basis permitting to collect results in a standardized data format across different animals and providing new tools to average oscillatory components of the activity
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