920 research outputs found

    Star Wreck

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    Electroweak models with low-energy supersymmetry breaking predict the existence of stable non-topological solitons, Q-balls, that can be produced in the early universe. The relic Q-balls can accumulate inside a neutron star and gradually absorb the baryons into the scalar condensate. This causes a slow reduction in the mass of the star. When the mass reaches a critical value, the neutron star becomes unstable and explodes. The cataclysmic destruction of the distant neutron stars may be the origin of the gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 9 pages; references adde

    No evidence for gamma-ray halos around active galactic nuclei resulting from intergalactic magnetic fields

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    We analyze the gamma-ray halo around stacked AGNs reported in Ap.J.Lett., 2010, 722, L39. First, we show that the angular distribution of gamma-rays around the stacked AGNs is consistent with the angular distribution of the gamma-rays around the Crab pulsar, which is a point source for Fermi/LAT. This makes it unlikely that the halo is caused by an electromagnetic cascade of TeV photons in the intergalactic space. We then compare the angular distribution of gamma-rays around the stacked AGNs with the point-spread function (PSF) of Fermi/LAT and confirm the existence of an excess above the PSF. However, we demonstrate that the magnitude and the angular size of this effect is different for photons converted in the front and back parts of the Fermi/LAT instrument, and thus is an instrumental effect.Comment: accepted to A&

    Estimate of the correlation signal between cosmic rays and BL Lacs in future data

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    The existing correlation between BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) and cosmic-ray events observed by HiRes experiment provide sufficient information to formulate quantitatively the hypothesis about the flux of neutral cosmic-ray particles originated from BL Lacs. We determine the potential of future cosmic ray experiments to test this hypothesis by predicting the number of coincidences between arrival directions of cosmic rays and positions of BL Lacs on the celestial sphere, which should be observed in the future datasets. We find that the early Pierre Auger data will not have enough events to address this question. On the contrary, the final Pierre Auger data and the early Telescope Array data will be sufficient to fully test this hypothesis. If confirmed, it would imply the existence of highest-energy neutral particles coming from cosmological distances.Comment: 5 page

    Визначення маркетингових характеристик місткості ринку електротехнічних засобів автоматизації

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    The problems of determining the marketing characteristics of the market products capacity do not have independent technological purposes. As the object of study selected electrical automation. It is proved that the most important characteristic of the market capacity of goods are the demand for them, which consists of several components. To determine the requirements for electrical automation and maintenance of technological equipment under operation, you need to know the industry Park. The technique of determining industry Park, products which do not have independent technological purpose and which are not maintained inventory records, for example, electrical automation of the basic steps of this methodology. The proposals of the authors based on the determination coefficients the applicability of certain types of electrical automation equipment per unit of basic technological equipment of machine-building industries.Розглянуто питання визначення маркетингових характеристик місткості ринку виробів, що не мають самостійного технологічного призначення. В якості об'єкта дослідження вибрано електротехнічні засоби автоматизації. Доведено, що найважливішою характеристикою ємності ринку виробів є потреба у них, яка складається з декількох складових. Для визначення потреби в електротехнічних засобах автоматизації на ремонт і експлуатацію технологічного обладнання, що знаходяться в експлуатації, необхідно знати його галузевої парк. Розроблена методика визначення галузевого парку виробів, що не мають самостійного технологічного призначення і за якими не ведеться інвентаризаційний облік. На прикладі електротехнічних засобів автоматизації розглянуто основні етапи даної методики. Пропозиції авторів побудовані на визначенні коефіцієнтів застосування окремих типів електротехнічних засобів автоматизації на одиницю основного технологічного обладнання в машинобудівних галузях

    Comment on "Correlation of the Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays with Nearby Extragalactic Objects"

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    We argue that the data published by the Pierre Auger Collaboration (arXiv:0711.2256) disfavor at 99% confidence level their hypothesis that most of the highest-energy cosmic rays are protons from nearby astrophysical sources, either Active Galactic Nuclei or other objects with a similar spatial distribution.Comment: 1000 words, 2 figures, scicite.st

    BL Lacertae are probable sources of the observed ultra-high energy cosmic rays

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    We calculate angular correlation function between ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) observed by Yakutsk and AGASA experiments, and most powerful BL Lacertae objects. We find significant correlations which correspond to the probability of statistical fluctuation less than 10410^{-4}, including penatly for selecting the subset of brightest BL Lacs. We conclude that some of BL Lacs are sources of the observed UHECR and present a list of most probable candidates.Comment: Replaced with the version accepted for publication in JETP Let


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    The article examines the conceptual, theoretical and methodological guidelines for economic evaluation of innovative technologies through financial and technological leverage. The concept of financial–technological linkage was developed with the aim of establishing a relationship between technological efficiency and effectiveness of operational and financial activities of the enterprise. The authors have developed measurement technology and the use of technological linkage as a tool for assessing commercial potential of new technologies, which allows establishing a link between technological efficiency and effectiveness of operational and financial activities of the engineering enterprise.It is proved that the concept of technological linkage explains how the creation of new technologies can raise the value of the business, exceeding significantly the value of the underlying technological innovations taken in isolation. In addition, there is a real possibility of effective monitoring of the economic impact (need, usage, efficiency) from the use of технологічн6ої development, the exclusive rights which are at the disposal of the enterprise.Determined that the level of commercial potential of intellectual technology is not limited only to the influence of technological leverage. The potential power can be represented as a dependence of the level of commercial potential of several very important factors that act in parallel. They proposed to include the following, the most important components of the level of commercial potential of innovative technology: the lever of the early stages of the life cycle of an innovative product; the lever of the developer technological innovations; financial leverage.The effect of financial and technological leverage depends on innovation activity and innovation capacity of the enterprise–the developer of a technological product. Its value is usually higher for industries with higher technological level of production, which is very typical for innovative enterprises.В статье рассмотрены концептуальные теоретико–методические положения экономической оценки инновационных технологий на основе финансово–технологического рычага. Обосновано, что концепция технологического рычага объясняет, каким образом создание новой технологии может поднять стоимость бизнеса, превышая в разы ценность базовой технологической инновации, взятой изолированно. Кроме того, появляется реальная возможность эффективного мониторинга экономической отдачи (потребности, использование, эффективность) от использования технологической разработки, исключительные права на которую находятся в распоряжении данного предприятия.В статті розглянуто концептуальні теоретико–методичні положення економічної оцінки інноваційних технологій на засадах фінансово–технологічного важеля. Обґрунтовано, що концепція технологічного важеля пояснює, яким чином створення нової технології може підняти вартість бізнесу, перевищуючи в рази цінність базової технологічної інновації, взятої ізольовано. Крім того, з'являється реальна можливість ефективного моніторингу економічної віддачі (потреби, використання, ефективності) від використання технологічної розробки, виключні права на яку знаходяться в розпорядженні даного підприємства

    Disjoint minimal graphs

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    We prove that the number s(n) of disjoint minimal graphs supported on domains in R^n is bounded by e(n+1)^2. In the two-dimensional case we show that s(2) is at most three (the conjectured number is two).Comment: 14 page