2,366 research outputs found

    Catching the Right Wave: Evaluating Wave Energy Resources and Potential Compatibility with Existing Marine and Coastal Uses

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    Many hope that ocean waves will be a source for clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, yet wave energy conversion facilities may affect marine ecosystems through a variety of mechanisms, including competition with other human uses. We developed a decision-support tool to assist siting wave energy facilities, which allows the user to balance the need for profitability of the facilities with the need to minimize conflicts with other ocean uses. Our wave energy model quantifies harvestable wave energy and evaluates the net present value (NPV) of a wave energy facility based on a capital investment analysis. The model has a flexible framework and can be easily applied to wave energy projects at local, regional, and global scales. We applied the model and compatibility analysis on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada to provide information for ongoing marine spatial planning, including potential wave energy projects. In particular, we conducted a spatial overlap analysis with a variety of existing uses and ecological characteristics, and a quantitative compatibility analysis with commercial fisheries data. We found that wave power and harvestable wave energy gradually increase offshore as wave conditions intensify. However, areas with high economic potential for wave energy facilities were closer to cable landing points because of the cost of bringing energy ashore and thus in nearshore areas that support a number of different human uses. We show that the maximum combined economic benefit from wave energy and other uses is likely to be realized if wave energy facilities are sited in areas that maximize wave energy NPV and minimize conflict with existing ocean uses. Our tools will help decision-makers explore alternative locations for wave energy facilities by mapping expected wave energy NPV and helping to identify sites that provide maximal returns yet avoid spatial competition with existing ocean uses

    Thirty-fold: Extreme gravitational lensing of a quiescent galaxy at z=1.6z=1.6

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    We report the discovery of eMACSJ1341-QG-1, a quiescent galaxy at z=1.594z=1.594 located behind the massive galaxy cluster eMACSJ1341.9−-2442 (z=0.835z=0.835). The system was identified as a gravitationally lensed triple image in Hubble Space Telescope images obtained as part of a snapshot survey of the most X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at z>0.5z>0.5 and spectroscopically confirmed in ground-based follow-up observations with the ESO/X-Shooter spectrograph. From the constraints provided by the triple image, we derive a first, crude model of the mass distribution of the cluster lens, which predicts a gravitational amplification of a factor of ∼\sim30 for the primary image and a factor of ∼\sim6 for the remaining two images of the source, making eMACSJ1341-QG-1 by far the most strongly amplified quiescent galaxy discovered to date. Our discovery underlines the power of SNAPshot observations of massive, X-ray selected galaxy clusters for lensing-assisted studies of faint background populations

    Discovery of a very extended X-ray halo around a quiescent spiral galaxy - the "missing link" of galaxy formation

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    Hot gaseous haloes surrounding galaxies and extending well beyond the distribution of stars are a ubiquitous prediction of galaxy formation scenarios. The haloes are believed to consist of gravitationally trapped gas with a temperature of millions of Kelvin. The existence of such hot haloes around massive elliptical galaxies has been established through their X-ray emission. While gas out-flowing from starburst spiral galaxies has been detected, searches for hot haloes around normal, quiescent spiral galaxies have so far failed, casting doubts on the fundamental physics in galaxy formation models. Here we present the first detection of a hot, large-scale gaseous halo surrounding a normal, quiescent spiral galaxy, NGC 5746, alleviating a long-standing problem for galaxy formation models. In contrast to starburst galaxies, where the X-ray halo can be powered by the supernova energy, there is no such power source in NGC 5746. The only compelling explanation is that we are here witnessing a galaxy forming from gradually in-flowing hot and dilute halo gas.Comment: New Astronomy, in pres

    The size-star formation relation of massive galaxies at 1.5<z<2.5

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    We study the relation between size and star formation activity in a complete sample of 225 massive (M > 5 x 10^10 Msun) galaxies at 1.5<z<2.5, selected from the FIREWORKS UV-IR catalog of the CDFS. Based on stellar population synthesis model fits to the observed restframe UV-NIR SEDs, and independent MIPS 24 micron observations, 65% of galaxies are actively forming stars, while 35% are quiescent. Using sizes derived from 2D surface brightness profile fits to high resolution (FWHM_{PSF}~0.45 arcsec) groundbased ISAAC data, we confirm and improve the significance of the relation between star formation activity and compactness found in previous studies, using a large, complete mass-limited sample. At z~2, massive quiescent galaxies are significantly smaller than massive star forming galaxies, and a median factor of 0.34+/-0.02 smaller than galaxies of similar mass in the local universe. 13% of the quiescent galaxies are unresolved in the ISAAC data, corresponding to sizes <1 kpc, more than 5 times smaller than galaxies of similar mass locally. The quiescent galaxies span a Kormendy relation which, compared to the relation for local early types, is shifted to smaller sizes and brighter surface brightnesses and is incompatible with passive evolution. The progenitors of the quiescent galaxies, were likely dominated by highly concentrated, intense nuclear star bursts at z~3-4, in contrast to star forming galaxies at z~2 which are extended and dominated by distributed star formation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Distant red galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

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    We take advantage of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UDF) data to study the restframe optical and ultra violet (UV) morphologies of the novel population of Distant Red Galaxies (DRGs). Six galaxies with J-Ks > 2.3 are found to Ks=21.5, five of which have photometric redshifts z_phot > 2, corresponding to a surface density of 0.9/arcmin^2. The surface brightness distributions of the z_phot > 2 galaxies are better represented by exponential disks than R^{1/4}-laws. Two of the z_phot > 2 galaxies are extended, while three have compact morphologies. The restframe optical morphology of the z_phot > 2 galaxies is quite different from the restframe UV morphology: all the galaxies have red central components which dominate in the NICMOS H_{160}-band images, and distinct off-center blue features which show up in (and often dominate) the ACS images. The mean measured effective radius of the z_phot > 2 galaxies is =1.9+/-1.4 kpc, similar (within the errors) to the mean size of LBGs at similar redshifts. All the DRGs are resolved in the ACS images, while four are resolved in the NICMOS images. Two of the z_phot > 2 galaxies are bright X-ray sources and hence host AGN. The diverse restframe optical and UV morphological properties of DRGs derived here suggest that they have complex stellar populations, consisting of both evolved populations that dominate the mass and the restframe optical light, and younger populations, which show up as patches of star formation in the restframe UV light; in many ways resembling the properties of normal local galaxies. This interpretation is supported by fits to the broadband SEDs, which for all five z_phot > 2 are best represented by models with extended star formation histories and substantial amounts of dust.Comment: Accepted for publication in APJ

    Multiplication and Composition in Weighted Modulation Spaces

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    We study the existence of the product of two weighted modulation spaces. For this purpose we discuss two different strategies. The more simple one allows transparent proofs in various situations. However, our second method allows a closer look onto associated norm inequalities under restrictions in the Fourier image. This will give us the opportunity to treat the boundedness of composition operators.Comment: 49 page

    Geodynamic implications for zonal and meridional isotopic patterns across the northern Lau and North Fiji Basins

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    We present new Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-He isotopic data for sixty-five volcanic samples from the northern Lau and North Fiji Basin. This includes forty-seven lavas obtained from forty dredge sites spanning an east-west transect across the Lau and North Fiji basins, ten ocean island basalt (OIB)-type lavas collected from seven Fijian islands, and eight OIB lavas sampled on Rotuma. For the first time we are able to map clear north-south and east-west geochemical gradients in 87Sr/86Sr across the northern Lau and North Fiji Basins: lavas with the most geochemically enriched radiogenic isotopic signatures are located in the northeast Lau Basin, while signatures of geochemical enrichment are diminished to the south and west away from the Samoan hotspot. Based on these geochemical patterns and plate reconstructions of the region, these observations are best explained by the addition of Samoa, Rurutu, and Rarotonga hotspot material over the past 4 Ma. We suggest that underplated Samoan material has been advected into the Lau Basin over the past ∼4 Ma. As the slab migrated west (and toward the Samoan plume) via rollback over time, younger and hotter (and therefore less viscous) underplated Samoan plume material was entrained. Thus, entrainment efficiency of underplated plume material was enhanced, and Samoan plume signatures in the Lau Basin became stronger as the trench approached the Samoan hotspot. The addition of subducted volcanoes to the Cook-Austral Volcanic Lineament material, first from the Rarotonga hotspot, then followed by the Rurutu hotspot, contributes to the extreme geochemical signatures observed in the northeast Lau Basin

    Structure and star formation in galaxies out to z=3: evidence for surface density dependent evolution and upsizing

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    We present an analysis of galaxies in the CDF-South. We find a tight relation to z=3 between color and size at a given mass, with red galaxies being small, and blue galaxies being large. We show that the relation is driven by stellar surface density or inferred velocity dispersion: galaxies with high surface density are red and have low specific star formation rates, and galaxies with low surface density are blue and have high specific star formation rates. Surface density and inferred velocity dispersion are better correlated with specific star formation rate and color than stellar mass. Hence stellar mass by itself is not a good predictor of the star formation history of galaxies. In general, galaxies at a given surface density have higher specific star formation rates at higher redshift. Specifically, galaxies with a surface density of 1-3 10^9 Msun/kpc^2 are "red and dead" at low redshift, approximately 50% are forming stars at z=1, and almost all are forming stars by z=2. This provides direct additional evidence for the late evolution of galaxies onto the red sequence. The sizes of galaxies at a given mass evolve like 1/(1+z)^(0.59 +- 0.10). Hence galaxies undergo significant upsizing in their history. The size evolution is fastest for the highest mass galaxies, and quiescent galaxies. The persistence of the structural relations from z=0 to z=2.5, and the upsizing of galaxies imply that a relation analogous to the Hubble sequence exists out to z=2.5, and possibly beyond. The star forming galaxies at z >= 1.5 are quite different from star forming galaxies at z=0, as they have likely very high gas fractions, and star formation time scales comparable to the orbital time.Comment: 20 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ, 2008, 68

    Validation of a modified rat model for erectile function evaluation

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    The in vivo model for evaluation of erectile function in rats and mice has been widely used to investigate pathophysiology and treatment modalities of erectile function. The model is technically challenging which limits its broad availability. We have recently introduced a simplified surgical technique for dissection of corporal bodies and developed a new method to achieve stable contact between the cavernous nerve and the stimulating electrode without the need to manipulate the nerve between stimulations using 2-component silicone glue. The goal of this study was to validate this new technique and describe in detail the technical aspects of the procedure so that researchers with basic microsurgery skills can adopt it
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