1,735 research outputs found

    On Gauge Invariance of Breit-Wigner Propagators

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    We present an approach to bosonic (Z0,W±Z^0, W^{\pm}) as well as fermionic (top-quark) Breit-Wigner propagators which is consistent with gauge invariance arguments. In particular, for the Z0Z^0-boson propagator we extend previous analyses and show that the part proportional to kΌkΜ/M2k_{\mu} k_{\nu}/M^2 must be modified near the resonance. We derive a mass shift which agrees with results obtained elsewhere by different methods. The modified form of a resonant heavy fermion propagator is also given.Comment: 16 p., TeX, (final version

    Spin Control of Drifting Electrons using Local Nuclear Polarization in Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Heterostructures

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    We demonstrate methods to locally control the spin rotation of moving electrons in a GaAs channel. The Larmor frequency of optically-injected spins is modulated when the spins are dragged through a region of spin-polarized nuclei created at a MnAs/GaAs interface. The effective field created by the nuclei is controlled either optically or electrically using the ferromagnetic proximity polarization effect. Spin rotation is also tuned by controlling the carrier traverse time through the polarized region. We demonstrate coherent spin rotations exceeding 4 pi radians during transport.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Relations de dispersion pour des chaßnes linéaire comportant des interactions harmoniques auto-similaires

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    Many systems in nature have arborescent and bifurcated structures such as trees, fern, snails, lungs, the blood vessel system, etc. and look self-similar over a wide range of scales. Which are the mechanical and dynamic properties that evolution has optimized by choosing self-similarity? How can we describe the mechanics of self-similar structures in the static and dynamic framework? Physical systems with self-similarity as a symmetry property require the introduction of non-local particle-particle interactions and a (quasi-) continuous distribution of mass. We construct self-similar functions and linear operators such as a self-similar variant of the Laplacian and of the D'Alembertian wave operator. The obtained self-similar linear wave equation describes the dynamics of a quasi-continuous linear chain of infinite length with a spatially self-similar distribution of nonlocal inter-particle springs. The self-similarity of the nonlocal harmonic particle-particle interactions results in a dispersion relation of the form of a Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function which exhibits self-similar and fractal features. We deduce a continuum approximation that links the self-similar Laplacian to fractional integrals and which yields in the low-frequency regime a power law frequency dependence for the oscillator density. For details of the present model we refer to our recent paper (Michelitsch et al., Phys. Rev. E 80, 011135 (2009))

    CP-Violation in Bosonic Sector of SM with two Higgs Doublets

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    We investigate CP-violation effects in the bosonic sector of the Standard Model (SM) with two Higgs doublets. First we calculate the mass eigenstates of the physical neutral Higgses for small but nonzero CP-violation parameter Ο∗\xi_{\ast}, and then a ``forward-backward'' asymmetry Afb{\cal A}_{fb} for the decay H→W+W−ZH \to W^+W^-Z that would be a signal of CP-violation. Although the effects are in general small (Afb=Γfb/Γ∌O(10−3){\cal A}_{fb} = \Gamma_{fb}/\Gamma \sim {\cal O}(10^{-3})), Afb{\cal A}_{fb} turns out to be a rather clean signal of CP-violation, since neither the CP-conserving final state interactions nor the direct production background events contribute to Γfb\Gamma_{fb}. The process is a counterexample to the widespread belief that CP-violation processes must involve fermions. The CKM-type CP-violation effects that could in principle also contribute to Afb{\cal A}_{fb} are negligible. The nonzero Afb{\cal A}_{fb} could possibly be detected at some later stage in future colliders such as LHC or SSC.Comment: 11 pages (standard LaTeX), 3 figures (available from the author), DO-TH 93-1

    No classical limit of quantum decay for broad states

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    Though the classical treatment of spontaneous decay leads to an exponential decay law, it is well known that this is an approximation of the quantum mechanical result which is a non-exponential at very small and large times for narrow states. The non exponential nature at large times is however hard to establish from experiments. A method to recover the time evolution of unstable states from a parametrization of the amplitude fitted to data is presented. We apply the method to a realistic example of a very broad state, the sigma meson and reveal that an exponential decay is not a valid approximation at any time for this state. This example derived from experiment, shows the unique nature of broad resonances

    Weak dipole moment of τ\tau in e+e−e^+e^- collisions with longitudinally polarized electrons

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    It is pointed out that certain CP-odd momentum correlations in the production and subsequent decay of tau pairs in e+e−e^+e^- collisions get enhanced when the e−e^- is longitudinally polarized. Analytic expressions for these correlations are obtained for the single-pion decay mode of τ\tau when τ+τ−\tau^+\tau^- have a ``weak" dipole form factor (WDFF) coupling to ZZ . For e+e−e^+e^- collisions at the ZZ peak, a sensitivity of about 1-5×10−17\times 10^{-17}\mbox{ee cm} for the τ\tau WDFF can be reached using a {\em single} τ+τ−\tau^+\tau^- decay channel, with 106 Z10^6\, Z's likely to be available at the SLC at Stanford with e−e^- polarization of 62\%-75\%.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, PRL-TH-93/17 (Revised

    Small eta-N scattering lengths favour eta-d and eta-alpha states

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    Unstable states of the eta meson and the 3He nucleus predicted using the time delay method were found to be in agreement with a recent claim of eta-mesic 3He states made by the TAPS collaboration. Here, we extend this method to a speculative study of the unstable states occurring in the eta-d and eta-4He elastic scattering. The T-matrix for eta-4He scattering is evaluated within the Finite Rank Approximation (FRA) of few body equations. For the evaluation of time delay in the eta-d case, we use a parameterization of an existing Faddeev calculation and compare the results with those obtained from FRA. With an eta-N scattering length, aηN=(0.42,0.34)a_{\eta N} = (0.42, 0.34) fm, we find an eta-d unstable bound state around -16 MeV, within the Faddeev calculation. A similar state within the FRA is found for a low value of aηNa_{\eta N}, namely, aηN=(0.28,0.19)a_{\eta N} = (0.28, 0.19) fm. The existence of an eta-4He unstable bound state close to threshold is hinted by aηN=(0.28,0.19)a_{\eta N} = (0.28, 0.19) fm, but is ruled out by large scattering lengths.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex, 7 Figure

    Exact Solution of the Discrete (1+1)-dimensional RSOS Model with Field and Surface Interactions

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    We present the solution of a linear Restricted Solid--on--Solid (RSOS) model in a field. Aside from the origins of this model in the context of describing the phase boundary in a magnet, interest also comes from more recent work on the steady state of non-equilibrium models of molecular motors. While similar to a previously solved (non-restricted) SOS model in its physical behaviour, mathematically the solution is more complex. Involving basic hypergeometric functions 3ϕ2{}_3\phi_2, it introduces a new form of solution to the lexicon of directed lattice path generating functions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    One-Loop QCD Mass Effects in the Production of Polarized Bottom and Top Quarks

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    The analytic expressions for the production cross sections of polarized bottom and top quarks in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation are explicitly derived at the one-loop order of strong interactions. Chirality-violating mass effects will reduce the longitudinal spin polarization for the light quark pairs by an amount of 3%3\%, when one properly considers the massless limit for the final quarks. Numerical estimates of longitudinal spin polarization effects in the processes e+e−→bbˉ(g)e^+e^-\to b\bar{b}(g) and e+e−→ttˉ(g)e^+e^- \to t\bar{t}(g) are presented.Comment: 17 p. (5 figs available upon request), LaTeX, MZ-TH/93-30, RAL/93-81, FTUV/93-4

    Measurement of the τ\tau electric dipole moment using longitudinal polarization of e+e−e^+e^- beams

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    Certain CP-odd momentum correlations in the production and subsequent decay of τ\tau pairs in e+e−e^+ e^- collisions are enhanced significantly when the e+e^+ and e−e^- beams are longitudinally polarized. These may be used to probe the real and imaginary parts of dÏ„Îłd_\tau^\gamma, the electric dipole moment of the τ\tau. Closed-form expressions for these ``vector correlations'' and the standard deviation of the operators defining them due to standard model interactions are presented for the two-body final states of τ\tau decays. If 42\% average polarization of each beam is achieved, as proposed for the tau-charm factories, with equal integrated luminosities for each sign of polarization and a total yield of 2⋅1072\cdot 10^7 τ+τ−\tau^+ \tau^- pairs, it is possible to attain sensitivities for ∣ΎRedÏ„ÎłâˆŁ\vert\delta {\rm Re} d_{\tau}^{\gamma}\vert of 8⋅10−198\cdot 10^{-19}, 1⋅10−191\cdot 10^{-19}, 1⋅10−191\cdot 10^{-19} ee cm respectively and for ∣ΎImdÏ„ÎłâˆŁ\vert\delta {\rm Im} d_{\tau}^{\gamma}\vert of 4⋅10−144\cdot 10^{-14}, 6⋅10−156\cdot 10^{-15}, 5⋅10−165\cdot 10^{-16} ee cm respectively at the three operating center-of-mass energies of 3.67, 4.25 and 10.58 GeV. These bounds emerge when the effects of a posible weak dipole form factor dτZd_\tau^Z are negligible as is the case when it is of the same order of magnitude as dÏ„Îłd_\tau^\gamma. Furthermore, in such a polarization experiment where different polarizations are possible, a model-independent disentangling of their individual effects is possible, and a technique to achieve this is described. A strong longitudinal polarization physics programme at the tau-charm factory appears warranted.Comment: 30 pages, latex, no figure
