1,787 research outputs found

    Surface structure and solidification morphology of aluminum nanoclusters

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    Classical molecular dynamics simulation with embedded atom method potential had been performed to investigate the surface structure and solidification morphology of aluminum nanoclusters Aln (n = 256, 604, 1220 and 2048). It is found that Al cluster surfaces are comprised of (111) and (001) crystal planes. (110) crystal plane is not found on Al cluster surfaces in our simulation. On the surfaces of smaller Al clusters (n = 256 and 604), (111) crystal planes are dominant. On larger Al clusters (n = 1220 and 2048), (111) planes are still dominant but (001) planes can not be neglected. Atomic density on cluster (111)/(001) surface is smaller/larger than the corresponding value on bulk surface. Computational analysis on total surface area and surface energies indicates that the total surface energy of an ideal Al nanocluster has the minimum value when (001) planes occupy 25% of the total surface area. We predict that a melted Al cluster will be a truncated octahedron after equilibrium solidification.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 34 reference

    Comment on "c-axis Josephson tunneling in Dx2y2D_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductors''

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    This comment points out that the recent paper by Maki and Haas [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 67}, 020510 (2003)] is completely wrong.Comment: 1 page, submittted to Phys. Rev.

    Emergence and genomic characterization of the first reported optrA-carrying linezolid-resistant enterococci isolated from retail broiler meat in the United Arab Emirates

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    The foodborne transfer of resistant genes from enterococci to humans and their tolerance to several commonly used antimicrobials are of growing concern worldwide. Linezolid is a last-line drug for managing complicated illnesses resulting from multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacteria. The optrA gene has been reported in enterococci as one of the acquired linezolid resistance mechanisms. The present study uses whole-genome sequencing analysis to characterize the first reported isolates of linezolid-resistant E. faecium (n = 6) and E. faecalis (n = 10) harboring the optrA gene isolated from samples of supermarket broiler meat (n = 165) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The sequenced genomes were used to appraise the study isolates’ genetic relatedness, antimicrobial resistance determinants, and virulence traits. All 16 isolates carrying the optrA gene demonstrated multidrug-resistance profiles. Genome-based relatedness classified the isolates into five clusters that were independent of the isolate sources. The most frequently known genotype among the isolates was the sequence type ST476 among E. faecalis (50% (5/10)). The study isolates revealed five novel sequence types. Antimicrobial resistance genes (ranging from 5 to 13) were found among all isolates that conferred resistance against 6 to 11 different classes of antimicrobials. Sixteen different virulence genes were found distributed across the optrA-carrying E. faecalis isolates. The virulence genes in E. faecalis included genes encoding invasion, cell adhesion, sex pheromones, aggregation, toxins production, the formation of biofilms, immunity, antiphagocytic activity, proteases, and the production of cytolysin. This study presented the first description and in-depth genomic characterization of the optrA-gene-carrying linezolid-resistant enterococci from retail broiler meat in the UAE and the Middle East. Our results call for further monitoring of the emergence of linezolid resistance at the retail and farm levels. These findings elaborate on the importance of adopting a One Health surveillance approach involving enterococci as a prospective bacterial indicator for antimicrobial resistance spread at the human–food interface

    Cosmological models with linearly varying deceleration parameter

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    We propose a new law for the deceleration parameter that varies linearly with time and covers Berman's law where it is constant. Our law not only allows one to generalize many exact solutions that were obtained assuming constant deceleration parameter, but also gives a better fit with data (from SNIa, BAO and CMB), particularly concerning the late time behavior of the universe. According to our law only the spatially closed and flat universes are allowed; in both cases the cosmological fluid we obtain exhibits quintom like behavior and the universe ends with a big-rip. This is a result consistent with recent cosmological observations.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures; some typo corrections; to appear in International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Tracing KAM tori in presymplectic dynamical systems

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    We present a KAM theorem for presymplectic dynamical systems. The theorem has a " a posteriori " format. We show that given a Diophantine frequency ω\omega and a family of presymplectic mappings, if we find an embedded torus which is approximately invariant with rotation ω\omega such that the torus and the family of mappings satisfy some explicit non-degeneracy condition, then we can find an embedded torus and a value of the parameter close to to the original ones so that the torus is invariant under the map associated to the value of the parameter. Furthermore, we show that the dimension of the parameter space is reduced if we assume that the systems are exact.Comment: 33 pages and one figur

    Shot-noise suppression by Fermi and Coulomb correlations in ballistic conductors

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    We investigate the injection of degenerate Fermi-Dirac electrons into a multimode ballistic conductor under the space-charge limited regime. The nonequilibrium current fluctuations were found to be suppressed by both Coulomb and Fermi correlations. We show that the Fermi shot-noise suppression factor is limited below by the value 2kT/epsilon_F, where T is the temperature and epsilon_F the Fermi energy of the injected electrons. The Coulomb noise suppression factor may attain much lower values epsilon_F/2qU, because of its dependence on the applied bias U >> kT/q. The asymptotic behaviour of the overall shot-noise suppression factor in a high degenerate limit was found to be kT/qU, independently of the material parameters.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, minor changes, published versio

    Private-label use and store loyalty

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    The authors develop an econometric model of the relationship between a household’s private-label (PL) share and its behavioral store loyalty. The model includes major drivers of these two behaviors and controls for simultaneity and nonlinearity in the relationship between them. The model is estimated with a unique data set that combinescomplete purchase records of a panel of Dutch households with demographic and psychographic data. The authorsestimate the model for two retail chains in the Netherlands the leading service chain with a well-differentiatedhigh-share PL and the leading value chain with a lower-share PL. They find that PL share significantly affects all three measures of behavioral loyalty in the study: share of wallet, share of items purchased, andshare of shopping trips. In addition, behavioral loyalty has a significant effect on PL share. For the service chain, the authors find that both effects are in the form of an inverted U. For the value chain, the effects are positive and nonlinear, but they do not exhibit nonmonotonicity, because PL share has not yet reached high enough levels. The managerial implications of this research are important. Retailers can reap the benefits of a virtuous cycle; greater PL share increases share of wallet, and greater share of wallet increases PL share. However, this virtuous cycle operates only to a point because heavy PL buyers tend to be loyal to price savings and PLs in general, not to the PL of any particular chain.pre-prin

    Vibrational signature of broken chemical order in a GeS2 glass: a molecular dynamics simulation

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    Using density functional molecular dynamics simulations, we analyze the broken chemical order in a GeS2_2 glass and its impact on the dynamical properties of the glass through the in-depth study of the vibrational eigenvectors. We find homopolar bonds and the frequencies of the corresponding modes are in agreement with experimental data. Localized S-S modes and 3-fold coordinated sulfur atoms are found to be at the origin of specific Raman peaks whose origin was not previously clear. Through the ring size statistics we find, during the glass formation, a conversion of 3-membered rings into larger units but also into 2-membered rings whose vibrational signature is in agreement with experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Floquet scattering in parametric electron pumps

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    A Floquet scattering approach to parametric electron pumps is presented and compared with Brouwer's adiabatic scattering approach [Phys. Rev. B 58, R10135 (1998)] for a simple scattering model with two harmonically oscillating delta-function barriers. For small strength of oscillating potentials these two approaches give exactly equivalent results while for large strength, these clearly deviate from each other. The validity of the adiabatic theory is also discussed by using the Wigner delay time obtained from the Floquet scattering matrix.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure