30 research outputs found

    Solanum angustifidum Bitter

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    Isolierung von ?-Fagarin aus Ruta graveolens L

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    SAFEST Roadmap for Corium Experimental Research in Europe

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    International audienceSAFEST (Severe Accident Facilities for European Safety Targets) is a European project networking the European corium experimental laboratories with the objective to establish coordination activities, enabling the development of a common vision and research roadmaps for the next years, and of the management structure to achieve these goals. In this frame, a European roadmap on corium experimental research has been written to define research challenges to contribute to further reinforcement of Gen II and III NPP safety. It is based on the research priorities determined by SARNET SARP group as well as those from the recently formulated in the NUGENIA Roadmap for severe accidents and the recently published NUGENIA Global Vision report. It also takes into account issues identified in the analysis of the European stress tests and from the interpretation of the Fukushima accident. 19 relevant issues related to corium have been selected during these prioritization efforts. These issues have been compared to a survey of the European corium experimental facilities and corium analysis laboratories. Finally, the coherence between European infrastructures and RandD needs has been assessed and a table linking issues and infrastructures. It shows a few lacks in EU corium infrastructures, especially in the domains of core late reflooding impact on source term, RPV vessel failure and corium release, Spent Fuel Pool accidents, as well as the need for a large mass prototypic corium facility

    Core Loss During a Severe Accident (COLOSS)

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    The core loss during a severe accident (COLOSS) project was a 3-year shared-cost action, which started in February 2000. The project is concerned with the consequences that core degradation, occurring under severe accident conditions, may have on H2 production, melt generation and the source term. Unresolved in-vessel risk-relevant issues are studied, through a large number of experiments such as UO2 and MOX dissolution by molten zircaloy and burn-up effects, simultaneous dissolution of UO2 and ZrO2 in rod geometry, oxidation of U-O-Zr mixtures, oxidation of pure B4C material and degradation and oxidation of B4C control rods. SA computer codes are used for plant calculations to assess SA code capabilities and to apply results produced in this project to evaluate their consequences on key SA sequences occurring in different plants such as PWR-1300, BWR, VVER-1000, EPR and in the TMI-2 accident.JRC.F.4-Nuclear design safet