61 research outputs found

    New Faculty on the Block: Issues of Stress and Support

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    The research reported investigated the experiences of new faculty in their first three years of employment in higher education administration programs. New faculty face stress relative to work-life integration, issues pertaining to gender or color, teaching responsibilities, and unclear expectations. The findings of this study highlight the role of graduate school socialization and identification as a chosen student targeting a faculty position as an influence on new faculty and their acclimation during their first years. Implications include the need for intentional mentoring, inclusive support for all students seeking faculty roles, and the need for specificity on the part of hiring committees and new departments regarding expectations. Key to new faculty success is obtaining a sense of work-life integration

    AlmaTourism Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development

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    Realizzazione di una rivista elettronica semestrale in lingua inglese sui rapporti tra turismo, cultura e sviluppo del territorio con approccio transdisciplinare e pluritematico, per sviluppare l'aspetto disciplinare del turism

    Analysing performances of Heart Rate Variability measurement through a smartwatch

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    This paper presents the experimental performance assessment of a smartwatch (SW) measuring the heart rate variability (HRV), compared to a multi-parametric chest belt that is considered as a reference sensor. HRV from smartwatch can be extracted with two methods: directly from internal onboard processing of the device or by post-processing data collected from the photoplethysmography signal. To evaluate the uncertainty of both methods, measurements were performed while users were sitting at rest, wearing the SW on the preferred wrist and a chest belt that can collect electrocardiographic signal, used as reference measurement. Measurements from SW and belt were compared turning out to provide that HRV measured with the SW (onboard processing) has an uncertainty of 0.95% with a coverage factor k = 2, corresponding to ± 4 ms; while HRV extracted from the PPG signal has an uncertainty of 1.2%, corresponding to ± 6 ms, indicating that at rest condition the HRV measured directly with the onboard system of the SW can be used to assess correctly the HRV