7,504 research outputs found

    The Initial Mass Functions in the Super-Star-Clusters NGC 1569A and NGC 1705-1

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    I use recent photometric and stellar velocity dispersion measurements of the super-star-clusters (SSCs) NGC 1569A and NGC 1705-1 to determine their present-day luminosity/mass (L_V/M) ratios. I then use the inferred L_V/M ratios, together with population synthesis models of evolving star-clusters, to constrain the initial-mass-functions (IMFs) in these objects. I find that (L_V/M)_solar=28.9 in 1569A, and (L_V/M)_solar=126 in 1705-1. It follows that in 1569A the IMF is steep with alpha~2.5 for m**(-alpha)dm IMFs which extend to 0.1 M_sun. This implies that most of the stellar mass in 1569A is contained in low-mass (< 1 M_sun) stars. However, in 1705-1 the IMF is either flat, with alpha<2$, or it is truncated at a lower mass-limit between 1 and 3 M_sun. I compare the inferred IMFs with the mass functions (MFs) of Galactic globular clusters. It appears that 1569A has a sufficient reservoir of low-mass stars for it to plausibly evolve into an object similar to Galactic globular clusters. However, the apparent deficiency of low-mass stars in 1705-1 may make it difficult for this SSC to become a globular cluster. If low-mass stars do dominate the cluster mass in 1705-1, the large L_V/M ratio in this SSC may be evidence that the most massive stars have formed close to the cluster cores.Comment: ApJ, in press. 19 Pages, Latex; [email protected]

    Experienced tutors' deployment of thinking skills and what might be entailed in enhancing such skills

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    In the context of research that reports weaknesses in adults' critical thinking skills, the primary aim was to examine adults' use of critical thinking skills that are described in taxonomies and to identify areas for development. Position papers written by an opportunity sample of 32 experienced adult educators formed the data for a descriptive sample survey design intended to reveal participants' use of critical thinking skills. Each 6000-word paper was written during a development programme that supported such skills. A content analysis of the papers revealed that when participants drew on personal and published ideas about learning to derive their proposals for change, they accepted the ideas uncritically, thereby implying that they might find it difficult to help learners to examine ideas critically. The evidence supports research that implies that critical thinking skills are unlikely to develop unless overall course design privileges the development of epistemological understanding (King and Kitchener 1994, Kuhn 1999). A fundamental assumption underlying the study is that this understanding influences effective citizenship and personal development, as well as employability. A proposition that merits attention in future research is that the development of epistemological understanding is largely neglected in current curricula in formal post-16 education

    Failing role models and the formation of fear of entrepreneurial failure: a study of regional peer effects in German regions

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    Entrepreneurial role models influence decisions to start firms. This effect is even stronger if peers and observers live in the same region. However, most studies remain silent about the role of entrepreneurial failure for the direction of role modeling. Failed role models can trigger a deterrence of entrepreneurship in others of the same region. We hypothesize that observing successful entrepreneurs reduces fear of failure, while observing business failure increases fear of failure. By using data on regional entries and exits, we find considerable support for our hypothesis and contribute to literature on regional entrepreneurship

    «Prozessintelligenz» : Gegenstand und Ziele der Studie

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    «Intelligente Prozesse, «intelligentes Prozessmanagement», «iBPM» sind Schlagworte, die in erster Linie eingesetzt werden, um Technologien zu vermarkten. Die Begriffe lassen viel Raum für Interpretation und Assoziationen. Können Unternehmen den Hype ignorieren oder bietet «Prozessintelligenz» die Chance, das Prozessmanagement aus einem anderen Blickwinkel zu betrachten und weiterzuentwickeln? Doch was ist Prozessintelligenz? Welche Lösungsansätze, Erfahrungen und Erfolgsmuster gibt es bereits in Unternehmen? Welche Methoden und Werkzeuge kommen zum Einsatz, um Prozesse «intelligenter» zu machen? Diesen Fragen hat sich die Business-Process-Management-Studie 2015 gestellt, mit der das Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften School of Management and Law seit 2011 regelmässig Status quo und Best Practices im deutschsprachigen Raum erhebt

    An Activating Mutation in sos-1 Identifies Its Dbl Domain as a Critical Inhibitor of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Pathway during Caenorhabditis elegans Vulval Development

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    Proper regulation of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways is critical for normal development and the prevention of cancer. SOS is a dual-function guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that catalyzes exchange on Ras and Rac. Although the physiologic role of SOS and its CDC25 domain in RTK-mediated Ras activation is well established, the in vivo function of its Dbl Rac GEF domain is less clear. We have identified a novel gain-of-function missense mutation in the Dbl domain of Caenorhabditis elegans SOS-1 that promotes epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling in vivo. Our data indicate that a major developmental function of the Dbl domain is to inhibit EGF-dependent MAPK activation. The amount of inhibition conferred by the Dbl domain is equal to that of established trans-acting inhibitors of the EGFR pathway, including c-Cbl and RasGAP, and more than that of MAPK phosphatase. In conjunction with molecular modeling, our data suggest that the C. elegans mutation, as well as an equivalent mutation in human SOS1, activates the MAPK pathway by disrupting an autoinhibitory function of the Dbl domain on Ras activation. Our work suggests that functionally similar point mutations in humans could directly contribute to disease

    Ascaroside Signaling Is Widely Conserved among Nematodes

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    Background: Nematodes are among the most successful animals on earth and include important human pathogens, yet little is known about nematode pheromone systems. A group of small molecules called ascarosides has been found to mediate mate finding, aggregation, and developmental diapause in Caenorhabditis elegans, but it is unknown whether ascaroside signaling exists outside of the genus Caenorhabditis. Results: To determine whether ascarosides are used as signaling molecules by other nematode species, we performed a mass spectrometry-based screen for ascarosides in secretions from a variety of both free-living and parasitic (plant, insect, and animal) nematodes. We found that most of the species analyzed, including nematodes from several different clades, produce species-specific ascaroside mixtures. In some cases, ascaroside biosynthesis patterns appear to correlate with phylogeny, whereas in other cases, biosynthesis seems to correlate with lifestyle and ecological niche. We further show that ascarosides mediate distinct nematode behaviors, such as retention, avoidance, and long-range attraction, and that different nematode species respond to distinct, but overlapping, sets of ascarosides. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that nematodes utilize a conserved family of signaling molecules despite having evolved to occupy diverse ecologies. Their structural features and level of conservation are evocative of bacterial quorum sensing, where acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) are both produced and sensed by many species of gram-negative bacteria. The identification of species-specific ascaroside profiles may enable pheromone-based approaches to interfere with reproduction and survival of parasitic nematodes, which are responsible for significant agricultural losses and many human diseases worldwide