183 research outputs found

    3-Tesla MR spectroscopy in patients subjected to bone marrow transplantation: clinical correlations.

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    PURPOSE: This study evaluated the usefulness of 3-Tesla magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) undergoing bone marrow transplantation (BMT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve NHL patients who were candidates for BMT underwent three MR examinations of the lumbosacral spine: before ablative therapy for BMT, 15±4 days and 54±24 days after BMT. The MR study was supplemented by spectroscopic analysis. The lipid content was calculated and expressed as a percentage of lipid signal intensity relative to total signal intensity [fat fraction (FF)]. RESULTS: In the first MR study, the FF was 62.5±7%, in the second it was 70.75±5% and in the third it was 75±1%. We observed a statistically significant difference between FF values calculated at the various MR studies (p=0.02) and between red blood cell count (p=0.017), platelet count (p=0.003) and haematocrit (p<0.001) at the three MR studies. FF had a statistically significant correlation with the number of circulating platelets (p<0.01) CONCLUSIONS: MR spectroscopy of the bone marrow of NHL patients undergoing BMT is noninvasive and highly sensitive for characterising and monitoring bone marrow after BMT

    Comparison of three domestications and wild-harvested plants for nutraceutical properties and sensory profiles in five wild edible herbs: Is domestication possible?

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    In this study, five wild edible herbs traditionally consumed in the Tuscany region (Italy) were evaluated for their potential in human nutrition. The nutraceutical characterization of Rumex acetosa, Cichorium intybus, Picris hieracioides, Sanguisorba minor, and Plantago coronopus, as well as their sensory profile were reported. Additionally, a preliminary assessment of completely different domestication of the wild species (named "soilless", pot, and open field) was conducted to verify the possibility of their marketability, which is impossible if the plants are only gathered as wild. The open field domestication allowed to obtain plants with nutraceutical and sensory profiles similar to those of the wild species, especially in C. intybus, P. hieracioides, and S. minor. The pot domestication allow to obtain plants with chlorophyll and carotenoid contents close to those of the wild species, as well as a lower total phenolic and flavonoid content and ascorbic acid content than wild species. In the "soilless"method, R. acetosa and P. coronopus exhibited a high quality in terms of phytochemicals and antioxidant activity. Afterward, the sensory profile was strongly affected by the domestication in terms of the palatability, except for R. acetosa and P. coronopus, which displayed Hedonic Index (HI) values close to the consumer acceptability limit (HI = 6). A sensory profile similar to that of wild species was reported in open field domestication, whereas a worse sensory profile was reported in P. hieracioides and C. intybus domesticated using the soilless method. Finally, according to the preliminary assessment carried out in this study through an analysis of the general nutraceutical properties, S. minor was shown to be the most promising species thanks to its intrinsically highest nutraceutical properties considering the marketability of wild edible herbs as "new"functional food. However, further research on the bioavailability and bioactivity tests of nutraceutical compounds present in this species are required to confirm the findings of this study

    The role of weighing-bathing sequence and postmenstrual age in eliciting adaptive/maladaptive responses in very low birth weight preterm infants

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    Purpose: In the neonatal intensive care unit, preterm infants are exposed to several stressful stimuli. Inappropriate stimulation led to high risk for short- and long-term neurocognitive disabilities. This study aimed to evaluate whether the sequence of execution of weighing/bathing nursing procedures and postmenstrual age (PMA) have any effect on preterm infants' stress responses. Design and Methods: Prospective cross-sectional study on a sample of 21 preterm infants. Responses to the procedures were assessed using an observational sheet based on Als's Synactive Theory of Development. Autonomic and motor responses were scored according to five-point Likert scales. The order of execution of weighing/bathing nursing procedures and PMA were documented. Effects of weighing/bathing execution sequence and PMA on autonomic and motor response scores were analyzed by linear multiple regression analysis. Results: The sequence of execution had a significant effect on the autonomic score during weighing (p =.035), evidencing more stress when weighing was executed first. A higher level of stress response on the autonomic score during both weighing (p =.015) and bathing (p =.018) procedure was independently associated with a lower infant PMA. Conclusions and Practice Implications: The real-time recognition of adaptive/maladaptive responses allows nurses to personalize their approach to preterm infants, taking into account PMA and adjusting the appropriate sequence of execution of weighing/bathing nursing procedures

    Wearable Sensors to Evaluate Autonomic Response to Olfactory Stimulation: The Influence of Short, Intensive Sensory Training

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    In the last few decades, while the sensory evaluation of edible products has been leveraged to make strategic decisions about many domains, the traditional descriptive analysis performed by a skilled sensory panel has been seen to be too complex and time-consuming for the industry needs, making it largely unsustainable in most cases. In this context, the study of the effectiveness of different methods for sensory training on panel performances represents a new trend in research activity. With this purpose, wearable sensors are applied to study physiological signals (ECG and skin conductance) concerned with the emotions in a cohort of volunteers undergoing a short, two-day (16 h) sensory training period related to wine tasting. The results were compared with a previous study based on a conventional three-month (65 h) period of sensory training. According to what was previously reported for long panel training, it was seen that even short, intensive sensory training modulated the ANS activity toward a less sympathetically mediated response as soon as odorous compounds become familiar. A large-scale application of shorter formative courses in this domain appears possible without reducing the effectiveness of the training, thus leading to money saving for academia and scientific societies, and challenging dropout rates that might affect longer courses

    Essential oils as post-harvest crop protectants against the fruit fly drosophila suzukii: Bioactivity and organoleptic profile

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    The essential oils extracted from mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruits, and from tea tree (Maleleuca alternifolia (Maiden and Betche) Cheel) leaves have been chemically analyzed and tested for their bioactivity against D. suzukii. Besides, to estimate consumers’ acceptability of the essential oil (EO) treatments, we evaluated their impact on the organoleptic characteristics of the EO-treated fruits. The main chemical constituents of the two EOs were 1,8-cineole and 4-terpineol for M. alternifolia (22.4% and 17.6% of the total components, respectively), and limonene (83.6% of the total components) for C. reticulata. The behavioral tests indicate that the two EOs are able to deter D. suzukii oviposition and that D. suzukii shows positive chemotaxis to low concentrations of the EOs and negative chemotaxis when the EO concentration increases. While no negative effects on the organoleptic profiles were detected for fruits treated with C. reticulata EO, the olfactory profile of fruits treated with M. alternifolia EO was so negative that they were defined as “not suitable for consumption” by panellists. Overall, our findings indicate that the use of EOs for the post-harvest protection of small fruits is feasible, provided that the essential oils are selected not only for their bioactivity against the insect pest but also for their affinity with the consumers’ sensorial system

    A kinetic approach to describe the time evolution of red wine as a function of packaging and storage conditions

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    With the aim to determine the influence of packaging in preserving the quality of wine, in this research project the chemical and sensorial evolution of a red wine stored in different packaging materials (glass bottles vs multilayer Tetrabriks®) has been evaluated over a period of 12 months. Furthermore, two different temperature levels (4 and 20 °C) for each packaging solution were maintained throughout the storage period. The results show how the characteristics of packaging could deeply affect wine quality as a function of the storage conditions used, and suggest that with their rational optimization the quality of red wine during storage can be kept and its shelf life extended. In this context, the kinetic characterization of the time evolution of some chemical compounds that can be assumed as indexes of wine oxidation rate could enhance the consumer’s enjoyment during tasting. Under the adopted experimental conditions, the rate of wine aging was higher when the storage temperature increased. Furthermore, after 12 months of storage at room temperature, the glass bottles generally better preserved red wine from oxidation than multilayer Tetrabriks®

    Comparative Study between Plastic and Metallic Stents for Biliary Decompression in Patients with Distal Biliary Obstruction

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    This paper presents a retrospective comparison of plastic versus metallic stents in the drainage of malignant distal biliary obstructions. We compared single plastic stents (SPS), multiple plastic stents (MPS), and metallic stents (SEMS) regarding clinical decrease of TB < 2.0 mg/dL, long-term patency, and adverse event. 58 patients (38 women) with MDBO were included. Diagnoses were 44 pancreatic adenocarcinoma (74.6%), 9 metastasis (15.5%), 3 pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (5.1%), and 2 adenocarcinoma in the major papilla (3.4%). The number of patients included in the SPS, MPS, and SEMS was 17, 6, and 35, respectively. Comparing the survival curves with respect to obstruction, we observed a lower mean permeability of the SPS compared to that of the MPS with p<0.003 and of the SEMS group (p<0.01). There was no statistical difference between the use of MPS, despite the small number of patients compared to the use of SEMS (p<0.13) to reach the satisfactory levels of bilirubin

    Influence of different types of solvent on the effectiveness of nanolime treatments on highly porous mortar substrates

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    Historic calcareous structures suffer from weathering processes that result in the loss of some of their original properties. Nanolime products represent an attractive choice for the consolidation of these substrates containing calcite due to their high chemical compatibility with the original structure. The effectiveness of nanolime products has been widely proven for superficial consolidation treatments (e.g. plasters and wall-paintings). However, its consolidation mechanism in highly porous substrates (e.g. limestones or lime mortars) still needs to be fully understood. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of different types of solvent on the effectiveness of nanolime treatments on highly porous lime-mortars. The consolidation effectiveness is investigated by evaluating changes on superficial cohesion, porosity, drilling resistance, water absorption by capillarity, drying rate and aesthetic properties. Results showed that nanolime dispersed in a mixture of isopropanol (50%) and water (50%) yielded slightly better consolidation properties in terms of reduction in porosity, increase in strength and penetration within coarse lime-mortars than nanolime dispersed in other solvents

    Multi-imaging investigation to evaluate the relationship between serum cystatin c and features of atherosclerosis in Non-ST-Segment elevation acute coronary syndrome

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    Objectives: High cystatin C(CysC) levels are associated with impaired cardiovascular outcome. Whether CysC levels are independently related to the atherosclerosis burden is still controversial. Methods: We enrolled 31 non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Patients were divided into 2 groups on the basis of median value of serum CysC. Using the high CysC group as a dependent variable, univariable and multivariable analyses were used to evaluate the association between CysC and three different features of atherosclerosis: 1) coronary plaque vulnerability as assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT), 2) coronary artery calcium (CAC) by means of computed tomography scan, and 3) aortic wall metabolic activity, as assessed using 18 F-Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography ( 18 F-FDG-PET). Results: After univariable and multivariable analyses, 18 F-FDG uptake in the descending aorta (DA) was independently associated with a low level of CysC [(Odds Ratio = 0.02; 95%CI 0.0004-0.89; p = 0.044; 18 F-FDG uptake measured as averaged maximum target to blood ratio); (Odds Ratio = 0.89; 95%CI 0.82-0.98, p = 0.025; 18 F-FDG uptake measured as number of active slices)]. No trend was found for the association between CysC and characteristics of OCT-assessed coronary plaque vulnerability or CAC score. Conclusions: In patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS), 18 F-FDG uptake in the DA was associated with a low level of serum CysC. There was no relation between CysC levels and OCT-assessed coronary plaque vulnerability or CAC score. These findings suggest that high levels of CysC may not be considered as independent markers of atherosclerosis
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