4 research outputs found

    Kidney transplantation in patients with previous renal cancer : a critical appraisal of current evidence and guidelines

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    Due to the increasing occurrence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in the general population and the high prevalence of chronic kidney disease among cancer patients, many people with a previous RCC may eventually require renal replacement therapy including kidney transplantation. They should accordingly be evaluated to assess their life expectancy and the risk that the chronic immunosuppressive therapy needed after grafting might impair their long-term outcome. Current guidelines on listing patients for renal transplantation suggest that no delay is required for subjects with small or incidentally discovered RCC, while the recommendations for patients who have been treated for a symptomatic RCC or for those with large or invasive tumours are conflicting. The controversial results reported by even recent studies focusing on the cancer risk in kidney graft recipients with a prior history of malignancy do not help to clarify the doubts arising in everyday clinical practice. Several tools, including integrated scoring systems, are currently available to assess the prognosis of patients with a previous RCC and, although they have not been validated in subjects receiving long-term immunosuppressive drugs, they can be used to identify patients suitable to be listed for grafting. Among these, the Leibovich score is currently the most widely used as it has proved simple and reliable enough and helps categorize renal transplant candidates. According to this system, subjects with a score from 0 to 2 are at low risk and may be listed without delay, while those with a score of 6 or higher should be excluded from grafting. In addition, other factors have an established positive prognostic value, including chromophobe or clear cell papillary tumour, or G1 grade cancer; on the contrary, medullary or Bellini\u2019s duct carcinoma or those with sarcomatoid dedifferentiation at histological examination should be excluded. All other patients would be better submitted to careful individual evaluation by an Oncologist before being listed for renal transplantation, pending studies specifically focusing on cancer risk evaluation in people already treated for malignancy receiving long-term immunosuppressive therapy

    Transplantation of kidneys with tumors

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    The shortage of donors in the face of the increasing number of patients wait-listed for renal transplantation has prompted several strategies including the use of kidneys with a tumor, whether found by chance on harvesting from a deceased donor or intentionally removed from a living donor and transplanted after excision of the lesion. Current evidence suggests that a solitary well-differentiated renal cell carcinoma, Fuhrman nuclear grade I-II, less than 1\ua0cm in diameter and resected before grafting may be considered at minimal risk of recurrence in the recipient who, however, should be informed of the possible risk and consent to receive such a graft

    Perceptions and current practices of Namibian midwives regarding the use of the cardio-tocograph as an informative labour monitoring tool for labouring women

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    Labour is a vital period for the labouring mothers, as it should bring with it the fulfilment of an expectation of having the baby that has been awaited. The health of the foetus which is to be born and that of the labouring mother are inextricably linked with each other which is why the labouring mother needs to be assessed and monitored carefully. The cardio-tocograph, which is a globally accepted method of diagnosis and assessment of the foetal status during labour is preferred to be used in monitoring labouring mothers, especially high- risk patients. Despite the evidence and information regarding the effectiveness of the use of the cardio-tocograph, midwives are still found not to be using it correctly, the reasons given that the women not always co-operate; do not keep the electrode and belt in place or cite the discomfort they experience from contraction. The objectives of this study were to: explore and describe the perceptions and current practice of Namibian midwives regarding the use of the cardio-tocograph as an informative labour- monitoring tool. Explore and describe how midwives working in labour wards in Namibia perceive informing laboring women of the use of the cardio-tocograph as an informative labour- monitoring tool and based on the results, develop an instruction guide for midwives working in the labour ward in intermediate hospital in Namibia that would serve as a guide on how to teach labouring women about the use of the cardio-tocograph as a labour- monitoring tool and enhance positive labor and delivery outcomes The study was conducted between May and June 2016, using a qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design, following the necessary university approval and approval from other relevant authorities. The research population was midwives who work in labour wards at a public hospital in Namibia. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from purposively sampled participants using set criteria. A voice recorder was used to capture the interview with the permission of the participants. Seventeen midwives were interviewed of whom two were used for the pilot study. Data saturation determined the sufficient sample size. The collected data was analyzed using Tesch’s spiral method of data analysis with the assistance of an independent coder From the research findings, it emerged that midwives had varying perceptions regarding the use of the CTG machine. Midwives still perceive CTG interpretation as a challenge as a labour -monitoring tool and expressed a need for updates. Furthermore, midwives expressed the fact that they had limited communication with labouring women regarding the use of CTG. Based on the research findings and guided by Health Belief Model principles, three main guidelines were developed for midwives working in the labour ward in a public hospital in Namibia. These guidelines will serve as a tool to assist midwives in their teaching of labouring women about the use of the cardio-tocograph as a labour- monitoring tool, and the role to be played by labouring women during that monitoring period. Furthermore, recommendations for clinical nursing practice, nursing education and nursing research were developed. The researcher used literature control to ensure validation and integrity of the study. Trustworthiness, which was used to ensure rigour of the study, was guided by the principles of truth-value, transferability, dependability and confirmability. Ethical considerations were guided by the Belmont report adopting the principles of beneficence, respect for human dignity, justice and non-maleficence

    Renal cancer in kidney transplanted patients

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    Renal cancer occurs more frequently in renal transplanted patients than in the general population, affecting native kidneys in 90\ua0% of cases and the graft in 10\ua0%. In addition to general risk factors, malignancy susceptibility may be influenced by immunosuppressive therapy, the use of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) as compared with mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors, and the length of dialysis treatment. Acquired cystic kidney disease may increase the risk for renal cancer after transplantation, while autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease does not seem to predispose to cancer development. Annual ultrasound evaluation seems appropriate in patients with congenital or acquired cystic disease or even a single cyst in native kidneys, and every 2\ua0years in patients older than 60\ua0years if they were on dialysis for more than 5\ua0years before transplantation. Immunosuppression should be lowered in patients who develop renal cancer, by reduction or withdrawal of CNI. Although more evidence is still needed, it seems reasonable to shift patients from CNI to everolimus or sirolimus if not already treated with one of these drugs, with due caution in subjects with chronic allograft nephropathy