1,482 research outputs found

    A Spin-Statistics Theorem for Certain Topological Geons

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    We review the mechanism in quantum gravity whereby topological geons, particles made from non-trivial spatial topology, are endowed with nontrivial spin and statistics. In a theory without topology change there is no obstruction to ``anomalous'' spin-statistics pairings for geons. However, in a sum-over-histories formulation including topology change, we show that non-chiral abelian geons do satisfy a spin-statistics correlation if they are described by a wave function which is given by a functional integral over metrics on a particular four-manifold. This manifold describes a topology changing process which creates a pair of geons from R3R^3.Comment: 21 pages, Plain TeX with harvmac, 3 figures included via eps

    Energy-momentum diffusion from spacetime discreteness

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    We study potentially observable consequences of spatiotemporal discreteness for the motion of massive and massless particles. First we describe some simple intrinsic models for the motion of a massive point particle in a fixed causal set background. At large scales, the microscopic swerves induced by the underlying atomicity manifest themselves as a Lorentz invariant diffusion in energy-momentum governed by a single phenomenological parameter, and we derive in full the corresponding diffusion equation. Inspired by the simplicity of the result, we then derive the most general Lorentz invariant diffusion equation for a massless particle, which turns out to contain two phenomenological parameters describing, respectively, diffusion and drift in the particle's energy. The particles do not leave the light cone however: their worldlines continue to be null geodesics. Finally, we deduce bounds on the drift and diffusion constants for photons from the blackbody nature of the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, corrected minor typos and updated to match published versio

    Causal Sets: Quantum gravity from a fundamentally discrete spacetime

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    In order to construct a quantum theory of gravity, we may have to abandon certain assumptions we were making. In particular, the concept of spacetime as a continuum substratum is questioned. Causal Sets is an attempt to construct a quantum theory of gravity starting with a fundamentally discrete spacetime. In this contribution we review the whole approach, focusing on some recent developments in the kinematics and dynamics of the approach.Comment: 10 pages, review of causal sets based on talk given at the 1st MCCQG conferenc

    Distances on a Lattice from Non-commutative Geometry

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    Using the tools of noncommutative geometry we calculate the distances between the points of a lattice on which the usual discretized Dirac operator has been defined. We find that these distances do not have the expected behaviour, revealing that from the metric point of view the lattice does not look at all as a set of points sitting on the continuum manifold. We thus have an additional criterion for the choice of the discretization of the Dirac operator.Comment: 14 page

    Quantum Dynamics without the Wave Function

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    When suitably generalized and interpreted, the path-integral offers an alternative to the more familiar quantal formalism based on state-vectors, selfadjoint operators, and external observers. Mathematically one generalizes the path-integral-as-propagator to a {\it quantal measure} μ\mu on the space Ω\Omega of all ``conceivable worlds'', and this generalized measure expresses the dynamics or law of motion of the theory, much as Wiener measure expresses the dynamics of Brownian motion. Within such ``histories-based'' schemes new, and more ``realistic'' possibilities open up for resolving the philosophical problems of the state-vector formalism. In particular, one can dispense with the need for external agents by locating the predictive content of μ\mu in its sets of measure zero: such sets are to be ``precluded''. But unrestricted application of this rule engenders contradictions. One possible response would remove the contradictions by circumscribing the application of the preclusion concept. Another response, more in the tradition of ``quantum logic'', would accommodate the contradictions by dualizing Ω\Omega to a space of ``co-events'' and effectively identifying reality with an element of this dual space.Comment: plainTeX, 24 pages, no figures. To appear in a special volume of {\it Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General} entitled ``The Quantum Universe'' and dedicated to Giancarlo Ghirardi on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Most current version is available at http://www.physics.syr.edu/~sorkin/some.papers/ (or wherever my home-page may be

    Topology Change and Causal Continuity

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    The result that, for a scalar quantum field propagating on a ``trousers'' topology in 1+1 dimensions, the crotch singularity is a source for an infinite burst of energy has been used to argue against the occurrence of topology change in quantum gravity. We draw attention to a conjecture due to Sorkin that it may be the particular type of topology change involved in the trousers transition that is problematic and that other topology changes may not cause the same difficulties. The conjecture links the singular behaviour to the existence of ``causal discontinuities'' in the spacetime and relies on a classification of topology changes using Morse theory. We investigate various topology changing transitions, including the pair production of black holes and of topological geons, in the light of these ideas.Comment: Latex, 28 pages, 10 figures, small changes in text (one figure removed), conclusions remain unchanged. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Stable non-uniform black strings below the critical dimension

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    The higher-dimensional vacuum Einstein equation admits translationally non-uniform black string solutions. It has been argued that infinitesimally non-uniform black strings should be unstable in 13 or fewer dimensions and otherwise stable. We construct numerically non-uniform black string solutions in 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 dimensions. Their stability is investigated using local Penrose inequalities. Weakly non-uniform solutions behave as expected. However, in 12 and 13 dimensions, strongly non-uniform solutions appear to be stable and can have greater horizon area than a uniform string of the same mass. In 14 and 15 dimensions all non-uniform black strings appear to be stable.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures. V2: reference added, matches published versio

    Gravity and Matter in Causal Set Theory

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    The goal of this paper is to propose an approach to the formulation of dynamics for causal sets and coupled matter fields. We start from the continuum version of the action for a Klein-Gordon field coupled to gravity, and rewrite it first using quantities that have a direct correspondent in the case of a causal set, namely volumes, causal relations, and timelike lengths, as variables to describe the geometry. In this step, the local Lagrangian density L(f;x)L(f;x) for a set of fields ff is recast into a quasilocal expression L0(f;p,q)L_0(f;p,q) that depends on pairs of causally related points pqp \prec q and is a function of the values of ff in the Alexandrov set defined by those points, and whose limit as pp and qq approach a common point xx is L(f;x)L(f;x). We then describe how to discretize L0(f;p,q)L_0(f;p,q), and use it to define a discrete action.Comment: 13 pages, no figures; In version 2, friendlier results than in version 1 are obtained following much shorter derivation

    The Status of the Wave Function in Dynamical Collapse Models

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    The idea that in dynamical wave function collapse models the wave function is superfluous is investigated. Evidence is presented for the conjecture that, in a model of a field theory on a 1+1 lightcone lattice, knowing the field configuration on the lattice back to some time in the past, allows the wave function or quantum state at the present moment to be calculated, to arbitrary accuracy so long as enough of the past field configuration is known.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, LaTex, corrected typos, some modifications made. to appear in Found. of Phys. Lett. Vol. 18, Nbr 6, Nov 2005, 499-51

    Universal homogeneous causal sets

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    Causal sets are particular partially ordered sets which have been proposed as a basic model for discrete space-time in quantum gravity. We show that the class C of all countable past-finite causal sets contains a unique causal set (U,<) which is universal (i.e., any member of C can be embedded into (U,<)) and homogeneous (i.e., (U,<) has maximal degree of symmetry). Moreover, (U,<) can be constructed both probabilistically and explicitly. In contrast, the larger class of all countable causal sets does not contain a universal object.Comment: 14 page