244 research outputs found

    Expected Response To Early-generation Selection For Yield And Tuber Appearance Traits In Potatoes

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of potato clonal families, and to estimate genetic variance, heritability and the expected response to selection of tuber yield and appearance traits in early generations. Twelve potato families were obtained from crosses between two groups of randomly-selected genotypes, including Eliza, C1730-7-94, and C1742-8-95 in group 1; and Shepody, Asterix, Caesar, and White Lady in group 2. The crosses were made in factorial design (3 genotypes x 4 genotypes), and each family consisted of 75 genotypes. Experiments were conducted in the fall of 2010, with a seedling generation under greenhouse conditions, and in the fall of 2011, with a clonal generation under field condition. High heritability estimates suggest that mild to moderate selection can be applied in the seedling generation to eye depth, eyebrow prominence, tuber curvature, flattening and shape uniformity. The C1742-8-95/White Lady stood out as a superior cross, as did all other crosses with White Lady, regarding tuber appearance and yield traits.3752849285

    Amplification of SOX4 promotes PI3K/Akt signaling in human breast cancer

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    Purpose: The PI3K/Akt signaling axis contributes to the dysregulation of many dominant features in breast cancer including cell proliferation, survival, metabolism, motility, and genomic instability. While multiple studies have demonstrated that basal-like or triple-negative breast tumors have uniformly high PI3K/Akt activity, genomic alterations that mediate dysregulation of this pathway in this subset of highly aggressive breast tumors remain to be determined. Methods: In this study, we present an integrated genomic analysis based on the use of a PI3K gene expression signature as a framework to analyze orthogonal genomic data from human breast tumors, including RNA expression, DNA copy number alterations, and protein expression. In combination with data from a genome-wide RNA-mediated interference screen in human breast cancer cell lines, we identified essential genetic drivers of PI3K/Akt signaling. Results: Our in silico analyses identified SOX4 amplification as a novel modulator of PI3K/Akt signaling in breast cancers and in vitro studies confirmed its role in regulating Akt phosphorylation. Conclusions: Taken together, these data establish a role for SOX4-mediated PI3K/Akt signaling in breast cancer and suggest that SOX4 may represent a novel therapeutic target and/or biomarker for current PI3K family therapies

    A Contingent Valuation Study Of Buriti (mauritia Flexuosa L.f.) In The Main Region Of Production In Brazil: Is Environmental Conservation A Collective Responsibility?

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)The immature leaves of the buriti palm (Mauritia flexuosa) are widely harvested in the municipality of Barreirinhas, Maranhão, for the production of handicrafts, which are sold to locals and tourists. The increasing demand for these artisanal goods is stimulating the emergence of an informal market for immature buriti leaves, leading to an intensification of their extraction and resulting in negative effects on local buriti palm populations and the ecosystem. Thus, the objective of the present study was to assess the environmental value of the buriti palm tree based on the maximum willingness to pay (WTP) for its conservation, using the contingent valuation method. Among the respondents, 99.74% reported that the palm species should be protected and the majority of them (65.75%) agreed to pay for its conservation (annual WTP R$ 179.49 ± 222.05). Multivariate analysis revealed that the WTP was not influenced by the socio-economic profile of the respondents. The main reasons for non-WTP are related to dissatisfaction with the government and the belief that financial contributions would not solve problems of environmental damage. Overall, the evaluated population believes that environmental conservation is not an obligation of the government or that of the population, but is a collective responsibility. © 2016, Sociedade Botanica do Brasil. All rights reserved.304532539CAPES, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorMOE, Ministry of EducationCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Monitoramento do propranolol plasmático em crianças operadas da tetralogia de Fallot através de micrométodo utilizando a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the analytical micromethod using liquid chromatography for the quantification of propranolol in children submitted to surgery of tetralogy of Fallot (TLF). Methods: Only 0.2 mL of plasma is required for the assay. Peaks eluted at 8.4 (Propranolol) and 17.5 min (verapamil, internal standard) from a C18 column, with a mobile phase 0.1 M acetate buffer, pH 5.0, and acetonitrile (60:40, v/v) at flow rate 0.7 mL/min, detected at 290 nm (excitation) and 358 nm (emission). Surgery was started 776 min of drug administration (8.7mg, mean); seven blood samples were collected from six patients (4M/2F; 2.1yrs;11.5kg; 0.80m; 18.9kg/m²). RESULTS: Confidence limits of the method showed high selectivity and recovery, sensitivity of 0.02ng/mL, good linearity (0.05-1000ng/mL), precision of 8.6% and accuracy of 3.1%. The mean duration of surgery was 283.2min, with the patients remaining under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) for 114min. A declining curve of propranolol plasma concentration was obtained after the last dose in the night that preceded the day of surgery. Plasma concentration also was normalized with hematocrit due to the hemodilution caused by the CPB procedure. On the other hand a decrease on drug plasma concentration was obtained between periods, the beginning of surgery to the postoperative day 2 (7.09 ng/mL and 0.05 ng/mL, pOBJETIVO: Avaliar o micrométodo analítico empregando a cromatografia líquida para quantificação de propranolol em crianças operadas de tetralogia de Fallot (TLF). MÉTODO: Requereu-se apenas volumes de 0,2mL de plasma para a realização do ensaio. Os picos foram eluídos em 8.4 (Propranolol) e 17.5 min (verapamil, padrão interno) de uma coluna C18, com fase móvel (tampão acetato 0,1 M pH 5,0 e acetonitrila, 60:40, v/v) em fluxo de 0,7 mL/min, sendo detectados em 290 nm (excitação) e em 358 nm (emissão). A cirurgia iniciou-se 776 min depois da dose administrada (8,7mg, média) e sete amostras de sangue foram coletadas de seis pacientes (4M/2F; 2,1 anos;11,5kg; 0,80m;18,9kg/m²). RESULTADOS: Os limites de confiança do método analítico evidenciaram alta seletividade e recuperação, sensibilidade (0,02ng/mL), boa linearidade (0,05-1000ng/mL), precisão de 8,6% e exatidão de 3,1%. A duração média da cirurgia foi de 283,2min, com os pacientes em circulação extracorpórea (CEC) durante 114min. Uma curva de declínio do propranolol no plasma foi obtida após a última dose na noite que precedeu o dia da intervenção. A concentração plasmática foi normalizada com o hematócrito devido à hemodiluição causada pela CEC. Por outro lado obteve-se decréscimo nas concentrações plasmáticas entre os períodos início da cirurgia para o 2º dia de pós-operatório (7,09 ng/mL e0,05 ng/mL,

    Waist circumference as a mediator of biological maturation effect on the motor coordination in children

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    AbstractObjectiveThe present study aimed to: 1) examine the association of biological maturation effect on performance at a motor coordination battery and 2) to assess whether the association between biological maturation and scores obtained in motor coordination tests is mediated by some anthropometric measurement.MethodsThe convenience sample consisted of 73 male children aged 8 years old. Anthropometric data considered the height, body mass, sitting height, waist circumference, body mass index, fat mass and fat-free mass estimates. Biological maturation was assessed by the percentage of the predicted mature stature. Motor coordination was tested by the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder. A partial correlation between anthropometric measurements, z-score of maturation and the motor coordination tests were performed, controlling for chronological age. Finally, causal mediation analysis was performed.ResultsHeight, body mass, waist circumference and fat mass showed a slight to moderate inverse correlation with motor coordination. Biological maturation was significantly associated with the balance test with backward walking (r=−0.34). Total mediation of the waist circumference was identified in the association between biological maturation and balance test with backward walking (77%).ConclusionsWe identified an association between biological maturation and KTK test performance in male children and also verified that there is mediation of waist circumference. It is recommended that studies be carried out with female individuals and at other age ranges

    A mouse model featuring tissue-specific deletion of p53 and Brca1 gives rise to mammary tumors with genomic and transcriptomic similarities to human basal-like breast cancer

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    Purpose and methods: In human basal-like breast cancer, mutations and deletions in TP53 and BRCA1 are frequent oncogenic events. Thus, we interbred mice expressing the CRE-recombinase with mice harboring loxP sites at TP53 and BRCA1 (K14-Cre; p53 f/f Brca1 f/f ) to test the hypothesis that tissue-specific deletion of TP53 and BRCA1 would give rise to tumors reflective of human basal-like breast cancer. Results: In support of our hypothesis, these transgenic mice developed tumors that express basal-like cytokeratins and demonstrated intrinsic gene expression features similar to human basal-like tumors. Array comparative genomic hybridization revealed a striking conservation of copy number alterations between the K14-Cre; p53 f/f Brca1 f/f mouse model and human basal-like breast cancer. Conserved events included MYC amplification, KRAS amplification, and RB1 loss. Microarray analysis demonstrated that these DNA copy number events also led to corresponding changes in signatures of pathway activation including high proliferation due to RB1 loss. K14-Cre; p53 f/f Brca1 f/f also matched human basal-like breast cancer for a propensity to have immune cell infiltrates. Given the long latency of K14-Cre; p53 f/f Brca1 f/f tumors (~ 250 days), we created tumor syngeneic transplant lines, as well as in vitro cell lines, which were tested for sensitivity to carboplatin and paclitaxel. These therapies invoked acute regression, extended overall survival, and resulted in gene expression signatures of an anti-tumor immune response. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate that this model is a valuable preclinical resource for the study of human basal-like breast cancer

    Propranolol plasma monitoring in children submitted to surgery of tetralogy of Fallot by a micromethod using high performance liquid chromatography

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the analytical micromethod using liquid chromatography for the quantification of propranolol in children submitted to surgery of tetralogy of Fallot (TLF). Methods: Only 0.2 mL of plasma is required for the assay. Peaks eluted at 8.4 (Propranolol) and 17.5 min (verapamil, internal standard) from a C18 column, with a mobile phase 0.1 M acetate buffer, pH 5.0, and acetonitrile (60:40, v/v) at flow rate 0.7 mL/min, detected at 290 nm (excitation) and 358 nm (emission). Surgery was started 776 min of drug administration (8.7mg, mean); seven blood samples were collected from six patients (4M/2F; 2.1yrs;11.5kg; 0.80m; 18.9kg/m²). RESULTS: Confidence limits of the method showed high selectivity and recovery, sensitivity of 0.02ng/mL, good linearity (0.05-1000ng/mL), precision of 8.6% and accuracy of 3.1%. The mean duration of surgery was 283.2min, with the patients remaining under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) for 114min. A declining curve of propranolol plasma concentration was obtained after the last dose in the night that preceded the day of surgery. Plasma concentration also was normalized with hematocrit due to the hemodilution caused by the CPB procedure. On the other hand a decrease on drug plasma concentration was obtained between periods, the beginning of surgery to the postoperative day 2 (7.09 ng/mL and 0.05 ng/mL, pOBJETIVO: Avaliar o micrométodo analítico empregando a cromatografia líquida para quantificação de propranolol em crianças operadas de tetralogia de Fallot (TLF). MÉTODO: Requereu-se apenas volumes de 0,2mL de plasma para a realização do ensaio. Os picos foram eluídos em 8.4 (Propranolol) e 17.5 min (verapamil, padrão interno) de uma coluna C18, com fase móvel (tampão acetato 0,1 M pH 5,0 e acetonitrila, 60:40, v/v) em fluxo de 0,7 mL/min, sendo detectados em 290 nm (excitação) e em 358 nm (emissão). A cirurgia iniciou-se 776 min depois da dose administrada (8,7mg, média) e sete amostras de sangue foram coletadas de seis pacientes (4M/2F; 2,1 anos;11,5kg; 0,80m;18,9kg/m²). RESULTADOS: Os limites de confiança do método analítico evidenciaram alta seletividade e recuperação, sensibilidade (0,02ng/mL), boa linearidade (0,05-1000ng/mL), precisão de 8,6% e exatidão de 3,1%. A duração média da cirurgia foi de 283,2min, com os pacientes em circulação extracorpórea (CEC) durante 114min. Uma curva de declínio do propranolol no plasma foi obtida após a última dose na noite que precedeu o dia da intervenção. A concentração plasmática foi normalizada com o hematócrito devido à hemodiluição causada pela CEC. Por outro lado obteve-se decréscimo nas concentrações plasmáticas entre os períodos início da cirurgia para o 2º dia de pós-operatório (7,09 ng/mL e0,05 ng/mL, p<0,05 respectivamente) e do final da CEC para o 2º dia de pós-operatório (2,79ng/mL e 0,05ng/mL, p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O monitoramento das concentrações plasmáticas normalizadas do propranolol, em crianças com TLF, após a última dose pré-operatória revelou decaimento do início da cirurgia para o segundo pós-operatório, sugerindo que após a correção cirúrgica, uma vez restaurada a distribuição, a eliminação do fármaco foi completa