66 research outputs found

    Doctoral Studies in the Context of Global Trends: Problems and Key Factors of Development

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    The article focuses on the analysis of the current state, problems and key factors in the development of Russian doctoral education in connection with its transition from 2022/2023 academic year to the implementation of a new model in the context of global trends. As a result of analyzing and evaluating statistical data for 2010-2021 and summarizing numerous publications of researchers, the authors conclude that the trend of steady decline in the efficiency of doctoral education over the past decade is a systemic problem. It is proved that the transition to a new model of implementation of doctoral training programs for scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff aimed at improving its effectiveness, strengthening the scientific component and the quality of PhD dissertations is an important and necessary condition, but not sufficient to solve the existing problem. This study is an attempt to systematize the factors affecting the development of doctoral education in Russia, which determine the possibility of creating necessary and sufficient conditions for the effective functioning of the system of training highly qualified personnel. The authors identify three groups of key factors: dynamic changes in the development of the state policy aimed at improving management in the field of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel; developed ecosystem of educational and scientific organizations that provide doctoral education, including infrastructure, information, financial, organizational resources and scientific potential; doctoral students with interest and abilities in research activities, possessing a set of competencies necessary for the development of doctoral education. At the same time, such prospective tasks are considered as increasing reputational responsibility of organizations, which offer programs for training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel; forming effective system of targeted training in doctoral education; developing mechanisms for integration of science, higher education and industry by means of creating consortiums, the incentives for which are laid down in the “Priority 2030” university state support program


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    The paper discusses promises for clinical use of substrate antihypoxants.Objective: to investigate the efficacy of succinate containing  substrate  antihypoxants  on  systemic  oxygen  consumption,  blood  buffer  capacity,  and  changes  in  the  mixed venous blood level of lactate when they are used in gravely sick patients and victims with marked metabolic posthypoxic disorders.Subjects and methods. The trial enrolled 30 patients and victims who had sustained an episode of severe hypoxia of mixed genesis, the severity of which was evaluated by the APACHE II scale and amounted to 23 to 30 scores with a 46 to 70.3% risk of death. The standard infusion program in this group involved the succinate-containing drug 1.5% reamberin solution  in  a  total  dose  of  800  ml.  A  comparison  group  included  15  patients  who  had  undergone  emergency  extensive surgery for abdominal diseases. 400 ml of 10% glucose solution was used as an infusion medium. Oxygen consumption (VO2ml/min) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2ml/min) were measured before infusion and monitored for 2 hours. Arterial blood gases and acid-base balance (ABB) parameters and mixed venous blood lactate levels were examined. Measurements were made before and 30 minutes after the infusion of reamberin or glucose solution.Results. Infusion of 1.5% reamberin solution was followed by a significant increase in minute oxygen consumption from 281.5±21.2 to 310.4±24.4 ml/min. CO2 production declined (on average, from 223.3±6.5 to 206.5±7.59 ml/min). During infusion of 10% glucose solution, all the patients of the comparison group showed a rise in oxygen consumption from 303.6±33.86 to 443.13±32.1 ml/min, i.e. about 1.5-fold. VCO2 changed similarly. The intravenous infusion of 800 ml of 1.5% reamberin solution raised arterial blood buffer capacity, which was reflected by changes in pH, BE, and HCO3. There was a clear trend for lactate values to drop in the mixed venous blood. The intravenous injection of 400 ml of 10% glucose solution caused no significant changes in major ABB indicators, which reinforced the statement that there is a difference in the metabolism of these substrates.Conclusion. The succinate-containing drugs are able to compensate for metabolic acidosis. Their use is followed by increased oxygen consumption  and  activated  aerobic  oxidation  processes.  The  basis  of  their  antihypoxant  properties  was  thought  to  be recovered intracellular aerobic metabolic processes due to corrected intracellular metabolic acidosis and increased blood  buffer capacity.В статье обсуждаются перспективы клинического применения субстратных антигипоксантов.Цель — изучить влияние сукцинат-содержащих субстратных антигипоксантов на системное потребление кислорода, буферную емкость крови, динамику содержания в смешанной венозной крови лактата при их применении у тяжелобольных и пострадавших с выраженными метаболическими постгипоксическими нарушениями.Материалы и методы. В исследование включили 30 больных и пострадавших, перенесших эпизод тяжелой гипоксии смешанного генеза, тяжесть состояния которых оценивали по шкале APACHE II, она составила от 23 до 30 баллов с риском летального исхода от 46 до 70,3%. В состав стандартной инфузионной программы этой группы был включен сукцинат-содержащий препарат — реамберин 1,5% в суммарной дозе 800 мл. Группа сравнения (n=15) была представлена больными, которым в экстренном порядке выполняли обширные операции по поводу заболеваний органов брюшной полости. В качестве инфузионной среды был использован 10% раствор глюкозы в количестве 400 мл. До начала инфузии, а затем в мониторном режиме на протяжении двух часов измеряли потребление O2(VO2мл/мин) и выделение CO2(VCO2мл/мин). Изучался газовый состав, параметры КОС артериальной крови, содержание лактата в смешанной венозной крови. Измерения проводили до начала инфузии раствора реамберина или глюкозы, а также через 30 минут после ее завершения.Результаты. Инфузия  1,5%  раствора  реамберина  сопровождалась  достоверным  увеличением минутного  потребления  кислорода  с 281,5±21,2 мл/мин до 310,4±24,4 мл/мин. Выделение CO2 при этом снизилось (в среднем с 223,3±6,5 до 206,5±7,59 мл/мин). У всех больных группы сравнения во время инфузии 10% раствора глюкозы наблюдали увеличение потребления кислорода с 303,6±33,86 до 443,13±32,1 мл/мин, то есть почти в 1,5 раза. Аналогичным образом изменилосьVCO2. Внутривенная инфузия 800 мл 1,5% раствора реамберина повышала буферную емкость артериальной крови, что проявлялось изменением PH, BE и HCO3. Отмечали явную тенденцию к снижению содержания лактата в смешанной венозной крови. При внутривенном введении 400 мл 10% раствора глюкозы достоверных изменений основных показателей КОС не отмечали, что подтверждает предположение о различии в метаболизме этих субстратов.Заключение.  Препараты,  содержащие  в  своем  составе  сукцинат,  способны  компенсировать  метаболический  ацидоз.  Их применение сопровождается увеличением потребления кислорода и активацией процессов аэробного окисления. Полагаем, что основу их антигипоксантных качеств составляет восстановление процессов внутриклеточного аэробного метаболизма благодаря коррекции внутриклеточного метаболического ацидоза и увеличения буферной емкости крови.

    The first combined russian experience of using perampanel in children and adolescents with epilepsy in everyday clinical practice

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    Background. Real world data help to provide more information on the effects and tolerability of therapy. However, data on the use of perampanel in Russian population of children remain limited. aim. To conduct a retrospective analysis of perampanel efficacy and tolerability in children and adolescents with epilepsy in real clinical practice. Materials and methods. A total of 106 children aged 4–18 years receiving perampanel as part of combination therapy for epilepsy were observed at 18 centers. Seizure frequency at 1–3, after 6 and 12 months of treatment, presence and type of adverse events (AEs) were analyzed. The main assessed efficacy parameters were seizure control, significant (≥50 %) decrease in seizure frequency. All other outcomes (<50 % decrease, no change or increased seizure frequency) were considered to be no effect. The assessed safety parameters were the percentage of patients with or without AEs and the percentage of perampanel withdrawals due to AEs. results. We defined 3 age groups for comparison: children 4–6, 7–11 and 12–17 years old. Perampanel efficacy was 69 % (seizure control – 23.6 %, ≥50 % decrease in seizure frequency – 45.3 %). The mean duration of the effect was 7.3 ± 4.1 months. No significant difference in efficacy between age groups was found. However, some greater efficacy of perampanel was noted in adolescents: absence of effect in the form of remission or significant decrease in seizures frequency was noted only in 25.5 %, with 40 % in children 4–11 years old. Among those with inefficacy, 3.8 % reported seizure aggravation. AEs occurred in only 23 % of patients, with the least frequent occurrence in adolescents (11.8 %) and the most frequent in children aged 7–11 years (40 %). The most frequent AEs was sluggishness and/or drowsiness. Discontinuation of perampanel due to AEs was required in 7.6 %. Conclusion. Perampanel has demonstrated high efficacy and good tolerability in real clinical practice among children from 4 years of age and adolescents with partial (focal) and secondary generalized seizures. The AEs that developed were not serious and very rarely led to withdrawal of the therapy. The results are comparable to those of phase III studies and previous real-world data. The usage of perampanel in children with primary generalized seizures should be further investigated. © 2022 ABV-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved.EisaiО.А. Рахманина / O.A. Rakhmanina: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9218-2531 И.В. Волков / I.V. Volkov: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7816-7535 О.К. Волкова / O.K. Volkova: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3314-3895 Ю.А. Александров / Yu.A. Aleksandrov: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3887-5219 М.В. Бархатов / M.V. Barkhatov: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6372-4677 И.С. Бахтин / I.S. Bakhtin: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3600-687X Г.М. Бережная / G.M. Berezhnaya: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3917-422X А.Ю. Карась / A.Yu. Karas: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9089-9627 Д.В. Морозов / D.V. Morozov: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4389-9143 И.С. Бахтин / I.S. Bakhtin: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3600-687X Т.Р. Томенко / T.R. Tomenko: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0652-1996 Ж.М. Цоцонава / Zh.M. Tsotsonava: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3275-5099 Конфликт интересов и финансирование. Публикация подготовлена при финансовой поддержке компании «Эйсай». Авторы несут полную ответственность за содержание статьи и редакционные решения. Conflict of interest and funding. This publication was funded by Eisai. The authors are fully responsible for the content of the article and editorial decisions

    Inhibition of bismuth dissolution in 0.1 M sodium chloride solution

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    Abstract Some organic compounds were studied as inhibitors of bismuth dissolution in passive state and under depassivation conditions in 0.1 M sodium chloride solution. The relationship between the effects of the organic additive and the Cl -ion was estimated. Information about the influence of additives on the rate-limiting step under potentiostatic polarization was obtained


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    The article presents data on the prevalence of infectious diseases in children in Russia and the frequency of use of antibiotic therapy. Special attention is given to the uncontrolled use of antibiotics that leads to antibiotic resistance, disruption of the symbiotic equilibrium of the microbiota, development of acute allergic reactions and other diseases. The modern tactics of treatment of children with antibiotic-associated diarrhea according to the international recommendations of ESPGHAN and ESPID is provided

    Functional gastrointestinal disorders in the infants: diagnostics criteria and approaches to the dietary therapy

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    The functional gastrointestinal disorders in infants occur rather often. About half of the children has at least one of such signs of the functional gastrointestinal disorders as the spitting up, torminae, constipations, and the combination of several signs is ordinary. The formation mechanisms of the functional disorders are multivarious and they are determined not only by the anatomical and physiological particularities but by the autonomic and humoral regulation imbalances of the child’s organism as well. The protein and lipid composition of the mixture based on the goat's milk, Kabrita® Gold, contributes to the digestion improvement. The mixture can be recommended for the formula-fed infants with the functional gastrointestinal disorders in the absence of the atopy signs


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    The era of antibiotics began in the mid-twentieth century, which resulted in changing the basic views on the treatment of infectious diseases and significantly increased the life expectancy among individuals on average by 20 to 30 years. The widespread uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs has led to development of resistance to antibiotics and a number of adverse events, one of which is diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is caused by the use of antibiotics in 6–7% of cases. Pre- and probiotics are used to prevent diarrhoea. A study of the efficacy and safety of Ecomed (a powder to prepare a suspension containing 100 mg/5 ml azithromycin manufactured by AVVA RUS JSC (Russia) in combination with prebiotics lactulose) in comparison with azithromycin without lactulose was conducted in children with acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. A total of 100 patients were included in the study (50 boys and 50 girls) aged 3 to 14 years, who were divided into 2 groups: the main group consisted of 50 children (mean age 6.16 ± 2.78 years) who received Ecomed for 3 days; the control group of 50 children (mean age 6.9 ± 3.24 years) who received azithromycin for 3 days. The observation period was 2 months. During the observation period, the gastrointestinal tract state was evaluated for such symptoms as flatulence, bloating, frequency of bowel movements and consistency of feces. Feces were collected from children of both groups for gene sequencing by the 16s rRNA method during 4 visits: visit 1: before therapy, visit 2: 3 days after start of the therapy (end of the therapy), visit 3: 17 days after start of the therapy, visit 4: 60 days after start of the therapy. The study showed a significant difference between the microbiota profiles against the background of therapy with azithromycin and Ecomed. It was established that the total share of micro-organisms exposed to the drugs accounted for approximately 20–25%. The use of azithromycin provoked the development of intestinal dysbiosis according to the criteria for the deviation of the microbiota families, genera and species profile from the initial state, and according to the diagnostic signs of clinical symptomatology. An important observation was the fact that even after 2 months the dysbiotic state did not return to normal. The use of Ecomed containing a combination of azithromycin and lactulose reduced dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota exposed to azithromycin. The main advantages were that opportunistic microorganisms had been prevented from growing against the background of azithromycin therapy and useful and other microorganisms had been preserved


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    The problem of introduction of complementary foods continues to be debated both in academic circles and among practitioners. The most relevant is the discussion on the optimal timing and sequence of the introduction of individual products, individual planning of the diet of children with food allergies, a possibility of using products of complementary foods in the complex treatment of functional digestive disorders and various deficient states, as well as the role of new products in the formation of eating behavior of the child. In the conversation the employees of the Department of Pediatrics of RMANPO chaired by Professor Irina Nikolaevna Zakharova tried to answer frequently asked questions regarding introduction of complementary foods to the infants

    Charge Transfer, Change of the Spin Value, and Driving of Magnetic Order by Pressure in Bimetallic Molecular Complexes

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    The magnetic bimetallic molecular-based compounds attract considerable attention because of their unique characteristics which are very different from those of traditional magnets. We demonstrate the effects of charge transfer as well as spin and magnetic order changes induced by high hydrostatic pressure applied to the two bimetallic multifunctional Prussian blue analogues, K<sub>0.1</sub>Co<sub>4</sub>[Fe­(CN)<sub>6</sub>]<sub>2.7</sub>·18H<sub>2</sub>O and K<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>3</sub>[Fe­(CN)<sub>6</sub>]<sub>2.14</sub>·6H<sub>2</sub>O. Two opposite directions of change in their properties under pressure are revealed: (i) the magnetization reduction and magnetic order disappearing for the K<sub>0.1</sub>Co<sub>4</sub>[Fe­(CN)<sub>6</sub>]<sub>2.7</sub>·18H<sub>2</sub>O compound and (ii) an increase of the magnetization and change of the sign of exchange coupling for the K<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>3</sub>[Fe­(CN)<sub>6</sub>]<sub>2.14</sub>·6H<sub>2</sub>O compound. It is a first observation of both the magnetic moment increase and transformation from ferrimagnetic order to ferromagnetic order that appear under pressure in Prussian blue analogues. The latter is explained by the charge transfer between the metallic ions resulting in the corresponding spin transitions