436 research outputs found

    Measuring Fundamental Parameters of Substellar Objects. II: Masses and Radii

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    We present mass and radius derivations for a sample of very young, mid- to late M, low-mass stellar and substellar objects in Upper Sco and Taurus. In a previous paper, we determined effective temperatures and surface gravities for these targets, from an analysis of their high-resolution optical spectra and comparisons to the latest synthetic spectra. We now derive extinctions, radii, masses and luminosities by combining our previous results with observed photometry, surface fluxes from the synthetic spectra and the known cluster distances. These are the first mass and radius estimates for young, very low mass bodies that are independent of theoretical evolutionary models (though our estimates do depend on spectral modeling). We find that for most of our sample, our derived mass-radius and mass-luminosity relationships are in very good agreement with the theoretical predictions. However, our results diverge from the evolutionary model values for the coolest, lowest-mass targets: our inferred radii and luminosities are significantly larger than predicted for these objects at the likely cluster ages, causing them to appear much younger than expected. We suggest that uncertainties in the evolutionary models - e.g., in the choice of initial conditions and/or treatment of interior convection - may be responsible for this discrepancy. Finally, two of our late-M objects (USco 128 and 130) appear to have masses close to the deuterium-fusion boundary (9--14 Jupiters, within a factor of 2). This conclusion is primarily a consequence of their considerable faintness compared to other targets with similar extinction, spectral type and temperature (difference of 1 mag). Our result suggests that the faintest young late-M or cooler objects may be significantly lower in mass than the current theoretical tracks indicate.Comment: 54 pages, incl. 5 figs, accepted Ap

    High resolution absolute flux profiles of the MC 2 h and k lines in evolved F8 to M5 stars

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    The central results of a survey of the Mg II resonance line emission in a sample of over 50 evolved late type stars, including spectral-luminosity type F8 to M5 and La to IV are presented. Observed and surface fluxes are derived and correlations noted. The major findings include: (1) Mg II k emission core asymmetry transition near K1 III, analogous to that known for Ca II K; (2) a small gravity and temperature dependence of the Mg II chromospheric radiative loss rate

    Accretion-Induced Lithium Line Enhancements in Classical T Tauri Stars: RW Aur

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    It is widely accepted that much of the stochastic variability of T Tauri stars is due to accretion by a circumstellar disk. The emission line spectrum as well as the excess continuum emission are common probes of this process. In this communication, we present additional probes of the circumstellar environment in the form of resonance lines of low ionization potential elements. Using a set of 14 high resolution echelle observations of the classical T Tauri star (CTTS), RW Aur, taken between 1986 and 1996, we carefully measure the continuum veiling at each epoch by comparing more than 500 absorption lines with those of an appropriate template. This allows us to accurately subtract out the continuum emission and to recover the underlying photospheric spectrum. In doing so, we find that selected photospheric lines are enhanced by the accretion process, namely the resonance lines of LiI and KI. A resonance line of TiI and a low excitation potential line of CaI also show weak enhancements. Simple slab models and computed line bisectors lead us to propose that these line enhancements are markers of cool gas at the beginning of the accretion flow which provides an additional source of line opacity. These results suggest that published values of surface lithium abundances of classical T Tauri stars are likely to be overestimated. This would account for the various reports of surface lithium abundances in excess of meteoritic values among the extreme CTTS. Computing LTE lithium abundances of RW Aur in a low and then high accretion state yields abundances which vary by one order of magnitude. The low accretion state lithium abundance is consistent with theoretical predictions for a star of this age and mass while the high accretion state spectrum yields a super-meteoritic lithium abundance.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Ap

    X-ray Properties of Pre--Main-Sequence Stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster with Known Rotation Periods

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    We re-analyze all archival Chandra/ACIS observations of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) to study the X-ray properties of a large sample of pre--main-sequence (PMS) stars with optically determined rotation periods. Our goal is to elucidate the origins of X-rays in PMS stars by seeking out connections between the X-rays and the mechanisms most likely driving their production--rotation and accretion. In our sample X-ray luminosity is significantly correlated with stellar rotation, in the sense of decreasing Lx/Lbol with more rapid rotation, suggesting that these stars are in the "super-saturated" regime of the rotation-activity relationship. However, we also find that stars with optical rotation periods are significantly biased to high Lx. This is not the result of magnitude bias in the optical rotation-period sample but rather to the diminishingly small amplitude of optical variations in stars with low Lx. Evidently, there exists in the ONC a population of stars whose rotation periods are unknown and that possess lower average X-ray luminosities than those of stars with known rotation periods. These stars may sample the linear regime of the rotation-activity relationship. Accretion also manifests itself in X-rays, though in a somewhat counterintuitive fashion: While stars with spectroscopic signatures of accretion show harder X-ray spectra than non-accretors, they show lower X-ray luminosities and no enhancement of X-ray variability. We interpret these findings in terms of a common origin for the X-ray emission observed from both accreting and non-accreting stars, with the X-rays from accreting stars simply being attenuated by magnetospheric accretion columns. This suggests that X-rays from PMS stars have their origins primarily in chromospheres, not accretion.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. 43 pages, 16 figure

    Stellar and Molecular Radii of a Mira Star: First Observations with the Keck Interferometer Grism

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    Using a new grism at the Keck Interferometer, we obtained spectrally dispersed (R ~ 230) interferometric measurements of the Mira star R Vir. These data show that the measured radius of the emission varies substantially from 2.0-2.4 microns. Simple models can reproduce these wavelength-dependent variations using extended molecular layers, which absorb stellar radiation and re-emit it at longer wavelengths. Because we observe spectral regions with and without substantial molecular opacity, we determine the stellar photospheric radius, uncontaminated by molecular emission. We infer that most of the molecular opacity arises at approximately twice the radius of the stellar photosphere.Comment: 12 pages, including 3 figures. Accepted by ApJ

    Possible detection of a magnetic field in T Tauri

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    Medium-resolution (R≃15000)(R\simeq 15000) circular spectropolarimetry of T Tauri is presented. The star was observed twice: on November 11, 1996 and January 22, 2002. Weak circular polarization has been found in photospheric absorption lines, indicating a mean surface longitudinal magnetic field B∄B_{\|} of 160±40160\pm 40 G and 140±50140\pm 50 G at the epoch of the first and second observations respectively. While these values are near the detection limit of our apparatus, we belive that they are real. In any case one can conclude from our data that B∄B_{\|} of T Tau does not significantly exceed 200 G, which is much less than surface magnetic field strength of the star (>2.3>2.3 kG) found by Guenther et al. (1999) and Johns-Krull et al. (2000). We discuss possible reasons of this difference.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Measuring Magnetic Fields in Ultracool Stars and Brown Dwarfs

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    We present a new method for direct measurement of magnetic fields on ultracool stars and brown dwarfs. It takes advantage of the Wing-Ford band of FeH, which are seen throughout the M and L spectral types. These molecular features are not as blended as other optical molecular bands, are reasonably strong through most of the spectral range, and exhibit a response to magnetic fields which is easier to detect than other magnetic diagnostics, including the usual optical and near-infrared atomic spectral lines that have heretofore been employed. The FeH bands show a systematic growth as the star gets cooler. We do not find any contamination by CrH in the relevant spectral region. We are able to model cool and rapidly-rotating spectra from warmer, slowly-rotating spectra utilizing an interpolation scheme based on optical depth scaling. We show that the FeH features can distinguish between negligible, moderate, and high magnetic fluxes on low-mass dwarfs, with a current accuracy of about one kilogauss. Two different approaches to extracting the information from the spectra are developed and compared. Which one is superior depends on a number of factors. We demostrate the validity of our new procedures by comparing the spectra of three M stars whose magnetic fluxes are already known from atomic line analysis. The low and high field stars are used to produce interpolated moderate-strength spectra which closely resemble the moderate-field star. The assumption of linear behavior for the magnetic effects appears to be reasonable, but until the molecular constants are better understood the method is subject to that assumption, and rather approximate. Nonetheless, it opens a new regime of very low-mass objects to direct confirmation and testing of their magnetic dynamos.Comment: 36 preprint pages, accepted for publication in Ap
