80 research outputs found

    The model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in secondary vocational education

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    The relevance of the researched issue is preconditioned by the strategic changes in the secondary vocational education system taking place not only in Russia, but also in majority of industrially developed countries. Provision of the system with qualified pedagogical staff is the leading strategic objective of development of the secondary vocational educational system. Its solution must be based on the justified monitoring system, which objectively represents the condition as well as quantitative and qualitative changes taking place in the educational sphere. The article is aimed at developing, substantiating and approbating the model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in secondary vocational education. Integration of the competence, functional and general pedagogical analysis became the leading approach to research into this problem, which has enabled substantiating the model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in the secondary vocational education system. The article presents results of the theoretical and methodological analysis of Russian and foreign research dedicated to identification of key and emerging competences in various spheres. The competence model of a professor of secondary vocational education has been developed and substantiated as a monitoring basis. The article may be useful to improve the quality of the human resource potential in the secondary vocational education system in Russia, to define current and long-range objectives of its development. © 2016 Andryukhina et al

    Vocational pedagogical competencies of a professor in the secondary vocational education system: Approbation of monitoring model

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    The relevance of the researched issue is preconditioned by the strategic changes in the secondary vocational education system taking place not only in Russia, but also in majority of industrially developed countries. Provision of the system with qualified pedagogical staff is the leading strategic objective of development of the secondary vocational educational system. Its solution must be based on the justified monitoring system, which objectively represents the condition as well as quantitative and qualitative changes taking place in the educational sphere. The article is aimed at approbating the model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in secondary vocational education. Integration of the competence, functional and general pedagogical analysis became the leading approach to research into this problem, which has enabled substantiating the model of monitoring of vocational pedagogical competences of professors in the secondary vocational education system. The competence model of a professor of secondary vocational education has been developed and substantiated as a monitoring basis. Results of model approbation and monitoring tools have been presented. The article may be useful to improve the quality of the human resource potential in the secondary vocational education system in Russia, to define current and long-range objectives of its development. © 2016 Andryukhina et al

    Оказание медицинской помощи пострадавшим при землетрясении в Армении (к 30-летию трагедии)

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    Abstract. The article presents the organization of specialized medical care to patients with crush syndrome, acute liver and kidney failure (ALKF), and endotoxic shock, who suffered in the earthquake in Armenia, delivered via air ambulance to N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute. In the present report we defined characteristics of medical supplies, qualified and specialized treatment of patients with combined trauma.РЕЗЮМЕ. В статье представлена организация оказания специализированной медицинской помощи пациентам с краш-синдромом, острой печеночно-почечной недостаточностью и эндотоксическим шоком, пострадавшим в результате землетрясения в Армении и доставленным воздушным путем в НИИ СП им. Н.В. Склифосовского. В представленном сообщении определены особенности медицинского обеспечения, квалифицированного и специализированного лечения пострадавших с комбинированной травмой

    Ионная проводимость и колебательные спектры сложных фосфатов в системе Li3PO4-Na3PO4-InPO4

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    Some properties of lithium-indium complex phosphates in the previously investigated Li3PO4-Na3PO4-InPO4 ternary system were studied. Ionic conductivity of isolated phases at 300ºC was measured. Vibration spectra of the investigated compounds were registered for 6Li → 7Li substituted samples from 1400 to 200 cm-1 frequency range. Isotope shifts under 6Li → 7Li substitution were observed for all the complex phosphates. The obtained results allowed to reveal intrinsic lithium sublattice vibration and to relate complex phosphates structure to ionic conductivity magnitude.Изучены некоторые свойства сложных фосфатов лития и индия, выделенных в ранее исследованной системе Li3PO4-Na3PO4-InPO4. Определена ионная проводимость выделенных фаз при 300ºC. Kолебательные спектры исследуемых соединений были зарегистрированы для 6Li → 7Li изотопозамещенных образцов, в частотном диапазоне от 1400 до 200 см-1. Изотопные сдвиги частот отмечены для каждого исследуемого сложного фосфата, что позволило выявить собственные колебания подрешетки лития и установить взаимосвязь между структурой сложных фосфатов и величиной ионной проводимости


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    The dependence of the accuracy and availability of aircraft location on final approach on signals of GLONASS with the certain satellites elevation angle is determined. Estimation of the accuracy and accessibility of the aircraft loca-tion was calculated for angles of elevation of the satellites within the specified range for the various aircraft location.Определяется зависимость точности и доступности определения местоположения ВС по сигналам системы ГЛОНАСС на конечном участке захода на посадку от маски угла возвышения НКА. Оценка точности и доступности местоположения ВС проводилась для углов возвышения НКА в заданном диапазоне для различных положений ВС

    Морфологические особенности пневмоцистной пневмонии при ВИЧ-инфекции

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    Summary. In our study, pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis comprised 7.1 % of all autopsies of patients died from HIVassociated infections and was the forth cause of death following tuberculosis (35.6 %), bacterial pneumonia (16.5 %), and infectious endocarditis (10.8 %). Acute stage was more frequent (73.1 %); cavitary pneumonia was diagnosed in 7.7 % autopsies, generalized Pneumocystis infection was found in 3.8 % of cases. In 7.7 % of cases, the course of Pneumocystis pneumonia was complicated by diffuse alveolar damage. Advanced stages of Pneumocystis pneumonia should be differentiated from organizing bacterial pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, and cytomegalovirus infection. In died HIVinfected patients with com bined pulmonary infection, Pneumocystis was found in 27.6 % of cases. Advanced stages of pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis and combined pul monary infection are difficult for morphological diagnosis and require a complex of modern investigations.Резюме. Пневмоцистная пневмония (ПЦП) составила 7,1 % от количества всех вскрытий умерших от ВИЧассоциированных инфекций и занимает в структуре смертности 4е место после туберкулеза (35,6 %), бактериальной пневмонии (16,5 %), инфекционного эндокардита (10,8 %). Превалировала отечная стадия ПЦП (73,1 %), в 7,7 % аутопсий констатирована кавернозная форма заболевания, в 3,8 % – генерализованный пневмоцистоз. В 7,7 % течение ПЦП осложнилось развитием диффузного альвеолярного повреждения. На поздних стадиях ПЦП необходимо морфологически дифференцировать с организацией при бактериальной пневмонии, туберкулезе, цитомегаловирусной инфекции. В 27,6 % случаев сочетанного инфекционного поражения легких у умерших от ВИЧинфекции в составе ассоциации обнаруживалась ПЦП. Случаи поздней стадии ПЦП и сочетанного поражения легких сложны для морфологической верификации, что требует использования комплекса современных исследований


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    We report 9 clinicopathologic cases of Lyell’s syndrome, known as toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). Five deceased patients had dermal exposure to cow parsnip, grey mercury ointment or whitening agents. In 4 cases, TEN developed in the course of drug treatment as a part of polytherapy, and in one of them it was accompanied with the infection. All of TEN patients suffered from acute or chronic diseases, endogenous or exogenous intoxication, immunodeficiency.Приводятся 9 клинико-морфологических наблюдений синдрома Лайелла (токсического эпидермального некролиза, ТЭН). У 5 умерших были перкутанные варианты ТЭН в результате контакта с борщевиком, серой ртутной мазью, белилами. В 4 наблюдениях причиной ТЭН были лекарственные средства при политерапии и в одном из них в сочетании с инфекцией. У всех пациентов ТЭН развился на фоне хронических и острых заболеваний, эндо- и экзотоксикозов, иммунодефицита


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    Modeling of  immune tolerance will  eliminate the  need  for  taking medications to prevent rejection. This  review of available literature covers the immune mechanisms of allograft rejection and the ways of tolerance induction. The role of mesenchymal stem  cells and using them for tolerance development have been discussed. The authors also draw attention to the fact  that  blood transfusion from an organ donor  leads to a decreased  intensity of the immune response to donor cells in transplantation