65,679 research outputs found

    Universal behavior of giant electroresistance in epitaxial La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin films

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    We report a giant resistance drop induced by dc electrical currents in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 epitaxial thin films. Resistance of the patterned thin films decreases exponentially with increasing current and a maximum drop shows at the temperature of resistance peak Tp. Variation of resistance with current densities can be scaled below and above Tp, respectively. This work can be useful for the future applications of electroresistance.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Level-one Highest Weight Representation of Uq[sl(N∣1)^]U_q[\hat{sl(N|1)}] and Bosonization of the Multi-component Super t-J Model

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    We study the level-one irreducible highest weight representations of the quantum affine superalgebra Uq[sl(N∣1)^]U_q[\hat{sl(N|1)}], and calculate their characters and supercharacters. We obtain bosonized q-vertex operators acting on the irreducible Uq[sl(N∣1)^]U_q[\hat{sl(N|1)}]-modules and derive the exchange relations satisfied by the vertex operators. We give the bosonization of the multi-component super t−Jt-J model by using the bosonized vertex operators.Comment: LaTex file 21 page

    Uq[sl(2∣1)^]U_q[\hat{sl(2|1)}] Vertex Operators, Screen Currents and Correlation Functions at Arbitrary Level

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    Bosonized q-vertex operators related to the 4-dimensional evaluation modules of the quantum affine superalgebra Uq[sl(2∣1)^]U_q[\hat{sl(2|1)}] are constructed for arbitrary level k=αk=\alpha, where α≠0,−1\alpha\neq 0, -1 is a complex parameter appearing in the 4-dimensional evaluation representations. They are intertwiners among the level-α\alpha highest weight Fock-Wakimoto modules. Screen currents which commute with the action of Uq[sl(2∣1)^]U_q[\hat{sl(2|1)}] up to total differences are presented. Integral formulae for N-point functions of type I and type II q-vertex operators are proposed.Comment: Latex file 18 page

    Structural, magnetic and transport properties in the Cu-doped manganites La0.85Te0.15Mn1-xCuxO3 (0 \leq x \leq 0.20)

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    The effect of Cu-doping at Mn-site on structural, magnetic and transport properties in electron-doped manganites La0.85Te0.15Mn1-xCuxO3 has been investigated. Based on the analysis of structural parameter variations, the valence state of the Cu ion in Cu-doped manganites is suggested to be +2. All samples undergo the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic (PM-FM) phase transition. The Curie temperature decreases and the transition becomes broader with increasing Cu-doping level, in contrast, the magnetization magnitude of Cu-doping samples at low temperatures increase as x \leq 0.15. The insulator-metal (I-M) transition moves to lower temperatures with increasing Cu-doping content and disappears as x > 0.1. In addition, the higher temperature resistivity r peak in double-peak-like r(T) curves observed in no Cu-doping sample is completely suppressed as Cu-doping level x = 0.1 and r(T) curve only shows single I-M transition at the low temperature well below . The results are discussed according to the change of magnetic exchange interaction caused by Cu-doping.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Phys.Rev.B (to be published

    A magnetar-powered X-ray transient as the aftermath of a binary neutron-star merger

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    Neutron star-neutron star mergers are known to be associated with short gamma-ray bursts. If the neutron star equation of state is sufficiently stiff, at least some of such mergers will leave behind a supramassive or even a stable neutron star that spins rapidly with a strong magnetic field (i.e., a magnetar). Such a magnetar signature may have been observed as the X-ray plateau following a good fraction (up to 50%) of short gamma-ray bursts, and it has been expected that one may observe short gamma-ray burst-less X-ray transients powered by double neutron star mergers. A fast X-ray transient (CDF-S XT1) was recently found to be associated with a faint host galaxy whose redshift is unknown. Its X-ray and host-galaxy properties allow several possibleexplanations including a short gamma-ray burst seen off axis, a low-luminosity gamma-ray burst at high redshift, or a tidal disruption event involving an intermediate mass black hole and a white dwarf. Here we report a second X-ray transient, CDF-S XT2, that is associated with a galaxy at redshift z = 0.738. The light curve is fully consistent with being powered by a millisecond magnetar. More intriguingly, CDF-S XT2 lies in the outskirts of its star-forming host galaxy with a moderate offset from the galaxy center, as short bursts often do. The estimated event rate density of similar X-ray transients, when corrected to the local value, is consistent with the double neutron star merger rate density inferred from the detection of GW170817.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, published in Nature on 11 April 201

    A fast input/output library for high-resolution climate models

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    We describe the design and implementation of climate fast input/output (CFIO), a fast input/output (I/O) library for high-resolution climate models. CFIO provides a simple method for modelers to overlap the I/O phase with the computing phase automatically, so as to shorten the running time of numerical simulations. To minimize the code modifications required for porting, CFIO provides similar interfaces and features to parallel Network Common Data Form (PnetCDF), which is one of the most widely used I/O libraries in climate models. We deployed CFIO in three high-resolution climate models, including two ocean models (POP and LICOM) and one sea ice model (CICE). The experimental results show that CFIO improves the performance of climate models significantly versus the original serial I/O approach. When running with CFIO at 0.1° resolution with about 1000 CPU cores, we managed to reduce the running time by factors of 7.9, 4.6 and 2.0 for POP, CICE, and LICOM, respectively. We also compared the performance of CFIO against two existing libraries, PnetCDF and parallel I/O (PIO), in different scenarios. For scenarios with both data output and computations, CFIO decreases the I/O overhead compared to PnetCDF and PIO
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