652 research outputs found

    Zooplankton abundance and diversity in Lake Bracciano, Latium, Italy

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    The zooplankton community structure in Lake Bracciano (Latium, Central Italy) was studied in monthly surveys throughout an annual cycle (November 1998 – October 1999). The seasonal cycles and population dynamics of the dominant species are described and discussed. Copepods numerically dominated the community throughout the study period with calanoid Eudiaptomus padanus etruscosexsetosus making up the largest share of zooplankton density; moreover it accounted for the largest portion of total biovolume. Cladocerans represented a significant component of the zooplankton in the summer and autumn months. No substantial differences in regard to results of previous investigations (1971, 1972, 1984) were observed. The only differences for which there is evidence consist of the appearance of Filinia terminalis, never previously found in the lake, and the replacement of Keratella cochlearis instead of Kellicottia longispina as dominant species. However, the results of the comparison of the different investigations confirm that the trophic state of the pelagial region may be classified as oligo-mesotrophic

    Predatory impact of the mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki Girard) on zooplanktonic populations in a pond at Tenuta di Castelporziano (Rome, Central Italy)

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    A study of a permanent pond located in a nature reserve in Central Italy was carried out over two periods (1985-87; 1995-98) to determine the structure and dynamics of planktonic biocoenosis. The composition of the zooplankton community was quite different in the two periods of study: in the first period, rotifers, small-bodied cladocerans and larval copepods were the dominant groups; in the second there was a shift from rotifers and microcrustaceans to dominance by large-bodied Daphnidae and adult copepods. The possibility is stressed that Gambusia holbrooki, present in 1985 and absent in 1995, may be responsible for the changes in the planktonic community

    The “Eyeballing” technique : an emerging and alerting trend of alcohol misuse

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    Alternative methods of alcohol consumption have recently emerged among adolescents and young adults, including the alcohol “eyeballing”, which consist in the direct pouring of alcoholic substances on the ocular surface epithelium. In a context of drug and behavioural addictions change, “eyeballing” can be seen as one of the latest and potentially highly risky new trends. We aimed to analyze the existing medical literature as well as online material on this emerging trend of alcohol misusePeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Effects of dopamine infusion on forearm blood flow in critical patients.

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    Piazza O, Zito G, Valente A, Tufano R. Effects of dopamine infusion on forearm blood flow in critical patients. Med Sci Monit. 2006 Feb;12(2):CR90-3. Epub 2006 Jan 26

    S100B in Guillain-Barre syndrome.

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    BR J ANAESTH. 2006 JAN;96(1):141-2

    Non-invasive anatomic and functional imaging of vascular inflammation and unstable plaque

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    Over the last several decades, basic cardiovascular research has significantly enhanced our understanding of pathobiological processes leading to formation, progression, and complications of atherosclerotic plaques. By harnessing these advances in cardiovascular biology, imaging has advanced beyond its traditional anatomical domains to a tool that permits probing of particular molecular structures to image cellular behaviour and metabolic pathways involved in atherosclerosis. From the nascent atherosclerotic plaque to the death of inflammatory cells, several potential molecular and micro-anatomical targets for imaging with particular selective imaging probes and with a variety of imaging modalities have emerged from preclinical and animal investigations. Yet, substantive barriers stand between experimental use and wide clinical application of these novel imaging strategies. Each of the imaging modalities described herein faces hurdles—for example, sensitivity, resolution, radiation exposure, reproducibility, availability, standardization, or costs. This review summarizes the published literature reporting on functional imaging of vascular inflammation in atherosclerotic plaques emphasizing those techniques that have the greatest and/or most immediate potential for broad application in clinical practice. The prospective evaluation of these techniques and standardization of protocols by multinational networks could serve to determine their added value in clinical practice and guide their development and deploymen

    Lawfare como herramienta del poder hegemónico en América Latina : el caso argentino en el período 2014- 2019 (estudio en proceso)

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    Históricamente América Latina fue fundamental para el desarrollo del sistema capitalista mundial, y a la fecha no estamos exceptuados de tamaño rol en la conformación geopolítica. Sin embargo, después de años de absoluto predominio hegemónico norteamericano, es posible visibilizar la llegada de una época que permita una multipolaridad. La creciente economía China (en alianza con Rusia) y sus avances a nivel comercial y tecnológico ponen en cuestión y en tensión las relaciones que se venían estableciendo hasta ahora, pues se proyecta en cada uno de los continentes como el aliado estratégico. La aparición de gobiernos de corte progresistas en nuestro continente llevó a poner en cuestión acuerdos comerciales con claros beneficios hacia Estados Unidos y en detrimento de estas naciones. De esta manera es que nace la Lawfare, como una forma de golpe blando, que tiene como actores fundamentales el poder judicial, el poder político nacional y los medios de comunicación hegemónicos; permitiendo reestablecer y afianzar las relaciones de dominación del imperio y soslayar cualquier posible vuelta al gobierno de líderes progresistas opositores con probabilidades porcentuales importantes. En este sentido, es necesario proponer nuevas investigaciones que nos permitan conocer cómo se mueven los distintos actores que forman parte de la lawfare, como así también lograr un análisis crítico que nos acerque a explicaciones sociohistóricas para analizar y fomentar nuevos modelos de sociedades latinoamericanas más soberanas. Para lo cual, nuestro recorrido empezará con un breve análisis de los procesos sociohistóricos que nos posibiliten acercarnos a entender la estructura de dependencia del continente latinoamericano; continuaremos con una somera mención de la actualidad del imperio estadounidense y los avances chinos. Por último, se analizará la lawfare y su configuración en Argentina.Fil: Condori, Ornella G.. Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Heterogeneity of resting and hyperemic myocardial blood flow in healthy humans

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    Objective: Absolute myocardial blood flow (MBF) is not well-defined in large normal populations, and appears to be heterogeneous in both humans and animals. These factors contribute to the difficulties in defining resting MBF to hibernating myocardium. We therefore assessed absolute baseline and hyperemic MBF in a large population of normal humans. Methods: MBF was quantified by positron emission tomography with oxygen-15-labeled water at baseline and during hyperemia induced by either adenosine or dipyridamole in 131 men and 38 women, aged 21-86 (mean 46±12) years. MBF was corrected for workload using the rate-pressure product (RPP). Results: Uncorrected baseline MBF ranged from 0.590 to 2.050 (mean 0.985±0.230) ml/min/g (coefficient of variation=27%), and corrected MBF from 0.736 to 2.428 (mean 1.330±0.316) ml/min/g (coefficient of variation=24%). MBF in the inferior region was significantly (P<0.0001) lower than either the anterior or lateral regions. Baseline MBF in females was significantly (P<0.001) higher than in males. Conclusions: These results confirm the heterogeneity of MBF in normals and highlight the difficulty in establishing the lower limit of normal MB