2,400 research outputs found

    Gamma-ray Bursts, Classified Physically

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    From Galactic binary sources, to extragalactic magnetized neutron stars, to long-duration GRBs without associated supernovae, the types of sources we now believe capable of producing bursts of gamma-rays continues to grow apace. With this emergent diversity comes the recognition that the traditional (and newly formulated) high-energy observables used for identifying sub-classes does not provide an adequate one-to-one mapping to progenitors. The popular classification of some > 100 sec duration GRBs as ``short bursts'' is not only an unpalatable retronym and syntactically oxymoronic but highlights the difficultly of using what was once a purely phenomenological classification to encode our understanding of the physics that gives rise to the events. Here we propose a physically based classification scheme designed to coexist with the phenomenological system already in place and argue for its utility and necessity.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Slightly expanded version of solicited paper to be published in the Proceedings of ''Gamma Ray Bursts 2007,'' Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 5-9. Edited by E. E. Fenimore, M. Galassi, D. Palme

    Aurophilic interactions in polynuclear Au(I) complexes with phosphine ligands containing imidazole rings

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    Aurophilic interactions in polynuclear Au(I) complexes with phosphine ligands containing imidazole rings Fiorella Bachechiaa*, Alfredo Burinib, Rossana Galassib aIstituto di Strutturistica Chimica, C.N.R., Area della Ricerca di Roma, C.P. 10, 00016 Monterotondo St. (Roma), Italy., bDipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, UniversitĂ  di Camerino, 62032 Camerino, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] Keywords: gold complexes, aurophilicity, crystal structures The tertiary phosphines of the type (Bzim)3-nPhnP, where Bzim is 1-benzyl-2-imidazolylphosphine and n varies from 0 to 2, were synthesised as part of a program aimed to the study of the coordination chemistry of phosphines containing imidazole rings. The softer character of imidazole, with respect to other heterocycles, turned out to be useful in the stabilization of complexes with soft metals as those of Group 11 in low oxidation states. These ligands can behave as monodentate or as P, N bidentate forming dinuclear cationic complexes. With Au(I) they were found to be able to favour the formation of intraand intermolecular aurophilic interactions. TheAu(I) complexes assume considerable interest when aurophilic bonds occur between gold atoms, since their chemical and physical properties change to particular characteristics with potential applications in electronic, optical or sensor devices. In particular short Au•••Au interactions are considered related to optoelectronic properties as observed in a number of polynuclear gold compounds. Here the structures of two Au(I) complexes are reported. The binuclear complex [ÎĽ-(Bzim)Ph2PAu2(C6F5)2] adopts a folded conformation with parallel, eclipsed C6F5 rings and a corresponding short AucccAu contact of 3.033(2)Ă…. The tetranuclear cluster complex {[ÎĽ-N,N’-(Bzim)3PAuCl]2 Au2}2+c AuCl2 - c AuCl4 - consists in a 12-membered macrocycle with two gold atoms coordinated to two (Bzim)3P molecules, in bridging mode, through the nitrogen atoms of the imidazole rings and two gold atoms coordinated to the phosphorus atoms of the (Bzim)3P ligands. Two chloride atoms complete the Au bicoordination. Three strong aurophilic interactions, Au(1)cccAu(4) [2.989(2)Ă…], Au(2)cccAu(3) [3.014(2)Ă…] andAu(1)cccAu(2) [3.257(3)Ă…], occur.Aweak gold-gold contact, Au(3)cccAu(4) [3.766(2)Ă…], is also present. Understanding molecular interactions 23r

    Functional biases in GRB's spectral parameter correlations

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    Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) show evidence of different spectral shapes, light curves, duration, host galaxies and they explode within a wide redshift range. However, the most of them seems to follow very tight correlations among some observed quantities relating to their energetic. If true, these correlations have significant implications on burst physics, giving constraints on theoretical models. Moreover, several suggestions have been made to use these correlations in order to calibrate GRBs as standard candles and to constrain the cosmological parameters. We investigate the cosmological relation between low energy α\alpha index in GRBs prompt spectra and the redshift zz. We present a statistical analysis of the relation between the total isotropic energy EisoE_{iso} and the peak energy EpE_p (also known as Amati relation) in GRBs spectra searching for possible functional biases. Possible implications on the EisoE_{iso} vs EpE_p relation of the α\alpha vs (1+z)(1+z) correlation are evaluated. We used MonteCarlo simulations and the boostrap method to evaluate how large are the effects of functional biases on the EisoE_{iso} vs EpE_p. We show that high values of the linear correlation coefficent, up to about 0.8, in the EisoE_{iso} vs EpE_p relation are obtained for random generated samples of GRBs, confirming the relevance of functional biases. Astrophysical consequences from EisoE_{iso} vs EpE_p relation are then to be revised after a more accurate and possibly bias free analysis.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, conference poster session: "070228: The Next Decade of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows", Amsterdam, March 2007, MNRAS submitte

    Phase transitions and phase diagram of the ferroelectric perovskite NBT-BT by anelastic and dielectric measurements

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    The complex elastic compliance and dielectric susceptibility of (Na_{0.5}Bi_{0.5})_{1-x}Ba_{x}TiO_{3} (NBT-BT) have been measured in the composition range between pure NBT and the morphotropic phase boundary included, 0 <= x <= 0.08. The compliance of NBT presents sharp peaks at the rhombohedral/tetragonal and tetragonal/cubic transitions, allowing the determination of the tetragonal region of the phase diagram, up to now impossible due to the strong lattice disorder and small distortions and polarizations involved. In spite of ample evidence of disorder and structural heterogeneity, the R-T transition remains sharp up to x = 0.06, whereas the T-C transition merges into the diffuse and relaxor-like transition associated with broad maxima of the dielectric and elastic susceptibilities. An attempt is made at relating the different features in the anelastic and dielectric curves to different modes of octahedral rotations and polar cation shifts. The possibility is also considered that the cation displacements locally have monoclinic symmetry, as for PZT near the morphotropic phase boundary.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    GRBs and the thermalization process of electron-positron plasmas

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    We discuss the temporal evolution of the pair plasma created in Gamma-Ray Burst sources. A particular attention is paid to the relaxation of the plasma into thermal equilibrium. We also discuss the connection between the dynamics of expansion and the spatial geometry of the plasma. The role of the baryonic loading parameter is emphasized.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, in the Proceedings of the "Gamma Ray Bursts 2007" meeting, November 5-9, 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, US

    Exact Green's Function of the reversible diffusion-influenced reaction for an isolated pair in 2D

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    We derive an exact Green's function of the diffusion equation for a pair of spherical interacting particles in 2D subject to a back-reaction boundary condition.Comment: 6 pages, 1 Figur

    Efficient numerical diagonalization of hermitian 3x3 matrices

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    A very common problem in science is the numerical diagonalization of symmetric or hermitian 3x3 matrices. Since standard "black box" packages may be too inefficient if the number of matrices is large, we study several alternatives. We consider optimized implementations of the Jacobi, QL, and Cuppen algorithms and compare them with an analytical method relying on Cardano's formula for the eigenvalues and on vector cross products for the eigenvectors. Jacobi is the most accurate, but also the slowest method, while QL and Cuppen are good general purpose algorithms. The analytical algorithm outperforms the others by more than a factor of 2, but becomes inaccurate or may even fail completely if the matrix entries differ greatly in magnitude. This can mostly be circumvented by using a hybrid method, which falls back to QL if conditions are such that the analytical calculation might become too inaccurate. For all algorithms, we give an overview of the underlying mathematical ideas, and present detailed benchmark results. C and Fortran implementations of our code are available for download from http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/~globes/3x3/ .Comment: 13 pages, no figures, new hybrid algorithm added, matches published version, typo in Eq. (39) corrected; software library available at http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/~globes/3x3

    The hidden X-ray breaks in afterglow light curves

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    Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) afterglow observations in the Swift era have a perceived lack of achromatic jet breaks compared to the BeppoSAX, or pre-Swift era. Specifically, relatively few breaks, consistent with jet breaks, are observed in the X-ray light curves of these bursts. If these breaks are truly missing, it has serious consequences for the interpretation of GRB jet collimation and energy requirements, and the use of GRBs as standard candles. Here we address the issue of X-ray breaks which are possibly 'hidden' and hence the light curves are misinterpreted as being single power-laws. We show how a number of precedents, including GRB 990510 & GRB 060206, exist for such hidden breaks and how, even with the well sampled light curves of the Swift era, these breaks may be left misidentified. We do so by synthesising X-ray light curves and finding general trends via Monte Carlo analysis. Furthermore, in light of these simulations, we discuss how to best identify achromatic breaks in afterglow light curves via multi-wavelength analysis.Comment: 4 pages, contributed talk, submitted to the proceedings of Gamma Ray Bursts 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 5-9 200

    Interacting Binaries with Eccentric Orbits. III. Orbital Evolution due to Direct Impact and Self-Accretion

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    The rapid circularization and synchronization of the stellar components in an eccentric binary system at the onset of Roche lobe overflow (RLO) is a fundamental assumption common to all binary stellar evolution and population synthesis codes, even though the validity of this assumption is questionable both theoretically and observationally. Here we calculate the evolution of the orbital elements of an eccentric binary through the direct three-body integration of a massive particle ejected through the inner Lagrangian point of the donor star at periastron. The trajectory of this particle leads to three possible outcomes: direct accretion (DA) onto the companion star within a single orbit, self-accretion (SA) back onto the donor star within a single orbit, or a quasi-periodic orbit around the companion star. We calculate the secular evolution of the binary orbit in the first two cases and conclude that DA can increase or decrease the orbital semi-major axis and eccentricity, while SA always decreases the orbital both orbital elements. In cases where mass overflow contributes to circularizing the orbit, circularization can set in on timescales as short as a few per cent of the mass transfer timescale. In cases where mass overflow increases the eccentricity, the orbital evolution is governed by competition between mass overflow and tidal torques. In the absence of tidal torques, mass overflow resulting in DI can lead to substantially subsynchronously rotating donor stars. Contrary to common assumptions, DI furthermore does not always provide a strong sink of orbital angular momentum in close mass-transferring binaries; in fact we instead find that a significant part can be returned to the orbit during the particle orbit. The formulation presented here can be combined with stellar and binary evolution codes to generate a better picture of the evolution of eccentric, RLO binary star systems.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
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