32 research outputs found

    I valori limite per agenti chimici alla luce del Regolamento REACH

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    The European Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) obliges manufacture companies and import chemicals to assess the risks arising from their use and to take the necessary measures to manage the risks identified. The Chemical Safety Report provides an accurate assessment of hazards to human health and the environment necessary to prepare an exposure scenario for the \u201cidentified uses\u201d of the substance. An exposure scenario is the set of conditions that describe how the substance is manufactured or used during its life cycle and how the manufacturer or importer controls, or recommends downstream users to control the \u2018exposure to humans and the environment. Firms therefore need specific skills. The spectrum of toxicological risk is extremely large, the information required in some cases are very complex and undoubtedly require a thorough knowledge in toxicology and environmental industry. The expertise and experience in toxicology of the occupational physician in this case may become useful in the environmental field as well as another familiar figure of relevant importance is the occupational hygienist who develop exposure scenarios for workers and their uses experience for the exposure scenarios for the consumer. It provides an obvious involvement of medical toxicologists and occupational hygienists for public tasks of control and inspection of chemical safety reports and, locally, even the accuracy of risk that arise from this

    Aspetti medici ed assicurativi in tema di esposizione a polveri silicotigene.

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    Allo stato attuale tre aspetti in tema di esposizione a polveri silicotigene meritano di essere approfonditi e discussi e cioè la frequenza con cui si è manifestata la patologia ed il suo andamento negli ultimi anni, a quale livello deve intendersi presente l'obbligo assicurativo ed infine quali risvolti possiamo attenderci dal recente inserimento da parte della IARC del quarzo e della cristobalite tra gli agenti cancerogeni per l'uomo

    Kidney and liver biomarkers in female dry-cleaning workers exposed to perchlorethylene.

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    Principi e metodi della sorveglianza sanitaria negli ambienti di lavoro.

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    A survey of the legal and institutional framework for health surveillance in the Italian workplace. The roles of the "competent physician", of local health authorities and of universities are discussed in detail