23 research outputs found

    The Problem of Differential Calculus on Quantum Groups

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    The bicovariant differential calculi on quantum groups of Woronowicz have the drawback that their dimensions do not agree with that of the corresponding classical calculus. In this paper we discuss the first-order differential calculus which arises from a simple quantum Lie algebra. This calculus has the correct dimension and is shown to be bicovariant and complete. But it does not satisfy the Leibniz rule. For sl_n this approach leads to a differential calculus which satisfies a simple generalization of the Leibniz rule.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the Colloquium on Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems Prague, June 1996. amslatex, 9 pages. For related information see http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/~delius/q-lie.htm

    Exact S-Matrices for Nonsimply-Laced Affine Toda Theories

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    We derive exact, factorized, purely elastic scattering matrices for affine Toda theories based on the nonsimply-laced Lie algebras and superalgebras.Comment: 38 page

    Exact s-Matrices for the Nonsimply-Laced Affine Toda Theories a2n−1(2)a_{2n-1}^{(2)}

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    We derive the exact, factorized, purely elastic scattering matrices for the a2n−1(2)a_{2n-1}^{(2)} family of nonsimply-laced affine Toda theories. The derivation takes into account the distortion of the classical mass spectrum by radiative correction, as well as modifications of the usual bootstrap assumptions since for these theories anomalous threshold singularities lead to a displacement of some single particle poles.Comment: 11 page

    Exact S-Matrices with Affine Quantum Group Symmetry

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    We show how to construct the exact factorized S-matrices of 1+1 dimensional quantum field theories whose symmetry charges generate a quantum affine algebra. Quantum affine Toda theories are examples of such theories. We take into account that the Lorentz spins of the symmetry charges determine the gradation of the quantum affine algebras. This gives the S-matrices a non-rigid pole structure. It depends on a kind of ``quantum'' dual Coxeter number which will therefore also determine the quantum mass ratios in these theories. As an example we explicitly construct S-matrices with Uq(cn(1))U_q(c_n^{(1)}) symmetry.Comment: Latex file, 21 page

    Quantum Conserved Currents in Affine Toda Theories

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    We study the renormalization and conservation at the quantum level of higher-spin currents in affine Toda theories with particular emphasis on the nonsimply-laced cases. For specific examples, namely the spin-3 current for the a3(2)a_3^{(2)} and c2(1)c_2^{(1)} theories, we prove conservation to all-loop order, thus establishing the existence of factorized S-matrices. For these theories, as well as the simply-laced a2(1)a_2^{(1)} theory, we compute one-loop corrections to the corresponding higher-spin charges and study charge conservation for the three-particle vertex function. For the a3(2)a_3^{(2)} theory we show that although the current is conserved, anomalous threshold singularities spoil the conservation of the corresponding charge for the on-shell vertex function, implying a breakdown of some of the bootstrap procedures commonly used in determining the exact S-matrix.Comment: 19 page

    Toda Soliton Mass Corrections and the Particle--Soliton Duality Conjecture

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    We compute quantum corrections to soliton masses in affine Toda theories with imaginary exponentials based on the nonsimply-laced Lie algebras cn(1)c_n^{(1)}. We find that the soliton mass ratios renormalize nontrivially, in the same manner as those of the fundamental particles of the theories with real exponentials based on the nonsimply-laced algebras bn(1)b_n^{(1)}. This gives evidence that the conjectured relation between solitons in one Toda theory and fundamental particles in a dual Toda theory holds also at the quantum level. This duality can be seen as a toy model for S-duality.Comment: LATEX, 17 pages, no figures Note added at end of discussio

    Induced (N,0) supergravity as a constrained Osp(N,2) WZWN model and its effective action

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    A chiral (N,0)(N,0) supergravity theory in d=2 dimensions for any NN and its induced action can be obtained by constraining the currents of an Osp(N∣|2) WZWN model. The underlying symmetry algebras are the nonlinear SO(N) superconformal algebras of Knizhnik and Bershadsky. The case N=3N=3 is worked out in detail. We show that by adding quantum corrections to the classical transformation rules, the gauge algebra on gauge fields and currents closes. Integrability conditions on Ward identities are derived. The effective action is computed at one loop. It is finite, and can be obtained from the induced action by rescaling the central charge and fields by finite Z factors.Comment: 23

    Magnon Bound-state Scattering in Gauge and String Theory

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    It has been shown that, in the infinite length limit, the magnons of the gauge theory spin chain can form bound states carrying one finite and one strictly infinite R-charge. These bound states have been argued to be associated to simple poles of the multi-particle scattering matrix and to world sheet solitons carrying the same charges. Classically, they can be mapped to the solitons of the complex sine-Gordon theory. Under relatively general assumptions we derive the condition that simple poles of the two-particle scattering matrix correspond to physical bound states and construct higher bound states ``one magnon at a time''. We construct the scattering matrix of the bound states of the BDS and the AFS S-matrices. The bound state S-matrix exhibits simple and double poles and thus its analytic structure is much richer than that of the elementary magnon S-matrix. We also discuss the bound states appearing in larger sectors and their S-matrices. The large 't Hooft coupling limit of the scattering phase of the bound states in the SU(2) sector is found to agree with the semiclassical scattering of world sheet solitons. Intriguingly, the contribution of the dressing phase has an independent world sheet interpretation as the soliton-antisoliton scattering phase shift. The small momentum limit provides independent tests of these identifications.Comment: 25 pages, Latex V2: clarifying comments added to footnote 1 and footnote 10; references added V3: typos correcte

    Yangians, Integrable Quantum Systems and Dorey's rule

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    We study tensor products of fundamental representations of Yangians and show that the fundamental quotients of such tensor products are given by Dorey's rule.Comment: We have made corrections to the results for the Yangians associated to the non--simply laced algebra

    Holonomy groups and W-symmetries

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    Irreducible sigma models, i.e. those for which the partition function does not factorise, are defined on Riemannian spaces with irreducible holonomy groups. These special geometries are characterised by the existence of covariantly constant forms which in turn give rise to symmetries of the supersymmetric sigma model actions. The Poisson bracket algebra of the corresponding currents is a W-algebra. Extended supersymmetries arise as special cases.Comment: pages 2