165 research outputs found

    Time-resolved PhotoEmission Spectroscopy on a Metal/Ferroelectric Heterostructure

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    In thin film ferroelectric capacitor the chemical and electronic structure of the electrode/FE interface can play a crucial role in determining the kinetics of polarization switching. We investigate the electronic structure of a Pt/BaTiO3/SrTiO3:Nb capacitor using time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The chemical, electronic and depth sensitivity of core level photoemission is used to probe the transient response of different parts of the upper electrode/ferroelectric interface to voltage pulse induced polarization reversal. The linear response of the electronic structure agrees quantitatively with a simple RC circuit model. The non-linear response due to the polarization switch is demonstrated by the time-resolved response of the characteristic core levels of the electrode and the ferroelectric. Adjustment of the RC circuit model allows a first estimation of the Pt/BTO interface capacitance. The experiment shows the interface capacitance is at least 100 times higher than the bulk capacitance of the BTO film, in qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions from the literature.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Interface Electronic Structure in a Metal/Ferroelectric Heterostructure under Applied Bias

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    The effective barrier height between an electrode and a ferroelectric (FE) depends on both macroscopic electrical properties and microscopic chemical and electronic structure. The behavior of a prototypical electrode/FE/electrode structure, Pt/BaTiO3/Nb-doped SrTiO3, under in-situ bias voltage is investigated using X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. The full band alignment is measured and is supported by transport measurements. Barrier heights depend on interface chemistry and on the FE polarization. A differential response of the core levels to applied bias as a function of the polarization state is observed, consistent with Callen charge variations near the interface.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Charge dynamics at heterojunctions for PbS/ZnO colloidal quantum dot solar cells probed with time-resolved surface photovoltage spectroscopy

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    Time-resolved laser-pump X-ray-photoemission-probe spectroscopy of a ZnO (101 ⎯ ⎯ 0 101¯0 ) substrate with and without PbS quantum dots (QDs) chemically linked to the surface is performed, using laser photon energies resonant with and below the band gap energy of the substrate (λ = 372 and 640 nm, hν = 3.33 and 1.94 eV). Charge injection from the photoexcited QDs to ZnO is demonstrated through the change in the surface photovoltage of the ZnO substrate observed when the heterojunction is illuminated with 1.94 eV radiation. The measured carrier dynamics are limited by the persistent photoconductivity of ZnO, giving dark carrier lifetimes of the order of 200 μs in a depletion layer at the interface. The chemical specificity of soft X-rays is used to separately measure the charge dynamics in the quantum dots and the substrate, yielding evidence that the depletion region at the interface extends into the PbS QD layer

    Status of the SOLEIL femtosecond X-ray source

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/FEL2012/papers/wepd04.pdfInternational audienceAn electron bunch slicing setup is presently under construction on the SOLEIL storage ring for delivering 100 fs (rms) long photon pulses to two undulator-based beamlines providing soft (TEMPO) and hard X-rays (CRISTAL). Thanks to the non-zero dispersion function present in all straight sections of the storage ring, the sliced bunches can be easily separated from the core bunches. The modulator is a wiggler composed of 20 periods of 164.4 mm. It produces a magnetic field of 1.8 T at a minimum gap of 14.5 mm. To modulate the kinetic energy of the electrons in the wiggler, a Ti:Sa laser will be used, which produces 50 fs pulses at 800 nm with a repetition rate of 2.5 kHz. The laser beam is splitted into two branches in order to provide 2 mJ to the modulator and 0.5 mJ as pump pulse for the CRISTAL and TEMPO end stations. Focusing optics and beam path, from the laser hutch to the inside of the storage ring tunnel are presently under finalization. In this paper, we will report on the specificities of the SOLEIL setup, the status of its installation and the expected performances

    Atomic-scale visualization of initial growth of homoepitaxial SrTiO3 thin film on an atomically ordered substrate

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    The initial homoepitaxial growth of SrTiO3 on a (\surd13\times\surd13) - R33.7{\deg}SrTiO3(001) substrate surface, which can be prepared under oxide growth conditions, is atomically resolved by scanning tunneling microscopy. The identical (\surd13\times\surd13) atomic structure is clearly visualized on the deposited SrTiO3 film surface as well as on the substrate. This result indicates the transfer of the topmost Ti-rich (\surd13\times\surd13) structure to the film surface and atomic-scale coherent epitaxy at the film/substrate interface. Such atomically ordered SrTiO3 substrates can be applied to the fabrication of atom-by-atom controlled oxide epitaxial films and heterostructures

    Hysteresis and change of transition temperature in thin films of Fe{[Me(2)Pyrz](3)BH}(2), a new sublimable spin-crossover molecule

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    Thin films of the spin-crossover (SCO) molecule Fe{[Me(2)Pyrz](3)BH}(2) (Fe-pyrz) were sublimed on Si/SiO2 and quartz substrates, and their properties investigated by X-ray absorption and photo-emission spectroscopies, optical absorption, atomic force microscopy, and superconducting quantum interference device. Contrary to the previously studied Fe(phen)(2)(NCS)(2), the films are not smooth but granular. The thin films qualitatively retain the typical SCO properties of the powder sample (SCO, thermal hysteresis, soft X-ray induced excited spin-state trapping, and light induced excited spin-state trapping) but present intriguing variations even in micrometer-thick films: the transition temperature decreases when the thickness is decreased, and the hysteresis is affected. We explain this behavior in the light of recent studies focusing on the role of surface energy in the thermodynamics of the spin transition in nano-structures. In the high-spin state at room temperature, the films have a large optical gap (similar to 5 eV), decreasing at thickness below 50 nm, possibly due to film morphology. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

    Electrons, Photons, and Force: Quantitative Single-Molecule Measurements from Physics to Biology

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    Single-molecule measurement techniques have illuminated unprecedented details of chemical behavior, including observations of the motion of a single molecule on a surface, and even the vibration of a single bond within a molecule. Such measurements are critical to our understanding of entities ranging from single atoms to the most complex protein assemblies. We provide an overview of the strikingly diverse classes of measurements that can be used to quantify single-molecule properties, including those of single macromolecules and single molecular assemblies, and discuss the quantitative insights they provide. Examples are drawn from across the single-molecule literature, ranging from ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy studies of adsorbate diffusion on surfaces to fluorescence studies of protein conformational changes in solution

    Supramolecular networks stabilise and functionalise black phosphorus

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    The limited stability of the surface of black phosphorus (BP) under atmospheric conditions is a significant constraint on the exploitation of this layered material and its few layer analogue, phosphorene, as an optoelectronic material. Here we show that supramolecular networks stabilised by hydrogen bonding can be formed on BP, and that these monolayer-thick films can passivate the BP surface and inhibit oxidation under ambient conditions. The supramolecular layers are formed by solution deposition and we use atomic force microscopy to obtain images of the BP surface and hexagonal supramolecular networks of trimesic acid and melamine cyanurate (CA.M) under ambient conditions. The CA.M network is aligned with rows of phosphorus atoms and forms large domains which passivate the BP surface for more than a month, and also provides a stable supramolecular platform for the sequential deposition of 1,2,4,5-tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)benzene to form supramolecular heterostructures