30 research outputs found

    Stuttered swallowing: Electric stimulation of the right insula interferes with water swallowing. A case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various functional resonance imaging, magnetoencephalographic and lesion studies suggest the involvement of the insular cortex in the control of swallowing. However, the exact location of insular activation during swallowing and its functional significance remain unclear.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Invasive electroencephalographic monitoring was performed in a 24-year-old man with medically intractable stereotyped nocturnal hypermotor seizures due to a ganglioglioma. During stimulation of the right inferior posterior insular cortex with depth electrodes the patient spontaneously reported a perception of a "stutter in swallowing". Stimulation of the inferior posterior insular cortex at highest intensity (4 mA) was also associated with irregular and delayed swallows. Swallowing was not impaired during stimulation of the superior posterior insular cortex, regardless of stimulation intensity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that the right inferior posterior insular cortex is involved in the neural circuitry underlying the control of swallowing.</p

    Clinical practice: Swallowing problems in cerebral palsy

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common physical disability in early childhood. The worldwide prevalence of CP is approximately 2–2.5 per 1,000 live births. It has been clinically defined as a group of motor, cognitive, and perceptive impairments secondary to a non-progressive defect or lesion of the developing brain. Children with CP can have swallowing problems with severe drooling as one of the consequences. Malnutrition and recurrent aspiration pneumonia can increase the risk of morbidity and mortality. Early attention should be given to dysphagia and excessive drooling and their substantial contribution to the burden of a child with CP and his/her family. This review displays the important functional and anatomical issues related to swallowing problems in children with CP based on relevant literature and expert opinion. Furthermore, based on our experience, we describe a plan for approach of investigation and treatment of swallowing problems in cerebral palsy

    A framework for understanding shared substrates of airway protection

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    Deficits of airway protection can have deleterious effects to health and quality of life. Effective airway protection requires a continuum of behaviors including swallowing and cough. Swallowing prevents material from entering the airway and coughing ejects endogenous material from the airway. There is significant overlap between the control mechanisms for swallowing and cough. In this review we will present the existing literature to support a novel framework for understanding shared substrates of airway protection. This framework was originally adapted from Eccles' model of cough28 (2009) by Hegland, et al.42 (2012). It will serve to provide a basis from which to develop future studies and test specific hypotheses that advance our field and ultimately improve outcomes for people with airway protective deficits

    Dying for a meal: An integrative review of characteristics of choking incidents and recommendations to prevent fatal and nonfatal choking across populations

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    © 2019 American 1000 Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct an integrative review of original research, across adult populations relating to fatal or nonfatal choking on food, to understand ways to respond to and prevent choking incidents. Method: Four scientific databases (CINAHL, Medline, Web of Science, and EMBASE) were searched for original peerreviewed research relating to fatal or nonfatal choking on foods. Data were extracted on study characteristics; factors leading up to, events at the time of, and actions taken after the choking incident; and impacts of choking incidents. An integrative review of the findings across studies identified several risk factors and recommendations to reduce the risk of choking. Results: In total, 52 studies met the criteria for inclusion in this review, of which 31 were quantitative, 17 were qualitative, and 4 were of a mixed methods design. Studies reported the observations and narratives of bystanders or researchers, or else were large-scale autopsy studies, and included both the general public and people at risk of dysphagia. A range of food types were involved, and several actions were reported in response to food choking. Strategies to reduce the risk of choking were identified in the studies and are presented in 5 main categories. Conclusions: Factors leading up to choking incidents extend well beyond the individual to the environment for mealtimes; the provision of appropriate mealtime assistance and oral care; and regular monitoring of general health, oral health, and medications. Bystanders’ increased awareness and knowledge of how to respond to choking are vital. The results of this review could be used to inform service policy and training, for individuals at risk of choking, the people who support them, and the general public. Further research is needed to explore choking prevention and airway protection in individuals with dysphagia

    Validation of the Choking Risk Assessment and Pneumonia Risk Assessment for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD)

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd Background Risk assessments are needed to identify adults with intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) at high risk of choking and pneumonia. Aim To describe the development and validation of the Choking Risk Assessment (CRA) and the Pneumonia Risk Assessment (PRA) for adults with IDD. Methods Test items were identified through literature review and focus groups. Five-year retrospective chart reviews identified a positive choking group (PCG), a negative choking group (NCG), a positive pneumonia group (PPG), and a negative pneumonia group (NPG). Participants were tested with the CRA and PRA by clinicians blind to these testing conditions. Results The CRA and PRA differentiated the PCG (n = 93) from the NCG (n = 526) and the PPG (n = 63) from the NPG (n = 209) with high specificity (0.91 and 0.92 respectively) and moderate to average sensitivity (0.53 and 0.62 respectively). Further analyses revealed associations between clinical diagnoses of dysphagia and choking (p = 0.043), and pneumonia (p < 0.001). Conclusions The CRA and PRA are reliable, valid risk indicators for choking and pneumonia in adults with IDD. Precautions for mitigating choking and pneumonia risks can be applied selectively thus avoiding undue impacts on quality of life and unnecessary interventions for low risk individuals

    Bedside screening to detect oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients with neurological disorders: an updated systematic review

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    Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a highly prevalent comorbidity in neurological patients and presents a serious health threat, which may lead to outcomes of aspiration pneumonia ranging from hospitalization to death. Therefore, an early identification of risk followed by an accurate diagnosis of oropharyngeal dysphagia is fundamental. This systematic review provides an update of currently available bedside screenings to identify oropharyngeal dysphagia in neurological patients. An electronic search was carried out in the databases PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and PsychInfo (formerly PsychLit), and all hits from 2008 up to December 2012 were included in the review. Only studies with sufficient methodological quality were considered, after which the psychometric characteristics of the screening tools were determined. Two relevant bedside screenings were identified, with a minimum sensitivity and specificity of ≥70 and ≥60 %, respectively