272 research outputs found

    Progettazione e organizzazione delle attivit\ue0 motorie per la fascia di et\ue0 0-6 anni: la strutturazione degli spazi per giocare

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    Progettazione e organizzazione di attivit\ue0 di gioco strutturato che rispondano a criteri validati dalla ricerca scientifica in merito alla capacit\ue0 di modificare e aumentare le capacit\ue0 motorie di base nel bambino; le linee guida si riferiscono principalmente ad attivit\ue0 condotte all'aperto

    Lo sviluppo motorio del bambino da 0 a 6 anni

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    Descrizione dello sviluppo motorio del bambino nell'ottica moderna che rifiuta l'esistenza di tappe geneticamente predeterminate e assegna all'esperienza e all'organizzazione degli spazi un ruolo prominente nelle dinamiche di acquisizione delle capacit\ue0 motorie di bas

    Activity in the zone of proximal development between the development of motor skills and school readiness: studies in kindergartens/ Attivita\ub4 fisica in zona di sviluppo prossimale tra sviluppo di competenze motorie e preparazione scolastica: sperimentazione nelle scuole dell\ub4infanzia.

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    The growing number of children with impairment in executive functions and the grow- ing increasing of sedentary behavior, estimated to be a major culprit of obesity and metabolic diseases, call for intensive efforts for correction of these worldwide problems affecting the quality of life. Recent studies highlight that executive functions can be in- cremented early and during life and suggest that physical activity may be an important tool to reach this goal. Educator has thus a great responsibility and recent data indicate that kindergarten may represent a new and up-to-now little considered educational tool. To involve and share with teachers these new aspects of education, an action-re- search was carried out with 100 teachers of Treviso (Italy), 51 kindergartens. Teachers were given instructions by means of a book prepared for the project and containing sug- gestions for the organization of physical activity lessons in kindergartens. After the use of the book, which also included stimuli for evaluation of the activities and their impact on children, teacher were involved in discussions and focus groups from where impor- tant considerations emerged about education directed at fostering motor and cognitive development of pupils. Our study indicate that implementation of results of scientific studies in daily activities requires direct participation of educators starting from their knowledge and perception of the realty of the teaching environment. L\u2019aumento di bambini con disturbi nelle funzioni esecutive (FE) e di situazioni di seden- tariet\ue0, considerata concausa delle patologie metaboliche e dell\u2019obesit\ue0 che affliggono la qualit\ue0 della vita delle nuove generazioni, rappresentano importanti stimoli per cer- care di proporre soluzioni nuove ai processi educativi cui i bambini sono esposti. Recen- ti studi evidenziano che le FE possono essere sviluppate nell\u2019infanzia attraverso specifi- ci percorsi educativi e suggeriscono che l\u2019attivit\ue0 fisica rappresenta un importante stru- mento a tal fine. Per favorire l\u2019adozione di nuove attenzioni al modo di educare nelle scuole dell\u2019infanzia \ue8 necessario coinvolgere gli insegnanti e con loro condividere i nuovi sviluppi della ricerca scientifica. A Treviso \ue8 stata realizzata una ricerca-azione che ha coinvolto 100 insegnanti, 51 scuole dell\u2019infanzia e che si \ue8 basata sull\u2019utilizzo di un li- bro appositamente, scritto per aiutare e guidare gli educatori nella preparazione, realiz- zazione e valutazione di attivit\ue0 didattiche fondano sull\u2019attivit\ue0 fisica dei piccoli allievi. Dopo la realizzazione del percorso formativo sono stati realizzati incontri e focus Group dai quali sono emerse alcune considerazioni importanti relative all\u2019insegnamento final- izzato allo sviluppo motorio e cognitivo. Si rivela fondamentale una formazione alle novit\ue0 concettuali che emergono dalle ricerche internazionali ma che parta dalla conoscenza e dalla percezione della realt\ue0 degli insegnanti stess

    How can teachers contribute to develop executive functions through motor activity?

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    Why are executive functions so important? Can motor activity contribute to develop the executive functions? How can teachers help children in improving their school readiness? The aim of this work is to investigate on these questions and to study 5 years old children after ten weeks of motor activity program in a playground

    Carbendazim dissipation in the biomixture of on-farm biopurification systems and its effect on microbial communities

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    The impact of repeated carbendazim (CARB) applications on the extent of \CARB\ dissipation, the microbial diversity, the community level physiological profile (CLPP), and the enzymatic activity within the biomixture of an on-farm biopurification system was evaluated. After three successive \CARB\ applications, the \CARB\ dissipation efficiency was high; the efficiency of dissipation was 87%, 94% and 96% after each application, respectively. Although microbial enzymatic activity was affected significantly by \CARB\ application, it could recover after each \CARB\ pulse. Likewise, the numbers of cultivable bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes (as measured in CFUs) were slightly affected by the addition of CARB, but the inhibitory effect of the pesticide application was temporary. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and Biolog Ecoplate assays demonstrated that the microbial populations remained relatively stable over time when compared to the control. The results obtained herein therefore demonstrate the high dissipation capacity of this biomixture and highlight the microbiological robustness of this biological system.This work was supported by FONDECYT project No 11100236

    Percezione-azione: il ruolo dell\u2019educatore nella attribuzione di significato all\u2019ambiente e al compito, con bambini di 5 anni

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    Un supporto dato in zona di sviluppo prossimale ha contribuito alla mo-difica delle affordances dei piccoli, indipendentemente dalle loro misure an-tropometriche e dalle caratteristiche della \u201cbarra con molle\u201d; i bambini non supportati hanno avuto un lievissimo miglioramento nelle affordances corre-lato alle misure antropometriche; le esperienze di successo dei bambini sup-portati hanno incrementato la loro motivazione ad apprendere, contribuendo ad aumentare i loro tentativi di riuscire a camminare in equilibrio sulla barra, durante il gioco libero; i continui e ripetuti tentativi di salire e camminare in equilibrio sulla \u201cbarra con molle\u201d hanno permesso ai bambini di sviluppare successivamente la loro capacit\ue0 di equilibrio. L\u2019educatore pu\uf2 intervenire in \u201czona di sviluppo prossimale\u201d, attraverso la mediazione tra il bambino e il compito, modificando le affordances, la-sciando invariato l\u2019oggetto di attenzione

    Induction Machine Stator Fault Tracking using the Growing Curvilinear Component Analysis

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    Detection of stator-based faults in Induction Machines (IMs) can be carried out in numerous ways. In particular, the shorted turns in stator windings of IM are among the most common faults in the industry. As a matter of fact, most IMs come with pre-installed current sensors for the purpose of control and protection. At this aim, using only the stator current for fault detection has become a recent trend nowadays as it is much cheaper than installing additional sensors. The three-phase stator current signatures have been used in this study to observe the effect of stator inter-turn fault with respect to the healthy condition of the IM. The pre-processing of the healthy and faulty current signatures has been done via the in-built DSP module of dSPACE after which, these current signatures are passed into the MATLAB® software for further analysis using AI techniques. The authors present a Growing Curvilinear Component Analysis (GCCA) neural network that is capable of detecting and follow the evolution of the stator fault using the stator current signature, making online fault detection possible. For this purpose, a topological manifold analysis is carried out to study the fault evolution, which is a fundamental step for calibrating the GCCA neural network. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been verified experimentally

    Combined microbiological test to assess changes in an organic matrix used to avoid agricultural soil contamination, exposed to an insecticide

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    Combined microbiological test (Biolog Ecoplate, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and Real Time PCR (qPCR)) were developed to evaluate the impact of repeated diazinon (DZN) applications at high concentration (40 mg kg-1) on microbial communities in a microcosm simulating the organic matrix (straw (50%): peat (25%): soil (25%) vv-1) of an pesticide biopurification system (PBS). Moreover, pesticide dissipation was also evaluated. After three successive exposition of DZN, dissipation efficiency was high; achieved 87%, 93% and 96% after each application, respectively showing a clear accelerated dissipation of this pesticide in the organic matrix. The results obtained with Biolog Ecoplate showed that community level physiological profiles were no affected by the addition of DZN. On the other hand, molecular assays (DGGE and QPCR) demonstrated that the microbial structure (bacteria and fungi) remained relatively stable over time with high DZN doses compared to control. Therefore, the results of the present study, clearly, demonstrate the high dissipation capacity of this biomixture and highlight the microbiological robustness of this biological system.Fil: Tortella, G. R.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnologico En Recursos Naturales (bioren-ufro). Departamento de Ciencias Quimicas y Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Salgado, E.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnológico En Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Cuozzo, Sergio Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos (i); ArgentinaFil: Mella Herrera, R. A.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnológico En Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Parra, L.. Universidad de la Frontera. Núcleo Científico y Tecnológico en Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Diez, M. C.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnológico En Recursos Naturales; ChileFil: Rubilar, O.. Universidad de la Frontera. Nucleo Cientifico y Tecnológico En Recursos Naturales; Chil