142 research outputs found

    Eureka Role Playing Game: An Instructional Tool In Improving The Proficiency Level In Chemistry 7

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    The Eureka Role Playing Game is a game-based instructional tool for learning science concepts. The study aimed to improve proficiency level of the learners in Science 7 particularly in Chemistry subject. This study utilized a Quantitative Method to measure the gathered data and test the hypothesis. Quasi-experimental pretest-posttest research design was also used with a validated questionnaire and Eureka Role-Playing Game (RPG) as the primary data gathering instrument to evaluate students’ proficiency level improvement as the intervention was administered to experimental group and traditional teaching method for controlled group. Results showed that in the controlled group, the mean post-test result was higher than the mean pre-test result, but still at the beginning level of proficiency. Meanwhile, the mean post-test result of the experimental group is higher compared to the mean pre-test result. Therefore, the level of proficiency of the experimental group has improved from a beginning level to a developing level after the intervention. A significant difference in the pre-test and post-test between the experimental group and the control group is in favor of the experimental group. Therefore, the alternative hypotheses of this study are accepted. Evaluated by the Science experts, the instructional tool passed the curricular validity criteria. The researchers recommend the use of Eureka Role Playing Game since it significantly increased the proficiency level of the students from beginning to developing level based on the findings

    Studii preliminare privind cultura plantelor legumicole în ghivece şi containere

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    This paper presents a literature review of the vegetable growing in pots and containers. Growing vegetables in this system it is known for a long time in the countries of Western Europe and in some areas of our country. Adopting this system in Romania requires in-depth studies regarding: the suitable species, the type of pots and soil recipes needed, crop establishment and maintenance (fertilizers aplication, irrigation) and, in some cases, optimization of the certain referring to light and placement of pots and containers. This cultivation system is spread mainly in peri-urban areas were the interest among gardeners to grow their own crops and secure their vegetable needs is high and has a favorable environment. Vegetable plants cultivated in pots and containers present a large diversity worldwide but, within this diversity, the climatic conditions from our country must be appropriate for an efficient activity

    Cercetari privind comportarea unor specii legumicole în ghivece şi containere

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    The paper presents the research results regarding the evaluation of morphological, physiological and production characteristics in some vegetable plants grown in pots and containers. The vegetable plants studiedwere: cherry tomatoes, sweet peppers, climbing beans, dwarf beans, oregano and lovage, and for pot culture: hot peppers, basil, salad, thyme, dill and parsley. Remarkable results were obtained for the following vegetable species: cherry tomatoes 1656.0 g / pl ant andpepper 2305g / pl for container culture, and for pot culture the results were: hot pepper, 351.3g / pl and salad 250.0 g / pl

    Rezultate partiale privind tipurile de substraturi folosite pentru obţinerea culturilor legumicole de tip microgreens

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    The paper addresses research on the use of four types of substrates (coconut substrate, 80% peat + 20% coconut waste, 80% peat + 20% sand and80% peat + 20% pearlite) to obtain the products microgreens type vegetables, in order to establish the best substrate variant. The best results were obtained on the coconut waste substrate

    Studii preliminare privind utilizarea speciilor legumicole în conceptul grădinilor urbane

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    This paper presents a literature preview regarding the use of vegetable species in the concept of urban gardens. The designing of the utilitarian gardens dates back from the antiquity when they were particularly important as a source of food. With the emergence of the concept of "edible landscaping", which promotes the use of edible plant species along with ornamental plant species in landscaping, the utilitarian garden has acquired aesthetic valences as an integral part of the green space set up on private property in the urban area and not only. Starting from the desire of people to have a place to produce some of the necessary vegetables and aromatic plants in the small space around the houses and to enjoy a recreation space, will be studied different systems of use of vegetable plants in order to develop concrete measures for the development of decorative vegetable gardens in the private environment in urban and periurban areas, taking into account the possibilities of association of the leguminous plants in raised bed

    Studii preliminare privind alegerea şi pregătirea substraturilor pentru cultura la ghivece şi container

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    The paper presents a study on the main pedological, agrochemical and biological indices of the different types of substrate used for growing vegetables in pots and containers in order to optimize the growth and development of plants. The researchewere carried out in an experimental field set up at the Didactic Center of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi. Three types of substrate were used: S1 -substrate made from 35% garden soil, 35% compost, 20% peat, 10% sandand pearlite, S2-substrate made of earth 35% garden, 20% compost, 35% peat, 10% sand and pearlite; S3 -commercially available substrate. Determinations havebeen made on:nutrients, pH, humidity and granulometry. Substrate quality assessment was performed on the basis of yield and harvest qualit

    Grădini legumicole ornamentale in sistem familial

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    Ornamental vegetable gardens have a long history on the European continent. The design of the gardens is different due to influences originated from customs and traditions, which represent important elements in their composition and are reflected in the vegetable growing methods and species used. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the opportunities that these gardens have and to satisfy the nutritional and aesthetic needs of a family.To reach the aim and proposed objectives a series of experiments and case studies were conducted. By combining the owners underlined nutritional needs from our previous studies and the obtained results from our experiments, applicable solutions were created for family vegetable gardens.From a therapeutic pointof view this type of landscape design helps maintain cultural identity, encouraging communication and socialization between members of a community.The obtained results show that the studied family gardens situated in urban areas have a positive influenceon the sustainability of the community maintaining a “heathy life style” for its inhabitants

    Design Optimization of DR3AM Vapor Polishing Device for ABS 3D-Printed Parts

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    3D printing is an additive manufacturing method that turns digital design into an actual product. A 3D-printed part sometimes requires post-processing to enhance its physical and mechanical properties. Acetone vapor polishing is one of those techniques which is highly beneficial in smoothing ABS 3D-printed parts. Previously, an acetone vapor polishing device has been developed which uses a mist maker. However, for a more efficient polishing method, an optimized vapor polishing device using heat has been fabricated in this study. To assess the efficiency of this device, the researchers test the dimensional accuracy, surface roughness, tensile strength, and impact strength of polished and unpolished ABS 3D-printed specimens. The findings showed that the surface smoothness of the polished cube specimens did not significantly alter its physical geometry. The tensile test reveals that the overall elasticity of the polished tensile specimen has increased significantly while the impact test also shows that the polished specimens have the capacity to sustain a resistive impact from a swinging pendulum. Thus, all testing procedures indicated that post-processing using the optimized vapor polishing device has improved the overall physical and mechanical properties of the polished specimens

    Breast fibroblasts modulate epithelial cell proliferation in three-dimensional in vitro co-culture

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    BACKGROUND: Stromal fibroblasts associated with in situ and invasive breast carcinoma differ phenotypically from fibroblasts associated with normal breast epithelium, and these alterations in carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAF) may promote breast carcinogenesis and cancer progression. A better understanding of the changes that occur in fibroblasts during carcinogenesis and their influence on epithelial cell growth and behavior could lead to novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. To this end, the effect of CAF and normal breast-associated fibroblasts (NAF) on the growth of epithelial cells representative of pre-neoplastic breast disease was assessed. METHODS: NAF and CAF were grown with the nontumorigenic MCF10A epithelial cells and their more transformed, tumorigenic derivative, MCF10AT cells, in direct three-dimensional co-cultures on basement membrane material. The proliferation and apoptosis of MCF10A cells and MCF10AT cells were assessed by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine labeling and TUNEL assay, respectively. Additionally, NAF and CAF were compared for expression of insulin-like growth factor II as a potential mediator of their effects on epithelial cell growth, by ELISA and by quantitative, real-time PCR. RESULTS: In relatively low numbers, both NAF and CAF suppressed proliferation of MCF10A cells. However, only NAF and not CAF significantly inhibited proliferation of the more transformed MCF10AT cells. The degree of growth inhibition varied among NAF or CAF from different individuals. In greater numbers, NAF and CAF have less inhibitory effect on epithelial cell growth. The rate of epithelial cell apoptosis was not affected by NAF or CAF. Mean insulin-like growth factor II levels were not significantly different in NAF versus CAF and did not correlate with the fibroblast effect on epithelial cell proliferation. CONCLUSION: Both NAF and CAF have the ability to inhibit the growth of pre-cancerous breast epithelial cells. NAF have greater inhibitory capacity than CAF, suggesting that the ability of fibroblasts to inhibit epithelial cell proliferation is lost during breast carcinogenesis. Furthermore, as the degree of transformation of the epithelial cells increased they became resistant to the growth-inhibitory effects of CAF. Insulin-like growth factor II could not be implicated as a contributor to this differential effect of NAF and CAF on epithelial cell growth

    Estudio de fortalecimiento de prestadores de Servicios en las Cuencas Lecheras del Norte y Centro Sur de Nicaragua

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    El Objetivo General del estudio es identificar, caracterizar, clasificar y analizar la demanda y la oferta de servicios de apoyo a las empresas de los diferentes eslabones de las cadenas de lácteos, en los municipios de Camoapa, Matiguás y Santo Tomás para establecer las brechas existentes y trazar los lineamientos necesarios para el diseño de un programa de fortalecimiento y desarrollo de capacidades de los prestadores de Servicios de Desarrollo Empresarial (SDE). Estos municipios se consideraron representativos de los Departamentos de Boaco, Matagalpa y Chontales y los municipios ganaderos del Norte de la RAAS y del Sur de la RAAN, los que tienen más del 60 % de la población de ganado bovino de Nicaragua, y una producción conjunta de leche de 179.2 millones de galones (2005), o sea el 62 % del total producido en el país y 380,330 quintales de queso equivalente al 87 % de la producción total del país