14 research outputs found

    Analysis of spontaneous MEG activity in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease using spectral entropies and statistical complexity measures

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. Over the last few years, a considerable effort has been devoted to exploring new biomarkers. Nevertheless, a better understanding of brain dynamics is still required to optimize therapeutic strategies. In this regard, the characterization of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is crucial, due to the high conversion rate from MCI to AD. However, only a few studies have focused on the analysis of magnetoencephalographic (MEG) rhythms to characterize AD and MCI. In this study, we assess the ability of several parameters derived from information theory to describe spontaneous MEG activity from 36 AD patients, 18 MCI subjects and 26 controls. Three entropies (Shannon, Tsallis and Rényi entropies), one disequilibrium measure (based on Euclidean distance ED) and three statistical complexities (based on Lopez Ruiz–Mancini–Calbet complexity LMC) were used to estimate the irregularity and statistical complexity of MEG activity. Statistically significant differences between AD patients and controls were obtained with all parameters (p < 0.01). In addition, statistically significant differences between MCI subjects and controls were achieved by ED and LMC (p < 0.05). In order to assess the diagnostic ability of the parameters, a linear discriminant analysis with a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure was applied. The accuracies reached 83.9% and 65.9% to discriminate AD and MCI subjects from controls, respectively. Our findings suggest that MCI subjects exhibit an intermediate pattern of abnormalities between normal aging and AD. Furthermore, the proposed parameters provide a new description of brain dynamics in AD and MCI

    Tisosa: A suburban site in the surroundings of Segisamo (Sasamón, Burgos)

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    RESUMEN: Los trabajos de prospección y de fotointerpretación han permitido localizar un nuevo yacimiento en el entorno de Sasamón, que pudo estar relacionado con la fundación de la ciudad y perduró en el tiempo como indica la presencia de terra sigillata hispánica altoimperial y terra sigillata hispánica tardía. El yacimiento representa un elemento novedoso dentro del proceso de ocupación del espacio en la región, según una estrategia claramente romana. En este trabajo, además de aspectos metodológicos, se aborda el estudio de los materiales, planteando algunas hipótesis sobre su finalidad y cronología.ABSTRACT: Pedological surveys and oblique aerial image interpretation have led us to the location of a new site in the suburban area of Sasamon. Its original function may have been related with to the foundation of the city of Segisamo and afterwards lasted throughout several centuries according to the presence of Late Hispanic sigillata. The site represents new findings on the Roman settlement pattern in the area. In addition to methodological issues, this paper addresses the study of the material culture in order to propose hypothesis about function and chronology

    Un cuarto de siglo con Cartas privadas de emigrantes a Indias. Prácticas y perspectivas de ediciones de cartas transatlánticas en el Imperio español

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    The article takes the 25th anniversary of Enrique Otte’s letter edition to revise the praxis of this and later similar efforts. We analyze the archival repositories, establish diffe - rent types of letters, and take on the various editorial practices. In the last part, editorial standards are proposed and we emphasize the need to embrace practices of digital humanities (TEI) for future editions.Retomamos el 25.º aniversario de de las Cartas privadas de Enrique Otte para hacer un repaso por las ediciones de similares cartas producidas desde entonces. Se analizan los fondos de los que se han sacado, se establece una tipología de cartas y se revisan las variadas prácticas de edición. También se proponen estándares de edición y se pronuncia por un cambio hacia ediciones digitales (TEI)

    Almas em busca da salvação: sensibilidade barroca no discurso jesuítico (século XVII)

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    Para uma compreensão das reduções jesuítico-guaranis na perspectiva de uma história da sensibilidade, procedeu-se a uma releitura das Cartas Ânuas da Província Jesuítica do Paraguai, referentes ao período de 1609 a 1675. O discurso jesuítico, especialmente através de suas falhas, permitiu reconhecer as reduções como espaço de reinvenção de significados, no qual se constrói uma sensibilidade religiosa própria, resultante da acomodação criativa da espiritualidade guarani e da devoção e piedade tridentinas.<br>An in-depth reading of the Cartas Ânuas of the Jesuit Province of Paraguay, concerning the period from 1609 to 1675, was carried out to come to a deeper understanding of Jesuit-Guarani mission settlements within the framework of a history of sensibility. The Jesuit discourse, mostly through its gaps, allowed for the acknowledgement of the Mission Settlements as a space for the reinvention of meanings, in which it is possible to construct a unique religious sensibility that results from the creative accommodation of Guarani spirituality and of Tridentine devotion and piety

    Villes et territoires dans le bassin du Douro à l’Époque romaine

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    Le bassin du Douro, bien délimité par l’histoire comme par le relief et autres accidents naturels, a été jusqu’ici peu étudié. Or, dans cette partie de l’Hispanie, où l’on ne fonda pas de colonies et où l’émigration italienne fut très faible, les populations ont conservé, dans les cadres romains, des traits de culture et de civilisation remarquablement originaux. Prendre en compte l’histoire de ces sociétés confrontées à l’urbanisation de type romain, observer les interactions entre tradition indigène et nouveautés issues de l’administration romaine, étudier enfin les rapports économiques et sociaux que les cités ont entretenus avec leur territoire, tels ont été les objectifs de la recherche dont les résultats forment le contenu de ce livre