292 research outputs found

    A novel enzymatically-mediated drug delivery carrier for bone tissue engineering applications: combining biodegradable starch-based microparticles and differentiation agents

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    In many biomedical applications, the performance of biomaterials depends largely on their degradation behavior. For instance, in drug delivery applications, the polymeric carrier should degrade under physiological conditions slowly releasing the encapsulated drug. The aim of this work was, therefore, to develop an enzymaticmediated degradation carrier system for the delivery of differentiation agents to be used in bone tissue engineering applications. For that, a polymeric blend of starch with polycaprolactone (SPCL) was used to produce a microparticle carrier for the controlled release of dexamethasone (DEX). In order to investigate the effect of enzymes on the degradation behavior of the developed system and release profile of the encapsulated osteogenic agent (DEX), the microparticles were incubated in phosphate buffer solution in the presence of a-amylase and/or lipase enzymes (at physiological concentrations), at 37 C for different periods of time. The degradation was followed by gravimetric measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and the release of DEX was monitored by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The developed microparticles were shown to be susceptible to enzymatic degradation, as observed by an increase in weight loss and porosity with degradation time when compared with control samples (incubation in buffer only). For longer degradation times, the diameter of the microparticles decreased significantly and a highly porous matrix was obtained. The in vitro release studies showed a sustained release pattern with 48% of the encapsulated drug being released for a period of 30 days. As the degradation proceeds, it is expected that the remaining encapsulated drug will be completely released as a consequence of an increasingly permeable matrix and faster diffusion of the drug. Cytocompatibility results indicated the possibility of the developed microparticles to be used as biomaterial due to their reduced cytotoxic effects

    Is anodal transcranial direct current stimulation a potential ergogenic resource for muscle strength and effort perception? A critical review

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    Nas últimas décadas, vários estudos estão investigando a dose-resposta ideal em termos de frequência, intensidade e volume de treinamento para alcançar o aumento da força muscular, tanto em atletas quanto em não atletas. A dose-resposta é fundamental para a prescrição do treinamento, uma vez que sua manipulação equivocada pode acarretar alto risco de desenvolvimento de lesões por esforços repetitivos, bem como pelo não desenvolvimento da força esperada. Em indivíduos com nível avançado de treinamento de força, é extremamente importante aumentar sua intensidade e volume de treinamento. Nesse sentido, com os avanços encontrados na área de treinamento de força e a necessidade de novas estratégias para otimizar ganhos de força, um novo método vem ganhando força na literatura, a estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC). Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar criticamente os efeitos do ETCC como potencial recurso ergogênico para a realização de força muscular e percepção de esforço, bem como se seu uso é ético ou não. Para tanto, foram pesquisadas as bases de dados Pubmed/Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge e Scielo, apenas em inglês, e com as palavras-chave: força muscular, resistência muscular, estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua, ETCC. Nós comparamos o efeito do ETCC anódico (ETCC-a) com uma condição sham/controle nos resultados de ETCC para força muscular e percepção de esforço força muscular e percepção de esforço. Nenhum estudo menciona efeitos colaterais negativos da intervenção. Os dados mostram diferenças entre os estudos que investigam os estudos de avaliação da força muscular e resistência muscular, em termos do uso bem sucedido de ETCC. Estudos que investigaram a eficiência do ETCC na melhora da força muscular demonstraram efeitos positivos do ETCC-a em 66,7% dos parâmetros testados. Amaioria dos dados mostra consistentemente a influência do ETCC-a na força muscular, mas não no desempenho de resistênciaEn las últimas décadas, diversos estudios están investigando la dosis-respuesta ideal en cuanto a la frecuencia, intensidad y volumen de entrenamiento para alcanzar el aumento de fuerza muscular, sea en atletas y no atletas. La dosis-respuesta es fundamental para la prescripción de entrenamiento, pues su manipulación equivocada puede llevar a un alto de riesgo de desarrollo de lesiones por esfuerzo repetitivo, así como para el no desarrollo de la fuerza esperada. En sujetos con nivel avanzado de entrenamiento de fuerza es extremadamente importante aumentar su intensidad y volumen de entrenamiento. En este sentido, con los avances encontrados en el área de entrenamiento de fuerza y la necesidad de nuevas estrategias para optimizar las ganancias de fuerza, un nuevo método está ganando fuerza en la literatura, la estimulación transcraneal por corriente continua (ETCC). Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar de forma crítica los efectos de la ETCC como potencial recurso ergogénico al desempeño de fuerza muscular y percepción de esfuerzo, así como si su uso es ético o no. Por lo tanto, se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Pubmed/Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge y Scielo, solamente en inglés y con las palabras clave: fuerza muscular, resistencia muscular, estimulación transcraneal de corriente continua, ETCC. Comparamos el efecto de la ETCC anódica (ETCC-a) a una condición sham/control sobre los resultados de la fuerza muscular y percepción de esfuerzo. Ningún estudio menciona efectos secundarios negativos de la intervención. Los datos muestran diferencias entre los estudios que investigan la fuerza muscular y los estudios de evaluación de resistencia muscular, en lo que se refiere al uso exitoso de la ETCC. Los estudios que investigan la eficiencia de la ETCC en la mejora de la fuerza muscular demuestran efectos positivos de la ETCC-a en el 66,7% de los parámetros probados. La mayoría de los datos muestran consistentemente influencia de la ETCC-a en la fuerza muscular, pero no en el rendimiento de resistencia.In the last decades, several studies are investigating the optimal dose-response in terms of frequency, intensity and volume of training to achieve increased muscle strength in both athletes and non-athletes. Dose-response is critical to the prescription of training, since its mismanagement may pose a high risk of developing repetitive strain injuries as well as failure to develop the expected strength. In individuals with advanced level of strength training, it is extremely important to increase their intensity and training volume. In this sense, with the advances in the area of strength training and the need for new strategies to optimize force gains, a new method is gaining strength in the literature, the transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to critically analyze the effects of tDCS as a potential ergogenic resource for achieving muscle strength and perceived exertion, as well as whether its use is ethical or not. To do so, we searched the databases Pubmed/Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge and Scielo, in English only, and with the keywords: muscle strength, muscular endurance, transcranial direct current stimulation, tDCS. We compared the effect of anodic tDCS (a-tDCS) with a sham/control condition on muscle strength and perceived exertion results. No study mentions the negative side effects of the intervention. The data show differences between studies investigating studies of muscle strength and muscle endurance in terms of the successful use of tDCS. Studies that investigated tDCS efficiency in improving muscle strength demonstrated positive effects of a-tDCS on 66.7% of the parameters tested. Most data consistently show the influence of a-tDCS on muscle strength, but not on resistance performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New exact solution of Dirac-Coulomb equation with exact boundary condition

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    It usually writes the boundary condition of the wave equation in the Coulomb field as a rough form without considering the size of the atomic nucleus. The rough expression brings on that the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation with the Coulomb potential are divergent at the origin of the coordinates, also the virtual energies, when the nuclear charges number Z > 137, meaning the original solutions do not satisfy the conditions for determining solution. Any divergences of the wave functions also imply that the probability density of the meson or the electron would rapidly increase when they are closing to the atomic nucleus. What it predicts is not a truth that the atom in ground state would rapidly collapse to the neutron-like. We consider that the atomic nucleus has definite radius and write the exact boundary condition for the hydrogen and hydrogen-like atom, then newly solve the radial Dirac-Coulomb equation and obtain a new exact solution without any mathematical and physical difficulties. Unexpectedly, the K value constructed by Dirac is naturally written in the barrier width or the equivalent radius of the atomic nucleus in solving the Dirac equation with the exact boundary condition, and it is independent of the quantum energy. Without any divergent wave function and the virtual energies, we obtain a new formula of the energy levels that is different from the Dirac formula of the energy levels in the Coulomb field.Comment: 12 pages,no figure

    Relativistic quantum dynamics of a charged particle in cosmic string spacetime in the presence of magnetic field and scalar potential

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    In this paper we analyze the relativistic quantum motion of charged spin-0 and spin-1/2 particles in the presence of a uniform magnetic field and scalar potentials in the cosmic string spacetime. In order to develop this analysis, we assume that the magnetic field is parallel to the string and the scalar potentials present a cylindrical symmetry with their center on the string. Two distinct configurations for the scalar potential, S(r)S(r), are considered: (i)(i) the potential proportional to the inverse of the polar distance, i.e., S1/rS\propto1/r, and (ii)(ii) the potential proportional to this distance, i.e., SrS\propto r. The energy spectra are explicitly computed for different physical situations and presented their dependences on the magnetic field strength and scalar coupling constants.Comment: New version with 20 pages and no figure. Some minor revisions and six references added. Accepted for publication in EJP

    The association of AGTR2 polymorphisms with preeclampsia and uterine artery bilateral notching is modulated by maternal BMI

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    On behalf of the SCOPE consortiumIntroductionThis study aimed to determine the association of AGTR1 and AGTR2 polymorphisms with preeclampsia and whether these are affected by environmental factors and fetal sex.MethodsOverall 3234 healthy nulliparous women, their partners and babies were recruited prospectively to the SCOPE study in Adelaide and Auckland. Data analyses were confined to 2121 Caucasian parent-infant trios, among whom 123 had preeclamptic pregnancies. 1185 uncomplicated pregnancies served as controls. DNA was extracted from buffy coats and genotyped by utilizing the Sequenom MassARRAY system. Doppler sonography on the uterine arteries was performed at 20 weeks' gestation.ResultsFour polymorphisms in AGTR1 and AGTR2 genes, including AGTR1 A1166C, AGTR2 C4599A, AGTR2 A1675G and AGTR2 T1134C, were selected and significant associations were predominately observed for AGTR2 C4599A. When the cohort was stratified by maternal BMI, in women with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m(2), the AGTR2 C4599A AA genotype in mothers and neonates was associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia compared with the CC genotype [adjusted OR 2.1 (95% CI 1.0-4.2) and adjusted OR 3.0 (95% CI 1.4-6.4), respectively]. In the same subset of women, paternal AGTR2 C4599A A allele was associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia and uterine artery bilateral notching at 20 weeks' gestation compared with the C allele [adjusted OR 1.9 (95% CI 1.1-3.3) and adjusted OR 2.1 (95% CI 1.3-3.4), respectively].ConclusionAGTR2 C4599A in mothers, fathers and babies was associated with preeclampsia and this association was only apparent in pregnancies in which the women had a BMI ≥ 25 kg/m(2), suggesting a gene-environment interaction.A. Zhou, G.A. Dekker, E.R. Lumbers, S.Y. Lee, S.D. Thompson, L.M.E. McCowan, C.T. Robert