5 research outputs found

    Realistic Equations of State for the Primeval Universe

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    Early universe equations of state including realistic interactions between constituents are built up. Under certain reasonable assumptions, these equations are able to generate an inflationary regime prior to the nucleosynthesis period. The resulting accelerated expansion is intense enough to solve the flatness and horizon problems. In the cases of curvature parameter \kappa equal to 0 or +1, the model is able to avoid the initial singularity and offers a natural explanation for why the universe is in expansion.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures. Citations added in this version. Accepted EPJ

    Alpha-defensins in the prevention of HIV transmission among breastfed infants

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    \u3b1-Defensins have been observed to have anti-HIV activity but have not been investigated in relation to mother-to-child HIV transmission. We measured the concentration of \u3b1-defensins in breast milk of HIV-positive mothers and tested whether the concentrations were associated with HIV transmission. A nested case-control study of 32 HIV-positive women who transmitted HIV to their infants and 52 randomly selected HIV-positive women who did not transmit HIV to their infants was conducted in Lusaka, Zambia. \u3b1-Defensins were detected in most (79%) of the milk samples tested. Concentrations of \u3b1-defensins increased as breast milk HIV RNA quantity increased, and breast milk HIV RNA quantity was, in turn, a strong and significant predictor of HIV transmission. After adjustment for milk HIV RNA quantity, however, \u3b1-defensin concentration was significantly associated with a decreased risk of intrapartum and postnatal HIV transmission (odds ratio = 0.3, 95% confidence interval: 0.09-0.93). Our data suggest that there may be a role for \u3b1-defensins in prevention of HIV transmission to breastfed infants. Copyrigh

    Avaliação do feno de Egeria densa na alimentação de carneiros Egeria densa hay inclusion in ration for sheep

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    Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da inclusão de Egeria densa na ração sobre o consumo voluntário, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar de ovinos Santa Inês. Dezesseis ovinos foram distribuídos ao acaso em quatro tratamentos: T0 = 81% de feno de tifton (FT) e 19% de concentrado (farelo de soja e milho); T27 = 27% de feno de Egeria (FE), 54% de FT e 19% de concentrado; T54 54% de FE, 27% de FT e 19% de concentrado e T81 = 81% de FE e 19% de concentrado. Verificou-se que o consumo voluntário foi reduzido, e o ganho de peso, quando analisado todo o período experimental, não foi afetado pela adição de feno de Egeria. Durante o período experimental, verificou-se que o ganho de peso foi uniforme nos animais que receberam as dietas sem e com 27% feno de Egeria. Quando as dietas continham 54 e 81% de feno de Egeria, o ganho de peso apresentou comportamento quadrático. Apesar da alta concentração de alguns elementos minerais, a Egeria tem potencial como forrageira para ovinos, desde que seja fornecida em baixa proporção na ração ou por curto período.<br>Sixteen Santa Inês sheep were randomly allotted to four treatments (T0 = 81% tifton hay (TH) and 19% concentrate (soybean meal and corn); T27 = 27% egeria hay (EH), 54% TH and 19% concentrate; T81 = 81% EH and 19% concentrate) to evaluate the effect of Egeria hay inclusion in the diet on voluntary intake, weight gain and feed efficiency. Voluntary intake reduced and body weight gain was not affected by EH inclusion. During the experimental period, weight gain was similar for the animals fed diet without or with 27% EH. EH inclusion (at levels of 54 and 81%) affected quadractricaly body weight gain. Despite of the high minerals concentration, EH could be used as forage in small quantity or for short period

    AGN Emission Lines

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