24 research outputs found

    Optical and luminescent properties of ceria nanoparticles produced by gas phase method

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    The study on luminescent and optical properties of ceria nanoparticles allow one to indirectly assess the defectiveness of the material crystal lattice. The decomposition of the luminescence spectrum in the Gaussian bands shows the presence of Ce3+ ions in the CeO2 crystal lattice, as well as optical active centers, probably associated with oxygen vacancies. These characteristics permit us to estimate the relative amount of Ce3+ ions in the crystal lattice and could be considered as an important prerequisite for the use of nanoparticles as redox agents in industry and medicine. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-72-00041The work was supported by Russian Science Foundation project № 18-72-00041

    Nickel-Containing Perovskites, PrNi0.4Fe0.6O3–δ and PrNi0.4Co0.6O3–δ, as Potential Electrodes for Protonic Ceramic Electrochemical Cells

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    Protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) offer a convenient means of converting chemical energy into electricity with high performance and efficiency at low-and intermediate-temperature ranges. However, in order to ensure good life-time stability of PCFCs, it is necessary to ensure rational chemical design in functional materials. Within the present work, we propose new Ni-based perovskite phases of PrNi0.4M0.6O3–δ (where M = Co, Fe) for potential utilization in protonic ceramic electrochemical cells. Along with their successful synthesis, functional properties of the PrNi0.4M0.6O3–δ materials, such as chemical compatibility with a number of oxygen-ionic and proton-conducting electrolytes, thermal expansion behavior, electrical conductivity, and electrochemical behavior, were comprehensively studied. According to the obtained data, the Co-containing nickelate exhibits excellent conductivity and polarization behavior; on the other hand, it demonstrates a high reactivity with all studied electrolytes along with elevated thermal expansion coefficients. Conversely, while the iron-based nickelate had superior chemical and thermal compatibility, its transport characteristics were 2–5 times worse. Although, PrNi0.4Co0.6O3–δ and PrNi0.4Fe0.6O3–δ represent some disadvantages, this work provides a promising pathway for further improvement of Ni-based perovskite electrodes. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The characterization of powder and ceramic materials was carried out at the Shared Access Centre “Composition of Compounds” of Institute of High-Temperature Electrochem-istry (Ekaterinburg, Russia). We would like to give a special thanks to Natalia Popova and Thomas Beavitt for the performed proofreading [73]

    Gd2O3, SiO2-Gd2O3 and SiO2-MnO2 nanoparticles as potential MRI contrast agents

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    Gd2O3, SiO2-Gd2O3 and SiO2-MnO2 nanoparticles were produced by the method of pulsed electron evaporation of oxide targets with condensation of the vapors in a vacuum. These materials are considered as probable contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The Gd2O3 nanoparticles exhibit a rather high r1 and r2 relaxivities. These results point to the potential of using nanocrystals for MRI diagnosis. The mesoporous nanostructures SiO2-Gd2O3 and SiO2-MnO2 could be considered as multimodal theranostic agents. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Определение фоновых изотопных отношений биодоступного стронция для рудника бронзового века новотемирский

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    To assess the mobility and provenance of ancient populations, it is necessary to compare their 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios with the local bioavailable strontium baseline (background), characteristic of each specific location or potential provenance region of an individual or artifact. Its definition requires a comprehensive approach to the analysis of heterogeneous samples («proxies») characterizing the ecosystem of the archaeological site under study, the identification of the most suitable proxies, as well as the unification and standardization of the sampling and analytic protocols. A pilot study is presented devoted the definition of the local range of bioavailable strontium by the example of the Novotemirskiy Bronze Age mine (Southern Urals). 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios were determined in surface and underground water, bedrock (serpentinite), clay from the mine wall, and steppe polecat’s bone, as well as in grass and a bivalve shell from the lake. The lowest range of strontium isotope ratios relative to each other is characteristic of surface and groundwater, shell and grass, which allows them to be used to determine the combined baseline of bioavailable strontium. Multi-proxy (surface and underground water, grass and a bivalve shell) local bioavailable strontium baseline for the Novotemirskiy ancient mine (Southern Urals) is 0,7096 ± 0,0003 (2σ, n = 5). © 2021 Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology. All rights reserved.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РНФ, проект No 20-18-00402 «Миграции человеческих коллективов и индивидуальная мобильность в рамках мультидисциплинарного анализа археологической информации (бронзовый век Южного Урала)», в ЮУрГУ (НИУ) (Д. В. Киселева – геохимическая интерпретация, П. С. Анкушева – археологическая документация и аналитика; Т. Г. Окунева, А. В. Касьянова – измерения проб и стандартных образцов; Е. С. Шагалов, М. Н. Анкушев – отбор проб и геологическая характеристика)

    Proton Conductivity of La2 (Hf2−x Lax )O7−x/2 “Stuffed” Pyrochlores

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    The design of new oxygen-and proton-conducting materials is of paramount importance for their possible utilization in solid oxide fuel cells. In the present work, La2 (Hf2–x Lax )O7–x/2 (x = 0, 0.1) ceramics were prepared using ball milling of oxide mixtures (La2 O3 and HfO2 ) followed by high-temperature annealing at 1600◦ C for 10 h in air. La2 Hf2 O7 ceramics exhibit an ordered pyrochlore-type structure, whereas La2 (Hf1.9 La0.1)O6.95 has a defect pyrochlore structure type with oxygen vacancies at the 48f positions. The oxygen ion and proton conductivity of La2 (Hf1.9 La0.1 )O6.95 “stuffed” pyrochlore ceramics was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (two-probe AC) and four-probe DC measurements in a dry and a wet atmosphere (air and nitrogen). The use of two distinct conductivity measurement techniques ensured, for the first time, the collection of reliable data on the proton conductivity of the La2 (Hf1.9 La0.1)O6.95 “stuffed” hafnate pyrochlore. La2 Hf2 O7 was found to be a dielectric in the range 400–900◦ C, whereas the La2 (Hf1.9 La0.1 )O6.95 “stuffed” pyrochlore had both oxygen ion and proton conductivities in this temperature range. The proton conductivity level was found to be equal to ~8 × 10−5 S/cm at 700◦ C. Clearly, the proton conductivity of the La2 (Hf1.9 La0.1 )O6.95 “stuffed” hafnate pyrochlore is mainly due to the hydration of oxygen vacancies at 48f positions. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Densification, morphological and transport properties of functional La1–xBaxYbO3– δ ceramic materials

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    The effective operation of protonic ceramic electrochemical cells requires the design of electrolytes having not only high ionic conductivity, but also excellent stability with respect to carbonisation. In the present work, the La-based oxides (La1–xBaxYbO3–δ, 0.03 ≤ x ≤ 0.10) are proposed as a possible alternative to the convenient Ba(Ce,Zr)O3-based electrolytes due to their high chemical stability. It was discovered that Ba-doping results in a deterioration of sintering behaviour; as a result, the relative density decreases and open porosity appears (for x = 0.10). A thorough analysis of transport properties by means of AC and DC measurement techniques enables a selection of the La0.97Ba0.03YbO3–δ sample, which demonstrates the highest conductivity compared with those samples where x = 0.5 and 0.10. Due to its excellent densification behaviour, stability and ionic conductivity, La0.97Ba0.03YbO3–δ can be considered as a promising proton-conducting electrolyte in the La-based family. © 2019 Elsevier Lt


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    The aim of the work – identification psychological and pedagogical component of the introduction of innovative technologies in postgraduate medical education and generalization experience of using computer technologies in training of doctors using the example of Educational and Training Center of 3D Visualization Technologies of KhMAPE.The main body. The context of the concept of “psychological readiness for innovation” is disclosed in view of its static level, which is interpreted as “basic innovative potential”, and the dynamic level is the process of “increasing” the probability of the general effectiveness of the introduction of innovative technologies. The questionnaire results of listeners-doctors in regard to their readiness to use innovative technologies in professional activity are presented.The results of the conducted research have shown heterogeneity of the psychological unreadiness of doctors to use computer technolo­gy in their professional activities, different motivation of respondents to use innovative technologies in medical practice and educational process, which determines the perspective of realization in the institution of postgraduate education measures of organizational, educational and educative character.Conclusions. The conclusions of the research are the statement about the psychological unreadiness of doctors to use innovative technologies in professional activities, which affects the effectiveness of introducing more advanced models for improving their qualifications and medical reform. The work of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the institution of postgraduate education should be focused on providing psychological support of educational and cognitive activity of the listeners their adaptation to the newest technologies used in the educational process, the development of motivation to modernize the practical activities of doctors.Мета роботи – виокремлення психолого-педагогічної складової впровадження інноваційних технологій у післядипломну медичну освіту та узагальнення досвіду використання комп’ютерних технологій у навчанні лікарів на прикладі Навчально-тренінгового центру технологій 3D візуалізації ХМАПО.Основна частина. Розкрито контекст поняття “психологічна готовність до здійснення інновацій” з огляду на її статичний рівень, який трактується як “базовий інноваційний потенціал”, та динамічний рівень – процес “нарощування” імовірності загальної ефективності впровадження інноваційних технологій. Представлено результати анкетування слухачів-лікарів щодо їх готовності використовувати інноваційні технології у професійній діяльності. Результати проведеного дослідження засвідчили неоднорідність психологічної неготовності лікарів щодо використання комп’ютерних технологій у професійній діяльності, різну мотивацію респондентів до застосування інноваційних технологій у медичній практиці та освітньому процесі, що визначає перспективи реалізації у закладі післядипломної освіти заходів організаційного, навчального та виховного характеру.Висновки. Висновками з проведеного дослідження є твердження про психологічну неготовність лікарів до використання інноваційних технологій у професійній діяльності, що позначається на ефективності впровадження більш вдосконалених моделей підвищення їх кваліфікації та медичної реформи. Робота науково-педагогічного колективу закладу післядипломної освіти має бути зосереджена на забезпеченні психологічного супроводу навчально-пізнавальної діяльності слухачів, їх адаптації до новітніх технологій, що використовуються у навчальному процесі, розвитку мотивації до модернізації практичної діяльності лікарів

    Эффективность и безопасность применения бовгиалуронидазы азоксимера (Лонгидаза) у пациентов с постковидным синдромом: результаты открытого проспективного контролируемого сравнительного многоцентрового клинического исследования DISSOLVE

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    Post-COVID syndrome develops after COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) and leads to cumulative effects in the form of shortness of breath and impaired lung function. Notably, patients with airway inflammation and COVID-19 were found to have increased concentrations of hyaluronic acid (HA). Since bovhyaluronidase azoximer (Longidase®) catalyzes the hydrolysis of HA, this drug has the potential to reduce HA levels and improve lung function in patients with post-COVID syndrome.The aim of the DISSOLVE trial, which was conducted early in the pandemic, was to investigate the efficacy and safety of bovhyaluronidase azoximer in patients with symptoms associated with post-COVID syndrome.Methods. An open, prospective, controlled, comparative, multicenter clinical trial (NCT04645368) included adult patients (n = 160) who had post-COVID syndrome. Patients in the treatment group (n = 81) received bovhyaluronidase azoximer, and individuals in the control group (n = 79) were followed up without intervention. The study included physical examination, evaluation of forced vital capacity (FVC), assessment of dyspnea with the Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale (mMRC), 6-minute walking test, and pulse oximetry. These indicators were measured on 3 visits, at days 1 (baseline), 75, and 180. In addition, the number of patients who experienced adverse events and serious adverse events were recorded.Results. Baseline patient characteristics in the treatment group and the control group were similar. In the treatment group, there was a statistically significant reduction in residual pulmonary abnormalities after visit 2 (day 75) and visit 3 (day 180). In addition, FVC, pulse oximetry values, and functional exercise tolerance increased statistically significantly at days 75 and 180 compared to baseline. The mMRC scores for dyspnea decreased statistically significantly in the treatment group over 75 days. The safety profile of the drug was reported to be favorable throughout the study. Conclusion. Treatment with bovhyaluronidase azoximer in patients with post-COVID syndrome showed improvement in FVC, pulse oximetry, functional exercise tolerance, and mMRC dyspnea.Постковидный синдром (ПКС) после перенесенного COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) – это состояние, которое развивается у пациентов, переболевших COVID-19 и приводит к кумулятивным эффектам в виде одышки и нарушения функции легких. Примечательно, что у пациентов с воспалением дыхательных путей и COVID-19 обнаружены более высокие концентрации гиалуроновой кислоты (ГК). Поскольку бовгиалуронидаза азоксимер (Лонгидаза®) катализирует гидролиз ГК, при назначении данного препарата потенциально можно ожидать снижение концентрации ГК и улучшения функции легких у пациентов с ПКС.Целью исследования DISSOLVE, которое проводилось на начальной стадии пандемии, явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности применения бовгиалуронидазы азоксимера у пациентов с симптомами, связанными с ПКС.Материалы и методы. В открытом проспективном контролируемом сравнительном многоцентровом клиническом исследовании (NCT04645368) принимали участие взрослые пациенты (n = 160), у которых выявлен ПКС. Пациенты, составившие группу лечения (n = 81), получали бовгиалуронидазу азоксимер, лица, составившие группы контроля (n = 79), наблюдались динамически. В рамках исследования выполнялось физикальное обследование, проводилась оценка показателей форсированной жизненной емкости легких (ФЖЕЛ), одышки по шкале модифицированного вопросника Британского медицинского исследовательского совета (Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale – mMRC), дистанции, пройденной при выполнении 6-минутного шагового теста, и пульсоксиметрии. Эти показатели измерялись в рамках 3 визитов: в 1-й (исходный уровень), 75-й и 180-й дни. Кроме того, регистрировалось число пациентов, у которых наблюдались нежелательные явления (НЯ) и серьезные НЯ.Результаты. Исходные характеристики у пациентов группы лечения и контрольной группы были сходными. В группе лечения отмечено статистически значимое снижение остаточных легочных изменений после визита 2 (75-й день) и визита 3 (180-й день); кроме того, показатели ФЖЕЛ, пульсоксиметрии и переносимости функциональных физических нагрузок статистически значимо увеличились на 75-й и 180-й дни относительно исходного уровня. Показатели одышки по шкале mMRC в группе лечения статистически значимо снизились в течение 75 дней. Профиль безопасности препарата отмечался как благоприятный на протяжении всего исследования.Заключение. При терапии бовгиалуронидазой азоксимером у пациентов с ПКС отмечено улучшение показателей ФЖЕЛ, пульсоксиметрии, переносимости функциональных физических нагрузок и оценки одышки по mMRC

    Goat’s milk-based formulas in the nutrition of early infants: what do we know today?

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    Goat’s milk-based formulas are becoming more and more widespread in Europe and Russia. The article discusses the latest data on the composition and properties of goat’s milk. The article presents data on the content of functional components in goat’s milk, including lactoferrin and other bioactive peptides, oligosaccharides, nucleotides, polyamines and taurine. The authors assess adapted goat’s milk-based formulas and compare with cow’s milk-based formulas. The research described in  the article demonstrates the positive effect of goat’s milk-based formulas on the physical development of young children. The article presents the study demonstrating the effectiveness of Kabrita® Gold formula in young children with functional gastrointestinal disorders.Conflict of interest: The authors of this article confirmed the absence of any other possible conflict of interest, which should be reported. The article is sponsored by the company Kabrita