117 research outputs found

    Improving patient outcomes in colorectal cancer surgery

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    Major Abdominal Surgical Complications : Innovative Approaches

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    In this thesis the focus was on three major complications after abdominal surgery: incisional hernia (IH), prolonged postoperative ileus (PPOI), and colorectal anastomotic leakage (CAL). The results were summarized in three parts: _Part 1_ focused on prediction and detection of these surgical complications; _Part 2_ describes different methods to prevent complications; _Part 3_ analyzed also prevention of major surgical complications with a focus on patients at risk. Even anno 2017 it is still necessary to explore new strategies to prevent complications in abdominal surgery. Also with new surgical techniques, for example the use of staplers for colorectal anastomosis, prevention of CAL is still an issue. In addition, early detection of a complication is necessary to prevent from worse. This also requires more attention and research since detection of leakage is still mainly based on clinical observation and the experience of the surgeon. Research on more advanced technical and/ or digital solutions to objectively assess and quantify leakage and other complications is strongly needed. Therefore in this thesis the focus was to develop different strategies that may facilitate prevention, prediction, and diagnosis of different important abdominal surgical complications such as colorectal anastomotic leakage, postoperative ileus, incisional hernia, and infectious complications

    Efeitos Residuais Da Calagem Superficial Em Solo Tropical Com Plantio Direto

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the long-term effects of the surface application of lime on soil fertility and on the mineral nutrition and grain yield of soybean, and of black oat and sorghum in crop succession. The experiment was carried out on a clayey Oxisol, in a randomized complete block design, with four replicates. Treatments consisted of lime the rates of 0, 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 kg ha-1, applied in October 2002 and November 2004. Soil samples were collected at five soil layers, down to 0.60-m depth. Surface liming was effective in reducing soil acidity and increasing Ca2+ and Mg2+ contents in the subsurface. Moreover, it increased available phosphorus contents and soil organic matter in the long term (48 to 60 months after the last lime application). Surface liming improved plant nutrition, mainly for N, Ca, and Mg, and increased dry matter production and grain yield of the crops, even in years with regular distribution of rainfall. The greatest productivities of soybean, black oat, and sorghum were obtained with the respective estimated lime doses of 4,000, 2,333, and 3,281 kg ha-1, for shoot dry matter, and of 2,550, 3,555, and over 4,000 kg ha-1, for grain yield.5191633164

    An unbound Prometheus: bureaucracy, technology, technocracy and administrative innovation

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    The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Incentives and obstacles to the public sector and civil service reform: a conceptual analysis

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    The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Wetgevingsjuristen ten prooi aan New Political Governance? Een inventarisatie (2002 - 2015)

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    De bijdrage richt zich op de vraag in hoeverre de rol en positie van de wetgevingsjuridische functie in het laatste decennium zijn veranderd, in het bijzonder of het werk van wetgevingsjuristen is gepolitiseerd. Politisering komt voor in drie vormen, namelijk in patronagebenoemingen, het versterken van de partijpolitieke grip op beleid en uitvoering en in New Political Governance. De auteurs concluderen voorlopig dat het werk van wetgevingsjuristen inderdaad is gepolitiseerd, waarbij een transitie heeft plaatsgevonden van de tweede vorm van politisering naar New Political Governance. Dit is met name zichtbaar doordat steeds meer gebruik wordt gemaakt van gedelegeerde wetgeving, waar wetgevingsjuristen van oudsher minder bemoeienis mee hebben. De politisering van hun werk leidt ertoe dat wetgevingsjuristen steeds minder in staat zijn om rechtsstatelijke waarden te waarborgen. De auteurs onderscheiden, in navolging van Van Lochem, vijf verschillende strategieën om hiermee om te gaan, maar er lijkt onder wetgevingsjuristen zelf geen consensus te zijn over wat nu de beste strategie is. De auteurs zijn van mening dat de democratische rechtsstaat moet worden versterkt om de toegenomen politieke spanning in het werk van wetgevingsjuristen te verlichten.016.155.098The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Evaluation of different cultivars of sorghum for fodder quality and agronomic performance in Semi-Arid Tropics

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    Thirty four improved sorghum cultivars were evaluated for fodder quality and agronomic performance using two cuts harvested during the rainy season 2014 at ICRISAT, Patancheru following randomized complete block design with two replications. Within cuts consistent significant cultivar difference were only observed for biomass yields which ranged from 17.3 - 33.8 t ha-1 in the first cut to 3.2 and 17.4 t ha-1 in the second cut. Within and across cuts cultivar-dependent variations in fodder quality traits were statistically largely insignificant and inconsistent