371 research outputs found

    Morfofisiologia do tecido intertubular e das células de Leydig de jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis) adulta

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    Estudou-se o espaço intertubular e descreveu-se seu arranjo em jaguatirica adulta (Leopardus pardalis). Para tal, colheram-se fragmentos dos testículos, de cinco jaguatiricas adultas, provenientes de cativeiro, obtidos por biópsia incisional. O compartimento intertubular correspondeu a 19,4% do parênquima, sendo 3,9% ocupado por células de Leydig. Estes se apresentaram uninucleados, com o núcleo arredondado e nucléolo único, e com grande quantidade de grânulos pigmentares no citoplasma. O compartimento intertubular apresentou padrão do tipo II, e o tecido conjuntivo foi o componente mais abundante do tecido intertubular. Observou-se pequeno percentual de células de Leydig na espécie estudada, e o número médio por grama de testículo, 33,39 x106, apresentou-se dentro da amplitude descrita para a maioria dos mamíferos.The aim of this study was to do a quantitative investigation of the intertubular space and describe its arrangement in adult ocelots (Leopardus pardalis). In this experiment we used testicular fragments, obtained through biopsy from five adult ocelots maintained in captivity. The intertubular compartment corresponded to 19.4% of the testicular parenchyma, and 3.9% of this compartment was occupied by Leydig cells. The Leydig cells showed to be uninucleate, with rounded nuclei and single nucleoli, with a large amount of pigment granules in their cytoplasm. The intertubular compartment showed a clear pattern of type II and the conjunctive tissue was the most abundant component of the intertubular tissue. Despite the small unit volume of Leydig cells in adult ocelots, the average number per gram of testis (33.39 x106) was within the range described for most mammals

    Surgical approach in correction of a crack in the gnathotheca of a black swan (Cygnus atratus, Latham, 1790) - First case report

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    ABSTRACT The black swan (Cygnus atratus, LATHAM, 1790) is a bird kept as an ornamental in zoos. Because of their long beaks they tend to have a reserved prognosis in musculoskeletal disorders such as beak trauma, secondary to skull bone fractures, presenting irreversible lesions. The aim of this report is present a clinical surgical innovation in the repair of a black swan’s gnathotheca fissure with the application of non-conventional materials used. It was observed that one of the swans kept in a zoo display area had difficulty feeding, with associated weight loss. It was observed tissue loss and a lacerative lesion in the caudal sublingual region of its beak. The lesion was corrected by a separate simple suture in the cranial region of the beak and with a x-clamping using steel surgical wire and the application of dental resin in the distal region to perform a sustentation bridge in the beak end-gap. After 12 days, the animal was able to feed again and remained perfectly adapted to the restoration, reestablishing the anatomical and physiological function of its beak

    Exercise during pregnancy protects adult mouse offspring from diet-induced obesity

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    BACKGROUND: Physical exercise induces positive alterations in gene expression involved in the metabolism of obesity. Maternal exercise provokes adaptations soon after birth in the offspring. Here, we investigated whether adult mouse offspring of swim-trained mothers is protected against the development of the deleterious effects of high fat diet (HFD). METHODS: Our study comprises two parts. First, female C57BL/6 mice were divided into one sedentary and one swim-trained group (before and during pregnancy, n = 18). In the second part, adult offspring (n = 12) of trained and sedentary mothers was challenged to HFD for 16 weeks. Notably, most of the analysis was done in male offspring. RESULTS: Our results demonstrate that maternal exercise has several beneficial effects on the mouse offspring and protects them from the deleterious effects of HFD in the adult. Specifically, swimming during pregnancy leads to lower birth weight in offspring through 2 months of age. When subjected to HFD for 4 month in the adulthood, our study presents novel data on the male offspring's metabolism of trained mothers. The offspring gained less weight, which was accompanied by less body fat, and they used more calories during daytime compared with offspring of sedentary mothers. Furthermore, we observed increased adiponectin expression in skeletal muscle, which was accompanied by decreased leptin levels and increased insulin sensitivity. Decreased interleukin-6 expression and increased peptide PYY levels were observed in sera of adult offspring of mothers that swam during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Our results point to the conclusion that maternal exercise is beneficial to protect the offspring from developing obesity, which could be important for succeeding generations as well

    Caloric restriction is more efficient than physical exercise to protect from cisplatin nephrotoxicity via PPAR-alpha activation

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    The antineoplastic drug cisplatin promotes renal injury, which limits its use. Protocols that reduce renal cisplatin toxicity will allow higher doses to be used in cisplatin treatment. Here, we compare physical exercise and caloric restriction (CR) as protocols to reduce cisplatin renal injury in mice. Male C57BL/6 were divided into four groups: Control, cisplatin, exercise + cisplatin, and 30% CR + cisplatin. Animals were injected with a single dose of cisplatin (20 mg/kg i.p.) and sacrificed 96 h after injection. Quantitative real time PCR, histological analyses, immunohistochemistry, and biochemical measurements were performed to investigate renal injury, necrosis, apoptosis, and inflammatory mechanisms. Both protocols protected against cisplatin renal injury, but CR was more effective in reducing uraemia and renal necrosis. The CR + Cisplatin group exhibited reduced serum IL-1{beta} and TNF-{alpha} levels. No differences were noted in the renal mRNA expression of cytokines. Both interventions reduced apoptosis, but only the CR + Cisplatin group decreased TNFR2 protein expression. PPAR-{alpha} was activated in mice after CR. An antagonist of PPAR-{alpha} blocked the protective effect of CR. Both interventions attenuated the nephrotoxicity caused by cisplatin injection, but CR + Cisplatin showed a better response by modulating TNFR2. Moreover, part of the CR benefit depends on PPAR-{alpha} activation

    Trophic niche overlap between native freshwater mussels (Order: Unionida) and the invasive Corbicula fluminea

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    Freshwater mussels (Order Unionida) are highly threatened. Interspecific competition for food sources with invasive alien species is considered to be one of the factors responsible for their decline because successful invaders are expected to have wider trophic niches and more flexible feeding strategies than their native counterparts. In this study, carbon (δ13C: 13C/12C) and nitrogen (δ15N: 15N/14N) stable isotopes were used to investigate the trophic niche overlap between the native freshwater mussel species, Anodonta anatina, Potomida littoralis, and Unio delphinus, and the invasive bivalve Corbicula fluminea living in sympatry in the Tua basin (south-west Europe). The species presenting the widest trophic niches were C. fluminea and A. anatina, which indicate that they have broader diets than U. delphinus and P. littoralis. Nonetheless, all the species assimilated microphytobenthos, sediment organic matter, and detritus derived from vascular plants, although with interspecific variability in the assimilated proportions of each source. The trophic niche of the invasive species overlapped with the trophic niche of all the native species, with the extent varying between sites and according to the species. From the three native species analysed, Potomida littoralis may be at a higher risk for competition for food with C. fluminea in the Tua basin, if food sources become limited, because this native mussel presented the narrowest trophic niche across sites and the highest probability of overlapping with the trophic niche of C. fluminea. Given the global widespread distribution of C. fluminea, the implementation of management measures devoted to the control or even eradication of this invasive alien species should be a conservation priority given its potential for competition with highly threatened native freshwater mussels.V.M. and P.C. were supported by doctoral grants SFRH/BD/108298/2015 and SFRH/BD/131814/2017, respectively, from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT through POPH/FSE funds. FCT also supported M.L.L. under contract (2020.03608.CEECIND). This study was conducted within the project FRESHCO – Multiple implications of invasive species on Freshwater Mussel coextinction processes, supported by FCT and COMPETE funds (contract: PTDC/AGRFOR/1627/2014). This study was also supported by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020. We thank Jacinto Cunha for providing Figure 1.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monoketonic Curcuminoid Lidocaine Co Deliver Using Thermosensitive Organogels From Drug Synthesis to Epidermis Structural Studies

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    Organogels ORGs are remarkable matrices due to their versatile chemical composition and straightforward preparation. This study proposes the development of ORGs as dual drug carrier systems, considering the application of synthetic monoketonic curcuminoid m CUR and lidocaine LDC to treat topical inflammatory lesions. The monoketone curcuminoid m CUR was synthesized by using an innovative method via a NbCl5 acid catalysis. ORGs were prepared by associating an aqueous phase composed of Pluronic F127 and LDC hydrochloride with an organic phase comprising isopropyl myristate IPM , soy lecithin LEC , and the synthesized m CUR. Physicochemical characterization was performed to evaluate the influence of the organic phase on the ORGs supramolecular organization, permeation profiles, cytotoxicity, and epidermis structural characteristics. The physico chemical properties of the ORGs were shown to be strongly dependent on the oil phase constitution. Results revealed that the incorporation of LEC and m CUR shifted the sol gel transition temperature, and that the addition of LDC enhanced the rheological G amp; 8242; G amp; 8243; ratio to higher values compared to original ORGs. Consequently, highly structured gels lead to gradual and controlled LDC permeation profiles from the ORG formulations. Porcine ear skin epidermis was treated with ORGs and evaluated by infrared spectroscopy FTIR , where the stratum corneum lipids were shown to transition from a hexagonal to a liquid crystal phase. Quantitative optical coherence tomography OCT analysis revealed that LEC and m CUR additives modify skin structuring. Data from this study pointed ORGs as promising formulations for skin deliver