10 research outputs found

    Alitretinoin und Off-label-Use

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    Zusammenfassung: Orales Alitretinoin (9-cis-Retinsäure) ist ein körpereigenes Retinoid, das mit VitaminA verwandt ist. Studien haben gezeigt, dass orales Alitretinoin wirksam und auch gut verträglich in der Behandlung des schweren chronischen Handekzems ist und für diese Indikation auch die Zulassung hat. Diese Übersichtsarbeit fasst aktuelle Studienergebnisse und Erfahrungsberichte zu anderen Indikationen ("off-label") mit Alitretinoin zusamme

    Personal solar ultraviolet radiation dosimetry in an\ua0occupational setting across Europe

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    Background: Work-related solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is an important factor in the pathogenesis of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). The World Health Organization, through the International Agency for Research on Cancer, has classified solar UVR as a group 1 carcinogen since 2012. The main problems encountered so far in the study of occupationally induced skin cancer include the lack of accurate occupational UVR dosimetry as well as insufficient distinction between occupational and leisure UVR exposure and underreporting of NMSC. Objectives: The aim of this study was to collect long-term individual UVR measurements in outdoor workers across European countries. Methods: A prospective study was initiated through the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Healthy Skin@Work Campaign, measuring UVR exposure doses at occupational settings of masons from five European countries. Measurements were performed for several consecutive months using the GENESIS-UV measurement system. Results: The results identified alarming UVR exposure data. Average daily UVR doses ranged 148.40–680.48 J/m2 in Romania, 342.4–640.8 J/m2 in Italy, 165.5–466.2 J/m2 in Croatia, 41.8–473.8 J/m2 in Denmark and 88.15–400.22 J/m2 in Germany. Results showed an expected latitude dependence with increasing UVR yearly dosage from the north to the south of Europe. Conclusions: This study shows that outdoor workers from EU countries included in this study are exposed to high levels of occupational solar UVR, vastly exceeding the occupational exposure limits for solar UVR exposure, considered to be 1–1.33 SED/day in the period from May to September. This finding may serve as an evidence-based recommendation to authorities on implementing occupational skin cancer prevention strategies

    Off-label use of alitretinoin

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    Initial validation of the epidermolysis bullosa-specific module of the Infants and Toddlers Dermatology Quality of Life questionnaire

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    Children with epidermolysis bullosa (EB) experienced the highest quality of life impact among several skin conditions and have problems which had not been reported by parents of children with other skin diseases. The EB-specific module of the Infants and Toddlers Dermatology Quality of Life (InToDermQoL) questionnaire was recently developed to measure the impact of disease-specific aspects in children from birth to the age of 4 years. The aim of this study was initial validation of the InToDermQoL-EB questionnaire. Parents of 44 children with EB from seven countries completed the InToDermQoL-EB questionnaire. Cronbach''s alpha was.86, .89 and.91 for three age-specific versions. Differences between severity levels were all significant except for that between moderate and severe level in the version for 3- to 4-year-old children. All items of the three versions of the InToDermQoL-EB showed very high levels of relevance except “problems with defecation” in children younger than 1 year and “rejection by other children” in 3- to 4-year-old children. The three versions of the InToDermQoL-EB instrument showed good internal consistency and discriminated well between different severity levels. All InToDermQoL-EB items were confirmed as being of high relevance and the questionnaire may be used in practice and clinical trials

    Initial validation of the epidermolysis bullosa-specific module of the Infants and Toddlers Dermatology Quality of Life questionnaire

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    Children with epidermolysis bullosa (EB) experienced the highest quality of life impact among several skin conditions and have problems which had not been reported by parents of children with other skin diseases. The EB-specific module of the Infants and Toddlers Dermatology Quality of Life (InToDermQoL) questionnaire was recently developed to measure the impact of disease-specific aspects in children from birth to the age of 4 years. The aim of this study was initial validation of the InToDermQoL-EB questionnaire. Parents of 44 children with EB from seven countries completed the InToDermQoL-EB questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha was.86,.89 and.91 for three age-specific versions. Differences between severity levels were all significant except for that between moderate and severe level in the version for 3- to 4-year-old children. All items of the three versions of the InToDermQoL-EB showed very high levels of relevance except “problems with defecation” in children younger than 1 year and “rejection by other children” in 3- to 4-year-old children. The three versions of the InToDermQoL-EB instrument showed good internal consistency and discriminated well between different severity levels. All InToDermQoL-EB items were confirmed as being of high relevance and the questionnaire may be used in practice and clinical trials. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC

    Validation of the dermatology-specific proxy instrument the Infants and Toddlers Dermatology Quality of Life

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    Background: The first dermatology-specific proxy health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instrument for children 0–4 years old with skin diseases, the Infants and Toddlers Dermatology Quality of Life (InToDermQoL), was recently developed. In order to avoid the problem of cross-cultural inequivalence focus groups work and pilot tests were organized simultaneously in all national centres of the project. The InToDermQoL showed good comprehensibility, clarity and acceptance. Objective: To validate the InToDermQoL questionnaire during international field tests. Methods: Internal consistency, test–retest reliability, convergent and discriminant validity of the InToDermQoL questionnaire were checked during international field tests. Results: Parents of 473 children with skin diseases filled in the national language versions of the InToDermQoL questionnaire. All three age-specific versions of the InToDermQoL questionnaire with 10, 12 and 15 items, respectively, showed high internal consistency (Cronbach's α 0.90–0.93), good test–retest reliability (correlation coefficients > 0.9), significant correlations with the most widely used atopic dermatitis-specific proxy instrument, the Infants Dermatitis Quality of Life Index (correlation coefficients 0.68–0.79). The InToDermQoL versions for children <3 years old well correlated with the atopic dermatis severity measure Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis (correlation coefficients 0.66 and 0.86 for 10 and 12 items versions, respectively). The InToDermQoL questionnaire discriminated well among different diagnoses and disease severity levels. Conclusion: Our field tests confirmed internal consistency, test–retest reliability, convergent and discriminant validity of the InToDermQoL questionnaire. Development and validation of the InToDermQoL questionnaire make it possible to assess dermatology-specific aspects of HRQoL in youngest children with skin diseases. There are many reasons to assess HRQoL in dermatologic clinical practice, and we hope that our new instrument will be used internationally in paediatric dermatology for research and practical needs. © 2019 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereolog

    Creation and pilot test results of the dermatology-specific proxy instrument: the Infants and Toddlers Dermatology Quality of Life

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    Background: Until now, there was no validated dermatology-specific health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instrument to be used in youngest patients. Objective: To create dermatology-specific proxy instrument for HRQoL assessment in children from birth to 4 years. Methods: International focus groups, item selection and pilot tests were utilized. In order to avoid the problem of cross-cultural inequivalence, focus group work and pilot tests were planned simultaneously in all national centres of the project. Comprehensibility, clarity, acceptance and internal consistency of new instrument were checked. Results: The title ‘Infants and Toddlers Dermatology Quality of Life’ was chosen for our new instrument with the proposed acronym ‘InToDermQoL’. Focus group work was completed in seven national centres (Croatia, Germany, Greece, Malta, Poland, Romania and Ukraine). A total of 170 families of children with different skin diseases were interviewed, and a pilot version of the instrument was created. Centres from France, Denmark and Spain have joined the project at this stage. Parents of 125 children with skin diseases filled in the pilot versions of the instrument. Good comprehensibility, clarity, acceptance and internal consistency of the InToDermQoL were confirmed. The pilot test results showed that the InToDermQoL questionnaire well differentiates severity-dependent differences. It was also checked and confirmed during the pilot test that no significant information was missed in the questionnaire. Three age-specific versions of the InToDermQoL questionnaire with 10, 12 and 15 items, respectively, were approved for field tests. Conclusion: The pilot test results showed that the InToDermQoL questionnaire has good comprehensibility, clarity, acceptance and internal consistency and well differentiates severity-dependent differences. Further validation of the InToDermQoL during international field test will be performed. © 2018 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereolog