57 research outputs found

    Kadar Vitamin C Beberapa Jenis buah Citrus Yang Berasal dari indonesia

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    Masalah Penyimpanan Biji yang Rekalsitran. (The Storage Problem of the Recalcitrant Seeds).

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    ABSTRAK In general seeds of some species remain viable for a long period when the moisture content and the storage temperature are low. However, some species produce seeds which deteriorate at low temperatures and moisture content. Those seeds are commonly called recalcitrant i.e. cocoa, rubber, palm oil, mango, rambutan and Citrus seeds. Some of the problems of recalcitrant seeds during storage are reviewed. Due to the short life of the seeds, investigations are needed to prolong seed viability in storage. Suggestions are made for future research which is necessary for genetic conservation. Abstrak Pada umumnya biji beberapa jenis tanaman viabilitasnya tetap tinggi, apabila disimpan pada suhu dan kadar air yang rendah. Akan tetapi ada pule biji tanaman yang viabilitasnya cepat turun pada keadaan yang telah disebutkan di atas. Biji-biji demikian ini digolongkan biji yang rekalsitran seperti biji coldat, karat, kelapa sawit, mangga. rambutan dan jenis-jenis Citrus. Umur pendek biji rekalsitran menuntut adanva penelitian yang lebih cermat untuk penyimpanan dalim jangka panjang. Beberapa saran untuk penelitian yang akan datang dikemukakan terutama guna pelestarian plasma nutfah. Key Words:Biji tanaman, biji rekalsitran, penyimpanan, plasma nutfa

    Pengaruh Pengeringan Terhadap Kandungan Lemak Cabe Besar (Capsicum Annuum L.)

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    YULIASRI JAMAL&G. PANGGABEAN. 1988 The effect of drying on the fat content of th chillies (Capsicum annuum L.). Berita Biologi 3(8) 374 - 376. The treating of chillies on various temperatures were studied in order to know their effect on the fat content.The chillies were dried in the refrigerator (12°C),in the room at ambient temperature (25°C ±2°C), in the sun shine (35°C ± 2°C) in the oven at various temperatures such as 40°C 50°C, 60°C, 70°C, 80°C, 90°C and 100°C.During the investigation were used cabe keriting and cabe besar biasa & it were obtained from the local market.The results of the observation that the highest fat content were found on the cabe keriting a 70 C drying as well as room temperature.The fat content of terated chillies, however, in the oven at 50°C, 60°C were similar 14%.Meanwhile,the dried chillies as the result on the sun shine was 3,5% fat content. The fat content of cabe besar biasa was significantly high at 70°C. The fat content of the chillies decreased rapidly on the treating in the sun shine.The chillies both cabe keriting and cabe besar biasa which were dried more than 60°C & in the sun shine, the pulp turned to brownish red, whereas the dried chillies in the refrigerator, at room temperature, 40°C, 50°C and 60°C the colour of the pulp were similar to the fresh fruits

    Pengaruh Umur Buah Jeruk Manis (Citrus Aurantium L.) Dan Jeruk Nipis(c. Aurantifolia(christm.) Swing)terhadap Kandungan Vitamin C

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    G. PANGGABEAN & A. TRI SUNARTO. 1985.The effect of fruit maturity of sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) and lime (C. aurantifolia (Christm.) Swing, on vitamin C content. Berita Biologi 3(3):101 - 103. - The effect of fruit maturity on vitamin content were studied on sour orange (C. aurantium) and lime (C. aurantifolia}.In sour orange,vitamin C content of 13-16 weeks were 24-25 mg/100 ml. However, the content of vitamin C decreased according to the maturity of the fruits which at the stage of 26 weeks reached 11.68 mg/100 ml.The vitamin C of lime at the age of 16 - 19 weeks were 8.50 - 9.14, mg/100 ml. The fruits of 25 weeks old contained 26.50 mg/100 ml of the vitamin C. The fruits became over ripe and rotted after 25 weeks

    Analisis Kerentanan Pantai Pulau Bengkalis Berbasis Sistem Imformasi Geografis

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    Coastal area has an important role for the people who live nearby but it is prone to damage. The damage to the coastal area require countermeasures so that its impact can be minimised or eliminated. Prior to countermeasure, vulnerability analysis needs to be done by specifying coastal vulnerability index (CVI). This research was conducted along the northern coast of Bengkalis Island which is directly adjacent to Malacca Strait. Coastal vulnerability index is calculated with the value of the physical variables such as shoreline changes, visual observation, the length and width of the damage, the width of the green belt, lithology, wave height, tidal range, land use, and coastal slope. The required data for the research are landsat imagery, hydro-oceanography, bathymetry, and visual observation of damage. Results of anaysis showed that Simpang Ayam Village, Jangkang Village, Teluk Papal Village, Bantan Air Village, Teluk Pambang Village have very high coastal vulnerability. Sekodi Village has high coastalvulnerability. Area that has a moderate coastal vulnerability is Prapat Tunggal Village. Selat Baru Village, Teluk Kembung Luar Village, dan Teluk Lancar Village have low vulnerability.Keys word: Coastal vulnerablity Index (CVI), Landsat Imagery, Prone to damag


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    YULIASRI JAMAL&G. PANGGABEAN. 1988 The effect of drying on the fat content of th chillies (Capsicum annuum L.). Berita Biologi 3(8) 374 - 376. The treating of chillies on various temperatures were studied in order to know their effect on the fat content.The chillies were dried in the refrigerator (12°C),in the room at ambient temperature (25°C ±2°C), in the sun shine (35°C ± 2°C) in the oven at various temperatures such as 40°C 50°C, 60°C, 70°C, 80°C, 90°C and 100°C.During the investigation were used cabe keriting and cabe besar biasa & it were obtained from the local market.The results of the observation that the highest fat content were found on the cabe keriting a 70 C drying as well as room temperature.The fat content of terated chillies, however, in the oven at 50°C, 60°C were similar 14%.Meanwhile,the dried chillies as the result on the sun shine was 3,5% fat content. The fat content of cabe besar biasa was significantly high at 70°C. The fat content of the chillies decreased rapidly on the treating in the sun shine.The chillies both cabe keriting and cabe besar biasa which were dried more than 60°C & in the sun shine, the pulp turned to brownish red, whereas the dried chillies in the refrigerator, at room temperature, 40°C, 50°C and 60°C the colour of the pulp were similar to the fresh fruits


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    G. PANGGABEAN & A. TRI SUNARTO. 1985.The effect of fruit maturity of sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) and lime (C. aurantifolia (Christm.) Swing, on vitamin C content. Berita Biologi 3(3):101 - 103. - The effect of fruit maturity on vitamin content were studied on sour orange (C. aurantium) and lime (C. aurantifolia}.In sour orange,vitamin C content of 13-16 weeks were 24-25 mg/100 ml. However, the content of vitamin C decreased according to the maturity of the fruits which at the stage of 26 weeks reached 11.68 mg/100 ml.The vitamin C of lime at the age of 16 - 19 weeks were 8.50 - 9.14, mg/100 ml. The fruits of 25 weeks old contained 26.50 mg/100 ml of the vitamin C. The fruits became over ripe and rotted after 25 weeks


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    The phytochemical test, brine shrimp lethality test and antioxidant activity test on secondary metabolits of serai wangi (Cympogon nardus (L.) Rendle) stalk have been completed. Samples are extracted by masseration method that is concentrated by using rotary evaporator. The methanol hard extract are then fractioned with n-hexan and etil n-hexane and ethyl acetate. Based on secondary metabolits phytochemical test of serai wangi (Cympogon nardus (L.) Rendle) stalk showed that methanol raw ekstract contains flavonoid, fenol and triterpenoid. n-hexane fraction extract contain steroid and ethyl Acetat fraction extract contains flavonoid, fenol and terpenoid. In brine shrimp lethality test, the increase larvae death data was recorded and processed using SAS Probit Analysis to determine the Lethal Concentration 50% (LC50) value. The results of this test showed that the most active fraction is n-hexane fraction with LC50 value of 86,9704 ppm. Based on the antioxidant activity by scavenging activity of DPPH used spectrophotometry was obtained that Inhibition Concentration 50% (IC50) of methanol extract is 67,18 ppm, extract of n-hexane fraction is 1.078,41 ppm, extract of ethyl acetat fraction is 68,96 ppm and vitamin C is 3,05 ppm.Keyword: Cympogon nardus (L.) Rendle, Phytochemical Test, Antioxidant Activity Test, DPPH
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