948 research outputs found

    Precision limits of the twin-beam multiband URSULA

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    URSULA is a multiband astronomical photoelectric photometer which minimizes errors introduced by the presence of the atmosphere. It operates with two identical channels, one for the star to be measured and the other for a reference star. After a technical description of the present version of the apparatus, some measurements of stellar sources of different brightness, and in different atmospheric conditions are presented. These measurements, based on observations made with the 91 cm Cassegrain telescope of the Catania Astrophysical Observatory, are used to check the photometer accuracy and compare its performance with that of standard photometers

    Novos materiais poliméricos para sensores de gases.

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    Low-Temperature Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of Solvent-Free PCBM Single-Crystals

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    PCBM ([6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester) is a highly soluble C60 derivative that is extensively used in organic solar cells, enabling power conversion efficiencies above 10%. Here we report, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, the photoluminescence of high-quality solvent-free PCBM crystals between room temperature and 4 K. Interestingly, the PL spectra of these crystals become increasingly structured as the temperature is lowered, with extremely well-resolved emission lines (and a minimum line width of ∼1.3 meV at 1.73 eV). We are able to account for such a structured emission by means of a vibronic coupling model including Franck–Condon, Jahn–Teller and Herzberg–Teller effects. Although optical transitions are not formally forbidden from the low-lying excited states of PCBM, the high symmetry of the electronically active fullerene core limits the intensity of the 0–0 transition, such that Herzberg–Teller transitions which borrow intensity from higher-lying states represent a large part of the observed spectrum. Our simulations suggest that the emissive state of PCBM can be considered as a mixture of the T1g and Hg excited states of C60 and hence that the Hg state plays a larger role in the relaxed excited state of PCBM than in that of C60

    Performance evaluation of Border irrigation method for cotton field

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    Performance evaluation of Border irrigation method was carried out for cotton field in village Kirarkot, Sirsa (Haryana). Water application, storage and distribution efficiency were estimated using measurements of soil moisture (%), infiltration rate (cm/hr), water advance and recession time (minute) during different irrigation events. The advance time increased during the growing season due to increased infiltration rate and increased resistance to flow by the growing crops. The water application efficiency of cotton field was 100 per cent as average applied depth (8.26 cm for canal irrigation and 9.06 cm for tubewell irrigation) of irrigation was less than the average required depth (10.30 cm for canal irrigation and 10.98 cm for tubewell irrigation) throughout the field plots. The observed water storage efficiency in different cotton fields varied from 72.92 - 90.08 per cent indicating under irrigation. Water distribution efficiency of cotton fields (97.8 -99.2per cent) indicated a relatively high degree of uniformity of water application. Stratified soil profile (sandy loam: 0-30 cm and sandy clay loam: 30-120 cm) of the selected fields reduced the infiltration rate to relatively very low value after 10-15 minutes creating favourable condition for uniformity of water application under border irrigation

    Micro-focused X-ray diffraction characterization of high-quality [6,6]-phenyl-C-61-butyric acid methyl ester single crystals without solvent impurities

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    We report the preparation of high-quality, solvent-free [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) large single crystals (size up to 0.5 mm) by slow drying of a chlorobenzene solution at room temperature. The monoclinic structure containing four PCBM molecules per unit cell was successfully solved (R-factor = 0.0512) via micro-focused X-ray diffraction and employed as a reliable experimental model for further molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the first peak of the simulated fullerene–fullerene radial distribution function is centred at 10.05 Å, giving a nearest neighbour coordination number of 7.0. The work reported herein provides the structural basis for a fundamental understanding of charge transport in this important functional material that is particularly relevant to organic solar cells

    Traceable atomic force microscopy of high-quality solvent-free crystals of [6,6]-phenyl-C-61-butyric acid methyl ester

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    We report high-resolution, traceable atomic force microscopymeasurements of high-quality, solvent-free single crystals of [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). These were grown by drop-casting PCBM solutions onto the spectrosil substrates and by removing the residual solvent in a vacuum. A home-built atomic force microscope featuring a plane mirror differential optical interferometer, fiber-fed from a frequency-stabilized laser (emitting at 632.8 nm), was used to measure the crystals' height. The optical interferometer together with the stabilized laser provides traceability (via the laser wavelength) of the vertical measurements made with the atomic force microscope. We find that the crystals can conform to the surface topography, thanks to their height being significantly smaller compared to their lateral dimensions (namely, heights between about 50 nm and 140 nm, for the crystals analysed, vs. several tens of microns lateral dimensions). The vast majority of the crystals are flat, but an isolated, non-flat crystal provides insights into the growth mechanism and allows identification of “molecular terraces” whose height corresponds to one of the lattice constants of the single PCBM crystal (1.4 nm) as measured with X-ray diffraction

    Traceable atomic force microscopy of high-quality solvent-free crystals of [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester

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    We report high-resolution, traceable atomic force microscopymeasurements of high-quality, solvent-free single crystals of [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). These were grown by drop-casting PCBM solutions onto the spectrosil substrates and by removing the residual solvent in a vacuum. A home-built atomic force microscope featuring a plane mirror differential optical interferometer, fiber-fed from a frequency-stabilized laser (emitting at 632.8 nm), was used to measure the crystals' height. The optical interferometer together with the stabilized laser provides traceability (via the laser wavelength) of the vertical measurements made with the atomic force microscope. We find that the crystals can conform to the surface topography, thanks to their height being significantly smaller compared to their lateral dimensions (namely, heights between about 50 nm and 140 nm, for the crystals analysed, vs. several tens of microns lateral dimensions). The vast majority of the crystals are flat, but an isolated, non-flat crystal provides insights into the growth mechanism and allows identification of “molecular terraces” whose height corresponds to one of the lattice constants of the single PCBM crystal (1.4 nm) as measured with X-ray diffraction

    A Preliminary Analysis of Anthropogenic and Natural Impacts on a Volcanic Lake Ecosystem in Southern Italy by UAV-Based Monitoring

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    Lakes play an important role in providing various ecosystem services. However, stressors such as climate change, land use, or land-cover change threaten the ecological functions of lakes. National and international legislations address these threats and establish consistent, long-term monitoring schemes. Remote sensing techniques based on the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have recently been demonstrated to provide accurate and low-cost spatio-temporal views for the assessment of the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems and the identification of areas at risk of contamination. Few studies have been carried out so far on the employment of these tools in the monitoring of lakes. Therefore, high-resolution UAV surveys were used to analyse and evaluate natural and anthropogenic impacts on the habitat status of a volcanic lake in a protected area. Five UAV flights took place during a year-long cycle (November 2020 to November 2021) in a volcanic lake located in southern Italy. For each flight performance, an orthomosaic of georeferenced RGB images was obtained, and the different features of interest were monitored and quantified using automated processing in a GIS environment. The UAV images made it possible not only to estimate the flooded shores but also to detect the impact of human-made structures and infrastructures on the lagoon environment. It has been possible to observe how the rapid changes in lake-water level have led to the submersion of about 90.000 m(2) of terrain in winter, causing the fragmentation and degradation of habitats, while the connectivity of the natural ecosystem has been threatened by the presence of the road around the lake. The proposed methodology is rather simple and easily replicable by decision makers and local administrators and can be useful for choosing the best restoration interventions

    Generation of primary photons through inverse Compton scattering using a Monte Carlo simulation code

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    Photon sources based on inverse Compton scattering, namely, the interaction between relativistic electrons and laser photons, are emerging as quasimonochromatic energy-tunable sources either as compact alternatives to synchrotron facilities for the production of low-energy (10–100 keV) x rays or to reach the 1–100 MeV photon energy range, which is inaccessible at synchrotrons. Different interaction layouts are possible for electron and laser beams, and several applications are being studied, ranging from fundamental research in nuclear physics to advanced x-ray imaging in the biomedical field, depending on the radiation energy range, intensity, and bandwidth. Regardless of the specific application, a reliable tool for the simulation of the radiation produced is essential for the design, the commissioning, and, subsequently, the study and optimization of this kind of source. Different computational tools have been developed for this task, based on both a purely analytical treatment and Monte Carlo simulation codes. Each of these tools has strengths and weaknesses. Here, we present a novel Monte Carlo code based on GEANT4 for the simulation of inverse Compton scattering in the linear regime. The code produces results in agreement with CAIN, one of the most used Monte Carlo tools, for a wide range of interaction conditions at a computational time reduced by 2 orders of magnitude. Furthermore, the developed tool can be easily embedded in a GEANT4 user application for the tracking of photons generated through inverse Compton scattering in a given experimental setup