65 research outputs found

    Evaluation of neutron induced reaction cross sections on gold

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    A new evaluation of neutron induced reactions on 197Au nucleus in the energy regions below 500 eV and from 4 keV and 100 keV is presented. Complete evaluated data files in ENDF-6 format have been produced by joining the evaluation with corresponding files from the ENDF/B-VII.1 library. The evaluation in the unresolved resonance region between 4 keV and 100 keV is based on a generalized single-level representation compatible with the energy-dependent option of the ENDF-6 format. The average partial cross sections have been expressed in terms of transmission coefficients by applying the Hauser-Feshbach statistical reaction theory including width fluctuations. The transmission coefficients have been obtained from a combined analysis of the capture cross section resulting from the cross section standards evaluation project and theoretical non-fluctuating cross sections derived from a dispersive coupled channel optical model. The evaluated cross sections have been validated by a comparison with transmission and capture data obtained at the time-of-flight facility GELINA. The evaluated files have been processed with the latest updates of NJOY.99 to test their format and application consistency as well as to produce a continuous-energy data library in ACE format for use in Monte Carlo codes. The ACE files have been utilized to study the effect of the evaluated resonance parameters on results of lead slowing-down experiments. The evaluated files will be implemented in the next release of the JEFF-3 library which is maintained by the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Observables of interest for the characterisation of Spent Nuclear Fuel

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    The characterisation of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) in view of intermediate storage and final disposal is discussed. The main observables of interest that need to be determined are the decay heat, neutron and -ray emission spectra. In addition, the inventory of specific nuclides that are important for criticality safety analysis and to verify the fuel history has to be determined. Some of the observables such as the decay heat and neutron and -ray emission rate can be determined by Non-Destructive Analysis (NDA) methods. Unfortunately, this is not always possible especially during routine operation. Hence, a characterisation of SNF will rely on theoretical calculations combined with results of NDA methods. In this work the observables of interest, also referred to as source terms, are discussed based on theoretical calculations starting from fresh UO2 and MOX fuel. The irradiation conditions are representative for PWR. The Serpent code is used to define the nuclides which have an important contribution to the observables. The emphasis is on cooling times between 1 a and 1000 a.JRC.G.2-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Recommendations for MYRRHA relevant cross section data to the JEFF project

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    Within the framework of Work Package 10 of the EC FP7 CHANDA project, nuclear data of importance for the operation of MYRRHA, a lead-bismuth cooled accelerator driven reactor under development at SCK•CEN (BE), were studied. Based on data in the main nuclear data libraries, i.e. JEFF, JENDL, ENDF/B and BROND, and in the TENDL and CIELO libraries and on experimental data reported in the literature, recommendations to the JEFF project were made for several nuclides of interest to the MYRRHA reactor.JRC.G.2-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Status of evaluated data files for 238U in the resonance region

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    Experimental data and evaluated data libraries related to neutron induced reaction cross sections for 238U in the resonance region are reviewed. Based on this review a set of test files is produced to study systematic effects such as the impact of the upper boundary of the resolved resonance region (RRR) and the representation of the infinite diluted capture and in-elastic cross section in the unresolved resonance region (URR). A set of Benchmark experiments was selected and used to verify the test files. Based on these studies recommendations to perform a new evaluation have been defined. This report has been prepared in support to the CIELO (Collaborative International Evaluated Library Organisation) project. The objective of this project is the creation of a world-wide recognised nuclear data file with a focus on six nuclides, i.e. 1H, 16O, 56Fe, 235U, 238U and 239Pu. Within the CIELO project, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) at Geel (B) is in charge of the production of an evaluated cross section data file for neutron induced reaction of 238U in the resonance region.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Large Proteins Have a Great Tendency to Aggregate but a Low Propensity to Form Amyloid Fibrils

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    The assembly of soluble proteins into ordered fibrillar aggregates with cross-β structure is an essential event of many human diseases. The polypeptides undergoing aggregation are generally small in size. To explore if the small size is a primary determinant for the formation of amyloids under pathological conditions we have created two databases of proteins, forming amyloid-related and non-amyloid deposits in human diseases, respectively. The size distributions of the two protein populations are well separated, with the systems forming non-amyloid deposits appearing significantly larger. We have then investigated the propensity of the 486-residue hexokinase-B from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (YHKB) to form amyloid-like fibrils in vitro. This size is intermediate between the size distributions of amyloid and non-amyloid forming proteins. Aggregation was induced under conditions known to be most effective for amyloid formation by normally globular proteins: (i) low pH with salts, (ii) pH 5.5 with trifluoroethanol. In both situations YHKB aggregated very rapidly into species with significant β-sheet structure, as detected using circular dichroism and X-ray diffraction, but a weak Thioflavin T and Congo red binding. Moreover, atomic force microscopy indicated a morphology distinct from typical amyloid fibrils. Both types of aggregates were cytotoxic to human neuroblastoma cells, as indicated by the MTT assay. This analysis indicates that large proteins have a high tendency to form toxic aggregates, but low propensity to form regular amyloid in vivo and that such a behavior is intrinsically determined by the size of the protein, as suggested by the in vitro analysis of our sample protein

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    Validation of Calculated Self-Shielding Factors for Rh Foils

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    Rhodium foils of about 5 mm diameter were obtained from IRMM. One foil had thickness of 0.006 mm and three were 0.112 mm thick. They were irradiated in the pneumatic transfer system and in the carousel facility of the TRIGA reactor at the Jo¿ef Stefan Institute. The foils were irradiated bare and enclosed in small cadmium boxes (about 2 g weight) of 1 mm thickness to minimise the perturbation of the local neutron flux. They were co-irradiated with 5 mm diameter and 0.2 mm thick Al-Au(0.1%) alloy monitor foils. The resonance self-shielding corrections for the 0.006 mm and 0.112 mm thick samples were calculated by Monte Carlo simulation and amount to about 10 % and 60 %, respectively. The consistency of the measurements confirmed the validity of the self-shielding factors. Trial estimates of the Q0 and k0 factors for the 555.8 keV gamma line of 104Rh were made and amount to 6.65±0.18 and (6.61±0.12) × 10 2, respectively. The quoted uncertainty is the spread from the mean of two measurements, and not the true uncertainty.JRC.D.4-Nuclear physic

    Interaction with model membranes and pore formation by human stefin B; studying the native and prefibrillar states

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    Human stefin B, from the family of cystatins, is used as a model amyloidogenic protein in studies of the mechanism of amyloid fibril formation and related cytotoxicity. Interaction of the protein's prefibrillar oligomers/aggregates with predominantly acidic phospholipid membranes is known to correlate with cellular toxicity. In the present study, we measured membrane interaction of the prefibrillar and native states for three variants: the Y31 isoform studied previously, the wild‐type protein and the G4R mutant; the latter is observed in progressive myoclonus epilepsy of type 1. In addition to using critical pressure and surface plasmon resonance, we assessed membrane permeabilization by calcein release and electrophysiological measurements. It was demonstrated for the first time that wild‐type stefin B and the Y31 isoform are able to form pores in planar lipid bilayers, whereas G4R destroys the bilayer by a non pore‐forming process. Similarities to other amyloidogenic proteins and the possible physiological implications of our findings are discussed

    Nuclear data uncertainty propagation to integral responses using SANDY

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    SANDY is a nuclear data sampling code compatible with nuclear data files in ENDF-6 format. Exploiting the basic theory of stochastic sampling, SANDY generates random nuclear data samples that reproduce the covariance information stored in the ENDF-6 files. Such random data are rewritten in perturbed ENDF-6 or PENDF files and can be used as nuclear code inputs to produce perturbed responses. After the statistical analysis of the sampled responses, the sample mean and variance are quantified. Not only can SANDY be used for the study of the response sample variance, but it can also estimate global sensitivity indices for correlated and uncorrelated input parameters using a variance-based decomposition method. SANDY was tested for the generation of random ENDF-6 files with perturbed cross sections and resonance parameters. These files were used for the uncertainty quantification of integral responses, such as the one-group integrated cross section and the resonance integral of several isotopes. Then, the response variance was apportioned to the several inputs and the parameters producing the largest impact were identified.JRC.G.2-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguar