10 research outputs found

    Relevance of the pair-pair interaction in the crossover from BCS to Bose-Einstein condensation

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    We show that, to deal correctly with the pair-pair interaction in the crossover from BCS superconductivity to Bose-Einstein condensation, self-consistency in the fermionic T-matrix approximation is insufficient in the strong-coupling limit, and an appropriate set of diagrams corresponding to a dilute gas of composite bosons has to be included. The resulting effect on the pair-pair scattering length is evaluated

    Single-particle spectra and magnetic field effects within precursor superconductivity

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    We study the single-particle spectra below the superconducting critical temperature from weak to strong coupling within a precursor superconductivity scenario. The spectral-weight function is obtained from a self-energy that includes pairing-fluctuations within a continuum model representing the hot spots of the Brillouin zone. The effects of strong magnetic fields on the pseudogap temperature are also discussed within the same scenario

    Strong disorder RG approach – a short review of recent developments

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    The strong disorder RG approach for random systems has been extended in many new directions since our previous review of 2005 [F. Igloi, C. Monthus, Phys. Rep. 412, 277 (2005)]. The aim of the present colloquium paper is thus to give an overview of these various recent developments. In the field of quantum disordered models, recent progress concern infinite disorder fixed points for short-ranged models in higher dimensions d > 1, strong disorder fixed points for long-ranged models, scaling of the entanglement entropy in critical ground-states and after quantum quenches, the RSRG-X procedure to construct the whole set excited stated and the RSRG-t procedure for the unitary dynamics in many-body-localized phases, the Floquet dynamics of periodically driven chains, the dissipative effects induced by the coupling to external baths, and Anderson Localization models. In the field of classical disordered models, new applications include the contact process for epidemic spreading, the strong disorder renormalization procedure for general master equations, the localization properties of random elastic networks, and the synchronization of interacting non-linear dissipative oscillators. Application of the method for aperiodic (or deterministic) disorder is also mentioned

    Strong disorder RG approach – a short review of recent developments

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