98 research outputs found

    Quantitative Analysis of Bloggers Collective Behavior Powered by Emotions

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    Large-scale data resulting from users online interactions provide the ultimate source of information to study emergent social phenomena on the Web. From individual actions of users to observable collective behaviors, different mechanisms involving emotions expressed in the posted text play a role. Here we combine approaches of statistical physics with machine-learning methods of text analysis to study emergence of the emotional behavior among Web users. Mapping the high-resolution data from digg.com onto bipartite network of users and their comments onto posted stories, we identify user communities centered around certain popular posts and determine emotional contents of the related comments by the emotion-classifier developed for this type of texts. Applied over different time periods, this framework reveals strong correlations between the excess of negative emotions and the evolution of communities. We observe avalanches of emotional comments exhibiting significant self-organized critical behavior and temporal correlations. To explore robustness of these critical states, we design a network automaton model on realistic network connections and several control parameters, which can be inferred from the dataset. Dissemination of emotions by a small fraction of very active users appears to critically tune the collective states

    Strain-induced interface reconstruction in epitaxial heterostructures

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    We investigate in the framework of Landau theory the distortion of the strain fields at the interface of two dissimilar ferroelastic oxides that undergo a structural cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition. Simple analytical solutions are derived for the dilatational and the order parameter strains that are globally valid over the whole of the heterostructure. The solutions reveal that the dilatational strain exhibits compression close to the interface which may in turn affect the electronic properties in that region.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Collective emotions online and their influence on community life

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    E-communities, social groups interacting online, have recently become an object of interdisciplinary research. As with face-to-face meetings, Internet exchanges may not only include factual information but also emotional information - how participants feel about the subject discussed or other group members. Emotions are known to be important in affecting interaction partners in offline communication in many ways. Could emotions in Internet exchanges affect others and systematically influence quantitative and qualitative aspects of the trajectory of e-communities? The development of automatic sentiment analysis has made large scale emotion detection and analysis possible using text messages collected from the web. It is not clear if emotions in e-communities primarily derive from individual group members' personalities or if they result from intra-group interactions, and whether they influence group activities. We show the collective character of affective phenomena on a large scale as observed in 4 million posts downloaded from Blogs, Digg and BBC forums. To test whether the emotions of a community member may influence the emotions of others, posts were grouped into clusters of messages with similar emotional valences. The frequency of long clusters was much higher than it would be if emotions occurred at random. Distributions for cluster lengths can be explained by preferential processes because conditional probabilities for consecutive messages grow as a power law with cluster length. For BBC forum threads, average discussion lengths were higher for larger values of absolute average emotional valence in the first ten comments and the average amount of emotion in messages fell during discussions. Our results prove that collective emotional states can be created and modulated via Internet communication and that emotional expressiveness is the fuel that sustains some e-communities.Comment: 23 pages including Supporting Information, accepted to PLoS ON

    Exploring Halo Substructure with Giant Stars IV: The Extended Structure of the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal

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    We present a large area photometric survey of the Ursa Minor dSph. We identify UMi giant star candidates extending to ~3 deg from the center of the dSph. Comparison to previous catalogues of stars within the tidal radius of UMi suggests that our photometric luminosity classification is 100% accurate. Over a large fraction of the survey area, blue horizontal branch stars associated with UMi can also be identified. The spatial distribution of both the UMi giant stars and the BHB stars are remarkably similar, and a large fraction of both samples of stars are found outside the tidal radius of UMi. An isodensity contour map of the stars within the tidal radius of UMi reveals two morphological peculiarities: (1) The highest density of dSph stars is offset from the center of symmetry of the outer isodensity contours. (2) The overall shape of the outer contours appear S-shaped. We find that previously determined King profiles with ~50' tidal radii do not fit well the distribution of our UMi stars. A King profile with a larger tidal radius produces a reasonable fit, however a power law with index -3 provides a better fit for radii > 20'. The existence of UMi stars at large distances from the core of the galaxy, the peculiar morphology of the dSph within its tidal radius, and the shape of its surface density profile all suggest that UMi is evolving significantly due to the tidal influence of the Milky Way. However, the photometric data on UMi stars alone does not allow us to determine if the candidate extratidal stars are now unbound or if they remain bound to the dSph within an extended dark matter halo. (Abridged)Comment: accepted by AJ, 32 pages, 15 figures, emulateapj5 styl

    Nonlinear magnetoinductive transmission lines

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    Power transmission in one-dimensional nonlinear magnetic metamaterials driven at one end is investigated numerically and analytically in a wide frequency range. The nonlinear magnetic metamaterials are composed of varactor-loaded split-ring resonators which are coupled magnetically through their mutual inductances, forming thus a magnetoiductive transmission line. In the linear limit, significant power transmission along the array only appears for frequencies inside the linear magnetoinductive wave band. We present analytical, closed form solutions for the magnetoinductive waves transmitting the power in this regime, and their discrete frequency dispersion. When nonlinearity is important, more frequency bands with significant power transmission along the array may appear. In the equivalent circuit picture, the nonlinear magnetoiductive transmission line driven at one end by a relatively weak electromotive force, can be modeled by coupled resistive-inductive-capacitive (RLC) circuits with voltage-dependent capacitance. Extended numerical simulations reveal that power transmission along the array is also possible in other than the linear frequency bands, which are located close to the nonlinear resonances of a single nonlinear RLC circuit. Moreover, the effectiveness of power transmission for driving frequencies in the nonlinear bands is comparable to that in the linear band. Power transmission in the nonlinear bands occurs through the linear modes of the system, and it is closely related to the instability of a mode that is localized at the driven site.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Mapping the Galactic Halo I. The `Spaghetti' Survey

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    We describe a major survey of the Milky Way halo designed to test for kinematic substructure caused by destruction of accreted satellites. We use the Washington photometric system to identify halo stars efficiently for spectroscopic followup. Tracers include halo giants (detectable out to more than 100 kpc), blue horizontal branch stars, halo stars near the main sequence turnoff, and the ``blue metal-poor stars'' of Preston et al (1994). We demonstrate the success of our survey by showing spectra of stars we have identified in all these categories, including giants as distant as 75 kpc. We discuss the problem of identifying the most distant halo giants. In particular, extremely metal-poor halo K dwarfs are present in approximately equal numbers to the distant giants for V fainter than 18, and we show that our method will distinguish reliably between these two groups of metal-poor stars. We plan to survey 100 square degrees at high galactic latitude, and expect to increase the numbers of known halo giants, BHB stars and turnoff stars by more than an order of magnitude. In addition to the strong test that this large sample will provide for the question `was the Milky Way halo accreted from satellite galaxies?', we will improve the accuracy of mass measurements of the Milky Way beyond 50 kpc via the kinematics of the many distant giants and BHB stars we will find. We show that one of our first datasets constrains the halo density law over galactocentric radii of 5-20 kpc and z heights of 2-15 kpc. The data support a flattened power-law halo with b/a of 0.6 and exponent -3.0. More complex models with a varying axial ratio may be needed with a larger dataset.Comment: 55 pages, 22 figures, to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Tracking the Expression of Annoyance in Call Centers

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    Machine learning researchers have dealt with the identification of emo- tional cues from speech since it is research domain showing a large number of po- tential applications. Many acoustic parameters have been analyzed when searching for cues to identify emotional categories. Then classical classifiers and also out- standing computational approaches have been developed. Experiments have been carried out mainly over induced emotions, even if recently research is shifting to work over spontaneous emotions. In such a framework, it is worth mentioning that the expression of spontaneous emotions depends on cultural factors, on the particu- lar individual and also on the specific situation. In this work, we were interested in the emotional shifts during conversation. In particular we were aimed to track the annoyance shifts appearing in phone conversations to complaint services. To this end we analyzed a set of audio files showing different ways to express annoyance. The call center operators found disappointment, impotence or anger as expression of annoyance. However, our experiments showed that variations of parameters derived from intensity combined with some spectral information and suprasegmental fea- tures are very robust for each speaker and annoyance rate. The work also discussed the annotation problem arising when dealing with human labelling of subjective events. In this work we proposed an extended rating scale in order to include anno- tators disagreements. Our frame classification results validated the chosen annota- tion procedure. Experimental results also showed that shifts in customer annoyance rates could be potentially tracked during phone callsSpanish Mineco under grant TIN2014- 54288-C4-4-R H2020 EU under Empathic RIA action number 769872

    Improved Color-Temperature Relations and Bolometric Corrections for Cool Stars

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    We present new grids of colors and bolometric corrections for F-K stars having 4000 K < Teff < 6500 K, 0.0 < log g < 4.5 and -3.0 < [Fe/H] < 0.0. A companion paper extends these calculations into the M giant regime. Colors are tabulated for Johnson U-V and B-V; Cousins V-R and V-I; Johnson-Glass V-K, J-K and H-K; and CIT/CTIO V-K, J-K, H-K and CO. We have developed these color-temperature (CT) relations by convolving synthetic spectra with photometric filter-transmission-profiles. The synthetic spectra have been computed with the SSG spectral synthesis code using MARCS stellar atmosphere models as input. Both of these codes have been improved substantially, especially at low temperatures, through the incorporation of new opacity data. The resulting synthetic colors have been put onto the observational systems by applying color calibrations derived from models and photometry of field stars which have Teffs determined by the infrared-flux method. The color calibrations have zero points and slopes which change most of the original synthetic colors by less than 0.02 mag and 5%, respectively. The adopted Teff scale (Bell & Gustafsson 1989) is confirmed by the extraordinary agreement between the predicted and observed angular diameters of the field stars. We have also derived empirical CT relations from the field-star photometry. Except for the coolest dwarfs (Teff < 5000 K), our calibrated, solar-metallicity model colors are found to match these and other empirical relations quite well. Our calibrated, 4 Gyr, solar-metallicity isochrone also provides a good match to color-magnitude diagrams of M67. We regard this as evidence that our calibrated colors can be applied to many astrophysical problems, including modelling the integrated light of galaxies. (abridged)Comment: To appear in the March 2000 issue of the Astronomical Journal. 72 pages including 16 embedded postscript figures (one page each) and 6 embedded postscript tables (18 pages total

    Detailed abundances of a large sample of giant stars in M 54 and in the Sagittarius nucleus

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    Homogeneous abundances of light elements, alpha and Fe-group elements from high-resolution FLAMES spectra are presented for 76 red giant stars in M54, a massive globular cluster (GC) lying in the nucleus of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. We also derived detailed abundances for 27 red giants belonging to the Sgr nucleus. Our abundances assess the intrinsic metallicity dispersion (~0.19 dex, rms scatter) of M54, with the bulk of stars peaking at [Fe/H]~-1.6 and a long tail extending to higher metallicities, similar to omega Cen. The spread in these probable nuclear star clusters exceeds those of most GCs: these massive clusters are located in a region intermediate between normal GCs and dwarf galaxies. M54 shows the Na-O anticorrelation, typical signature of GCs, which is instead absent in the Sgr nucleus. The light elements (Mg, Al, Si) participating to the high temperature Mg-Al cycle show that the pattern of (anti)correlations produced by proton-capture reactions in H-burning is clearly different between the most metal-rich and most metal-poor components in the two most massive GCs in the Galaxy, confirming early result based on the Na-O anticorrelation. As in omega Cen, stars affected by most extreme processing, i.e. showing the signature of more massive polluters, are those of the metal-rich component. This can be understood if the burst of star formation giving birth to the metal-rich component was delayed by as much as 10-30 Myr with respect to the metal-poor one. The evolution of these massive GCs can be reconciled in the general scenario for the formation of GCs sketched in Carretta et al.(2010a) taking into account that omega Cen could have already incorporated the surrounding nucleus of its progenitor and lost the rest of the hosting galaxy while the two are still observable as distinct components in M54 and the surrounding field.Comment: 22 pages (3 pages of appendix), 25 figures. Tables 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 are only available in electronic form at the CDS Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic
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