876 research outputs found

    Υ\Upsilon radiative decays to light quark jets and color octet mechanism

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    We study radiative decays of Υ\Upsilon to light quark jets in nonrelativistic QCD by taking both the color singlet and color octet bbˉb\bar b operators into consideration. The cut for quark jet energy and cut for the angle between two quark jets are introduced. The sensitivity to the soft and collinear singularities in the loop integrals are greatly reduced by these cuts. With the jet energy cut of about 1 GeV, and the jet angle cut of about 3636^\circ, the branching ratio for Υγqqˉ\Upsilon\to\gamma q\bar q is found to be 8.2×1048.2\times 10^{-4} from color singlet contributions. The color octet contributions could be much larger than that of color singlet, depending on the estimate of the color octet matrix elements. This process may provide a new test for the color octet mechanism in nonrelativistic QCD.Comment: journal version; a few references adde

    Structured illumination microscopy using micro-pixellated light-emitting diodes

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    Structured illumination is a flexible and economical method of obtaining optical sectioning in wide-field microscopy [1]. In this technique the illumination system is modified to project a single-spatial frequency grid pattern onto the sample [2, 3]. The pattern can only be resolved in the focal plane and by recording images for different transverse grid positions (or phases) an image of the in-focus parts of the object can be calculated. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are becoming increasingly popular for lighting and illumination systems due to their low cost, small dimensions, low coherence, uniform illumination, high efficiency and long lifetime. These properties, together with recent developments in high brightness, ultraviolet operation and microstructured emitter design offer great potential for LEDs as light sources for microscopy. In this paper we demonstrate a novel structured illumination microscope using a blue micro-structured light emitting diode as the illumination source. The system is potentially very compact and has no-moving-parts

    χQJ+\chi_{QJ} \to\ell^+\ell^- within and beyond the Standard Model

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    We revisit χQJ+\chi_{QJ}\to \ell^+\ell^- (with J=0,1,2J=0,1,2 and Q=b,cQ=b,c) within the Standard Model (SM). The electro-magnetic contributions are given in color-singlet model with non-vanishing lepton masses at the leading order of vv. Numerically, the branching ratios of χQJ+\chi_{QJ}\to\ell^{+}\ell^{-} predicted within the SM are so small that such decays are barely possible to be detected at future BESIII and SuperB experiments, but may be possible to be observed at the LHC. We investigate χb0+\chi_{b0}\to\ell^+\ell^- in Type-II 2HDM with large tanβ\tan\beta, and χb2+\chi_{b2}\to\ell^+\ell^- in the Randall-Sundrum model, to see their chance to be observed in future experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. To match the published versio

    Virtual photon fragmentation functions

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    We introduce operator definitions for virtual photon fragmentation functions, which are needed for reliable calculations of Drell-Yan transverse momentum (QTQ_T) distributions when QTQ_T is much larger than the invariant mass QQ. We derive the evolution equations for these fragmentation functions. We calculate the leading order evolution kernels for partons to fragment into a unpolarized as well as a polarized virtual photon. We find that fragmentation functions to a longitudinally polarized virtual photon are most important at small zz, and the fragmentation functions to a transversely polarized virtual photon dominate the large zz region. We discuss the implications of this finding to the J/ψ\psi mesons' polarization at large transverse momentum.Comment: Latex, 19 pages including 6 figures. An error in the first version has been corrected, and references update

    Principle of Balance and the Sea Content of the Proton

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    In this study, the proton is taken as an ensemble of quark-gluon Fock states. Using the principle of balance that every Fock state should be balanced with all of the nearby Fock states (denoted as the balance model), instead of the principle of detailed balance that any two nearby Fock states should be balanced with each other (denoted as the detailed balance model), the probabilities of finding every Fock state of the proton are obtained. The balance model can be taken as a revised version of the detailed balance model, which can give an excellent description of the light flavor sea asymmetry (i.e., uˉdˉ\bar{u}\not= \bar{d}) without any parameter. In case of gggg\Leftrightarrow gg sub-processes not considered, the balance model and the detailed balance model give the same results. In case of gggg\Leftrightarrow gg sub-processes considered, there is about 10 percent difference between the results of these models. We also calculate the strange content of the proton using the balance model under the equal probability assumption.Comment: 32 latex pages, 4 ps figures, to appear in PR

    InGaAs/AlGaAsSb avalanche photodiode with high gain - bandwidth product

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    Increasing reliance on the Internet places greater and greater demands for high -speed optical communication systems. Increasing their data transfer rate allows more data to be transferred over existing links. With optical receivers being essential to all optical links, bandwidth performance of key components in receivers, such as avalanche photodiodes (APDs), must be improved. The APDs rely on In0.53Ga0.47As (grown lattice-matched to InP substrates) to efficiently absorb and detect the optical signals with 1310 or 1550 nm wavelength, the optimal wavelengths of operation for these optical links. Thus developing InP -compatible APDs with high gain-bandwidth product (GBP) is important to the overall effort of increasing optical links’ data transfer rate. Here we demonstrate a novel InGaAs/AlGaAsSb APD, grown on an InP substrate, with a GBP of 424 GHz, the highest value reported for InP -compatible APDs, which is clearly applicable to future optical communication systems at or above 10 Gb/s

    QCD Factorized Drell-Yan Cross Section at Large Transverse Momentum

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    We derive a new factorization formula in perturbative quantum chromodynamics for the Drell-Yan massive lepton-pair cross section as a function of the transverse momentum QTQ_T of the pair. When QTQ_T is much larger than the pair's invariant mass QQ, this factorization formula systematically resums the logarithmic contributions of the type αsmlnm(QT2/Q2)\alpha_s^m \ln^m(Q_T^2/Q^2) to all orders in the strong coupling αs\alpha_s. When QTQQ_T\sim Q, our formula yields the same Drell-Yan cross section as conventional fixed order QCD perturbation theory. We show that resummation is important when the collision energy S\sqrt{S} is large enough and QTQQ_T\gg Q, and we argue that perturbative expansions are more stable and reliable in terms of the modified factorization formula.Comment: 36 pages, latex, including 16 figure

    Production of the PP-Wave Excited BcB_c-States through the Z0Z^0 Boson Decays

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    In Ref.[7],we have dealt with the production of the two color-singlet SS-wave (cbˉ)(c\bar{b})-quarkonium states Bc((cbˉ)1[1S0]>)B_c(|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 1}[^1S_0]>) and Bc((cbˉ)1[3S1]>)B^*_c(|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 1}[^3S_1]>) through the Z0Z^0 boson decays. As an important sequential work, we make a further discussion on the production of the more complicated PP-wave excited (cbˉ)(c\bar{b})-quarkonium states, i.e. (cbˉ)1[1P1]>|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 1}[^1P_1]> and (cbˉ)1[3PJ]>|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 1}[^3P_J]> (with J=(1,2,3)J=(1,2,3)). More over, we also calculate the channel with the two color-octet quarkonium states (cbˉ)8[1S0]g>|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 8}[^1S_0]g> and (cbˉ)8[3S1]g>|(c\bar{b})_{\bf 8}[^3S_1]g>, whose contributions to the decay width maybe at the same order of magnitude as that of the color-singlet PP-wave states according to the naive nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics scaling rules. The PP-wave states shall provide sizable contributions to the BcB_c production, whose decay width is about 20% of the total decay width ΓZ0Bc\Gamma_{Z^0\to B_c}. After summing up all the mentioned (cbˉ)(c\bar{b})-quarkonium states' contributions, we obtain ΓZ0Bc=235.9122.0+352.8\Gamma_{Z^0\to B_c} =235.9^{+352.8}_{-122.0} KeV, where the errors are caused by the main uncertainty sources.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures and 2 tables. basic formulae in the appendix are cut off to match the published version, which can be found in v1. to be published in Eur.Phys.J.

    Improved Method of Fatigue Life Assessment for TiAl Alloys

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    For rapid fatigue life assessment of TiAl alloys, the new method was proposed based on qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative analysis was employed to illustrate the microstructure effect for TiAl alloys on their fatigue life. The new formula is derived for estimation of the interaction forces of dislocations, which yields quite satisfactory results. The results of qualitative and quantitative analyses were used to predict the fatigue life improvement by the addition of trace elements producing grain refinement.Предложен новый метод оценки усталостной долговечности TiAl сплавов по результатам количественного и качественного анализа. С помощью количественного анализа определено влияние микроструктуры TiAl сплавов на их усталостную долговечность. Расчет усилия между дислокациями проведен по стандартной формуле, с помощью которой можно получить точный результат. Количественный и качественный анализ показал, что усталостную долговечность можно повысить путем введения микроэлементов, которые способствуют измельчению зерен.Запропоновано новий метод оцінки довговічності від утомленості ТіАl сплавів за результатами кількісного та якісного аналізу. За допомогою кількісного аналізу визначено вплив мікроструктури TiAl сплавів на їх довговічність від утомленості. Розрахунок зусилля між дислокаціями проведено за стандартною формулою, за допомогою якої можна отримати точний результат. Кількісний та якісний аналіз показав, що довговічність від утомленості можна підвищити шляхом введення мікроелементів, які сприяють подрібненню зерен

    Ultra-sharp asymmetric Fano-like resonance spectrum on Si photonic platform

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    In this paper, we report the generation of an ultra-sharp asymmetric resonance spectrum through Fano-like interference. This generation is accomplished by weakly coupling a high-quality factor (Q factor) Fabry–Pérot (FP) cavity and a low-Q factor FP cavity through evanescent waves. The high-Q FP cavity is formed by Sagnac loop mirrors, whilst the low-Q one is built by partially transmitting Sagnac loop reflectors. The working principle has been analytically established and numerically modelled by using temporal coupled-mode-theory (CMT), and verified using a prototype device fabricated on the 340 nm silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform, patterned by deep ultraviolet (DUV) lithography. Pronounced asymmetric resonances with slopes up to 0.77 dB/pm have been successfully measured, which, to the best of our knowledge, is higher than the results reported in state-of-the-art devices in on-chip integrated Si photonic studies. The established theoretical analysis method can provide excellent design guidelines for devices with Fano-like resonances. The design principle can be applied to ultra-sensitive sensing, ultra-high extinction ratio switching, and more applications