1,030 research outputs found

    Your Weapons, You Will Not Need Them. Comment on The Supreme Court\u27s Sixty-Year Silence On The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

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    Interpretation of the Second Amendment can be divided into two different schools of thought; individual rights theorists, and collective rights theorists. Individual rights theorists argue that the Second Amendment creates a right in every person to keep and bear arms. Collective rights theorists advance the position that the Second Amendment creates a collective right in the people as a whole. The purpose of this comment is to emphasize the controversy surrounding the Second Amendment and the need for guidance on the issue by the United States Supreme Court. Part II of this article discusses the text of the Second Amendment to the Constitution and analyzes the two main positions, that of individual rights theorists, and collective rights theorists. Part III discusses the history and tradition of the Second Amendment. Part IV lays out the various positions taken on the actual intent of the Framers. Part V provides a brief discussion of the treatment of the Second Amendment by the Supreme Court and federal courts. Part VI analyzes the various policy arguments presented by both supporters and opponents of gun control laws. Part VII focuses on the recent trends evolving in the continuing battle over the right to keep and bear arms

    Nesonyms and Power in Historical Cartography. The Denomination of Islands as an Act of Domination

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    L’atto di denominare coincide con il controllo simbolico di un territorio. Quando questo processo avviene dall’esterno e riguarda contesti insulari, spesso coincide con una forma di dominazione. La cartografia storica cristal-lizza questo fenomeno e ci permette oggi di andare a comprendere le dinami-che di denominazione e dominazione dei contesti insulari di nuova scoperta ed esplorazione nel passato. L’intervento si propone di soffermarsi sulla que-stione con alcune riflessioni.The act of naming coincides with the symbolic control of a territory. When this process occurs from outside and concerns island contexts, it often coincides with a form of domination. Historical cartography crystallises this phenome-non and allows us today to understand the dynamics of naming and domina-tion of newly discovered and explored island contexts in the past. The paper aims to address this issue with some reflections.L’acte de nommer coïncide avec le contrôle symbolique d’un territoire. Lorsque ce processus se produit de l’extérieur et concerne des contextes insu-laires, il coïncide souvent avec une forme de domination. La cartographie his-torique cristallise ce phénomène et nous permet aujourd’hui de comprendre les dynamiques de dénomination et de domination des contextes insulaires nouvellement découverts et explorés dans le passé. L’article vise à aborder cette question par le biais de quelques réflexions

    Parameter estimation and data reduction for cellular biophysical analysis

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    Abstract only availableAccurate estimation of cellular permeability parameters are an important part of designing and developing optimized cryopreservation protocols. Electronic Particle Counters measure cell volume by detecting changes in electrical conductivity. However, data that are obtained from these machines are noisy, making immediate application of curve fitting algorithms impossible. We attempted to reduce or eliminate noise due to both the population variance and the instrument. To eliminate the noise we grouped the original data into evenly spaced time bins, compared the point density of each bin to the average density over all the bins, and discarded those bins whose density fell outside a predetermined range that was centered around the average. Next an averaging scheme was created to remove the noise from the top and bottom. This was accomplished by grouping the remaining bins and applying a third order polynomial fit to the high and low ends of their volume histogram. Minima where found for each end in each time bin and their average was used as our high and low cut off. Any remaining noise was eliminated through the use of a Fast Fourier Transform and a high pass filter. After noise reduction a curve was then fit to the remaining data points using a least squares parameter estimation technique and a conjugate gradient method to find optimal parameters of the differential equations which model cell volume flux. These parameter values that were acquired using the best fit technique could then be used in models to more accurately represent the data that was collected.NSF-REU Program in Biosystems Modeling and Analysi

    Geography notes on critical toponymy

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    The methodological introduction to the critical toponymy session of the IGU-UGI World Geographical Congress Paris 2022 proposed actual geography notes aimed at delimiting the field of inquiry, identifying the conceptual tools offered by the discipline, and sharing a vocabulary and bibliography. The con-cise reflections offered again here focus on (1) the social production of space; (2) the process of territorialization; (3) memory as a spatial fact; (4) the places of memory; (5) the power of transforming time into space; and (6) critical toponymy as a geographical research perspective

    Isola/isole. Appendice fotografica

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    Optimisation of a Nacelle Electro-Thermal Ice Protection System for Icing Wind Tunnel Testing

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    Abstract Aircraft are equipped with ice protection systems (IPS), to avoid, delay or remove ice accretion. Two widely used technologies are the thermo-pneumatic IPS and the electro-thermal IPS (ETIPS). Thermo-pneumatic IPS requires air extraction from the engine negatively affecting its performances. Moreover, in the context of green aviation, aircraft manufacturers are moving towards hybrid or fully electric aircraft requiring all electric on-board systems. In this work, an ETIPS has been designed and optimised to replace the nacelle pneumatic-thermal system. The aim is to minimise the power consumption while assuring limited or null ice formation and that the surface temperature remains between acceptable bounds to avoid material degradation. The design parameters were the length and heat flux of each heater. Runback ice formations and surface temperature were assessed by means of the in-house developed PoliMIce framework. The optimisation was performed using a genetic algorithm, and the constraints were handled through a linear penalty method. The optimal configuration required 33% less power with respect to the previously installed thermo-pneumatic IPS. Furthermore, engine performance is not affected in the case of the ETIPS. This energy saving resulted in an estimated reduction of specific fuel consumption of 3%, when operating the IPS in anti-icing mode
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