32 research outputs found

    Linking markemes in Russian and British literary texts of the first half of the nineteenth century

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    The paper aims at visualizing and analyzing the markeme links in literary texts of Russian and British writers of the first half of nineteenth century. According to the target goal, the tasks of determining the preferred markeme links between the authors, substantial study of maximum force markeme links and comparing the linking markeme vocabulary in Russian and English literary texts have been solved. The topicality of this study is conditioned by the need to devise the ways of cognitive-graphical representations of analytic data and their semantic interpretation and by the scarcity of comparative quantitative studies of the language of Russian and English literary texts, which could present information for comparative and typological analysis of language and literary processes.The study of markeme links is one of the ways of formalized content analysis of the text. The scientists identified regularities to which the texts in natural languages are subject. This enables the use of the mathematical apparatus in linguistic studies. The use of both digital and traditional linguistic studies methods allows analyzing text corpora with mathematical and statistical methods and composing national text corpora, corpora of translations, interactive maps, creating social networks of writers, poets, philosophers, modeling script texts into picture line, analyzing text sentiment, running network analysis and so on. This article suggests analyzing markeme links of maximum force in pairs of authors when comparing “with each other”. The method of markeme analysis proposed by A.A. Kretov as one of the means to formalize the semantical analysis of the text is used to solve the set tasks. It provides a means of presenting a complete picture of literary works language markeme composition of any chronological interval or historical period. It also gives the possibility to analyze texts practically of any wordage. Besides the method of markeme analysis allows analyzing markeme composition of literary (especially - fiction) works of individual authors or groups of authors, markeme specifications and the influence of social and cultural processes on markeme dynamics, studying the evolution of markeme vocabulary through several chronological intervals and establishing literary and genetic links between authors who belong to the same or different chronological intervals an individual DH prospect developed by A.A. Kretov, his colleagues and scholars. Its potential is not limited with solving the given problems. As a qualitative and quantitative analysis, markemological studies employ markeme analysis as a method. This method allows formalizing semantic analysis of texts. Markeme analysis is a method of computer-based identification of keywords, or markemes, followed by visualization of obtained data in the form of bar graphs, charts, graphs, clusters that undergo semantic interpretation. A.A. Kretov developed sharply defined notions on how to identify markemes using a special formula to calculate author's weight or Index of Textual Markedness. The computational formula expresses functionality between a frequency weight and a length weight of a word. As the length weight of a word is constant because it depends on the length of the word in letters or sounds, it is the value of frequency weight that determines the value of InTeM. When a word distribution in the text exceeds a standard frequency distribution threshold for this word, the value of its InTeM becomes positive thereby expressing the level of significance for the word in the particular text. The texts are processed with word thematic analysis manipulation programs “TemAl” and “ProTemAl-Engl” developed in Voronezh State University. “TemAl” processes Russian texts and “ProTemAl-Engl” does the same with English texts. These programs calculate the value of InTeM for each word as well. To guarantee comparability of markeme weights of different authors the procedure of normalizing InTeM values is carried out. This is due to the fact that too often there is great difference both in number of works and their length in words written by different authors and their availability in digital form. InTeM normalizing eliminates their incorrect correlation. The analysis of linking markemes that establish markeme links between two or more authors allows determining the degree of markeme similarity between the authors of chronological interval. Mutual markemes are selected from each author markeme list. Index of Markeme Similarity (IMaS) is the measurable parameter that gives possibility to determine the degree of generality of markeme lexicon of two authors. The computation of IMaS in each pair of authors belonging to the chronological interval is based on the value of total normalized indices of textual markedness of their mutual markemes. The mutual markemes of those two writers that have the largest value of IMaS are their linking markemes. The value of IMaS determines the power of markeme link. When the value of IMaS is the largest for only one writer in the pair, a directional or oriented link of maximum power is formed. In case the value of IMaS is the largest for both writers in the pair, mutually oriented link is formed between them. The present study results in the analysis of linking markemes in the texts of Russian and British writers of the first half of the nineteenth century in reference to the distinguished centre of attraction. The method of visualizing the links between the authors who belong to the same chronological interval allows to distinguish the centre of attraction and intermediate centres of zero, first and second degree, to compute the power of centripetal links, to stratify and analyze linking markemes, to study markeme specificity of the centre of attraction and to distinguish markemes that provide an indirect link between the centre of attraction and intermediate centres. The use of the algorithm of visualizing markeme relations between the authors provides a means of revealing existing centrifugal and centripetal markeme links between the writers, distinguishing the centre of attraction, identifying its major figures and the authors who have direct or indirect markeme links of maximum force with each of them. Obtained data make it possible to compute the power of the center of attraction and the semantic study of maximum force markeme links leads to the specification of both the intermediate centres that are represented by key figures of the centre of attraction and the centre of attraction itself


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    The model of information infrastructure control for small pedagogical system including virtual machines is presented. Particular models of pedagogical system parameters are defined within the control model; the usage of risk model and application possibility of software technical quality model are justified. The key events (decision points) are highlighted in describing the life cycle of infrastructure control. The set of methods and algorithms supporting decision-making in the framework of a small pedagogical system is proposed. In order to illustrate the applicability of the generated solutions the main results of the experiments are presented

    S=O...S=O Interactions as a Driving Force for Low-Temperature Conformational Rearrangement of Stable H-Bonding {S(O)-Ch2-Ch2-OH···}2 Synthon in two Modifications of Diastereomeric Pinanyl Sulfoxides Co-Crystal

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    Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. (Graphical Abstract) For the triclinic and monoclinic modifications of diastereomeric pinanyl sulfoxides co-crystal, remarkable alterations in unit cell parameters by transition from 293 to 150 were ascertained. Such alterations are accompanied by conformational restructuring of a stable hydrogen-bonded synthon from an "unfolded" to a "folded" form. The driving force of this restructuring is the tendency to form S=O.S=O interactions, which show up in the lowerature phases of both polymorphs. These are well-supported by the methods of quantum chemistry (DFT, B97-D/6-31G(d,p), AIM All)

    NADP-Dependent Aldehyde Dehydrogenase from Archaeon Pyrobaculum sp.1860

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    We present the functional and structural characterization of the first archaeal thermostable NADP-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase AlDHPyr1147. In vitro, AlDHPyr1147 catalyzes the irreversible oxidation of short aliphatic aldehydes at 60–85°С, and the affinity of AlDHPyr1147 to the NADP+ at 60°С is comparable to that for mesophilic analogues at 25°С. We determined the structures of the apo form of AlDHPyr1147 (3.04 Å resolution), three binary complexes with the coenzyme (1.90, 2.06, and 2.19 Å), and the ternary complex with the coenzyme and isobutyraldehyde as a substrate (2.66 Å). The nicotinamide moiety of the coenzyme is disordered in two binary complexes, while it is ordered in the ternary complex, as well as in the binary complex obtained after additional soaking with the substrate. AlDHPyr1147 structures demonstrate the strengthening of the dimeric contact (as compared with the analogues) and the concerted conformational flexibility of catalytic Cys287 and Glu253, as well as Leu254 and the nicotinamide moiety of the coenzyme. A comparison of the active sites of AlDHPyr1147 and dehydrogenases characterized earlier suggests that proton relay systems, which were previously proposed for dehydrogenases of this family, are blocked in AlDHPyr1147, and the proton release in the latter can occur through the substrate channel

    Combination of Endobronchial Ultrasound and Modern Cytological Diagnosis in Patients With Intrathoracic Lesions

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of endobronchial (EBUS) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in cytomorphological verification of a malignant process using the transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) of the lymph nodes and mediastinal organs.Materials and methods: In 2017–2019 we analyzed the cytological samples (standard and cell block) of 172 patients (115 males and 57 females) with an average age of 61 years (25–82 years) in the clinical diagnostic laboratory of Scientific Research Institute – Ochapovsky Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation). Of them 111 were used for immunocytochemical analysis. The majority of the studies (77) were performed in patients with lung cancer in order to identify the stage of the disease. We used combined bronchoscopy under general anesthesia in the operating room with high-frequency ventilation and a rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE).Results: We found the lymph node and mediastinal invasion in 140 (81%) patients who underwent EBUS-EUS TBNA. The non-diagnostic results were obtained in 32 (19%) patients. The combination of EUS and EBUS with TBNA showed the highest effectiveness in the mentioned clinical cases. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the cytologic analysis during EBUS and EUS with TBNA and no ROSE were 89%, 100%, and 90%, respectively. ROSE reduced the rate of non-diagnostic results and increased the sensitivity (96%), specificity (100%), and accuracy (97%) of the cytologic evaluation.Conclusions: According to the obtained results, we recommend using EBUS-EUS TBNA modalities for morphological verification of the mediastinal lymph nodes as a routine invasive diagnosis component of the preoperative evaluation in patients with lung cancer

    Foundations of Black Hole Accretion Disk Theory

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    This review covers the main aspects of black hole accretion disk theory. We begin with the view that one of the main goals of the theory is to better understand the nature of black holes themselves. In this light we discuss how accretion disks might reveal some of the unique signatures of strong gravity: the event horizon, the innermost stable circular orbit, and the ergosphere. We then review, from a first-principles perspective, the physical processes at play in accretion disks. This leads us to the four primary accretion disk models that we review: Polish doughnuts (thick disks), Shakura-Sunyaev (thin) disks, slim disks, and advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). After presenting the models we discuss issues of stability, oscillations, and jets. Following our review of the analytic work, we take a parallel approach in reviewing numerical studies of black hole accretion disks. We finish with a few select applications that highlight particular astrophysical applications: measurements of black hole mass and spin, black hole vs. neutron star accretion disks, black hole accretion disk spectral states, and quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs).Comment: 91 pages, 23 figures, final published version available at http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2013-


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    The results of evaluation of the soft tissue perfusion of the foot in patients with diabetes and critical lower limb ischemia (CLI) via fluorescence angiography (FAG) in the near-infrared range are represented in the article. The study included 4 diabetic patients with CLI. All patients underwent lower-limb balloon percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. To evaluate the soft tissue perfusion of the foot via FAG the following parameters have been used: T0m - time to reach maximum for fluorescence intensity after intravenous administration of Indocyanine green; TIm- time of onset of maximum fluorescence intensity after its appearance in the area of interest; Im - the level of the maximum fluorescence intensity. The region of interest was the skin around the wound of the foot. The median FAG parameters in the region of interest on the foot were as follows: prior to surgery T0m = 164 sec (148–181), TIm = 48 sec (38–56); after surgery: T0m = 80 sec (69–92); TIm = 27 sec (20–39); (p <0,05). No adverse reactions were registered in the study. Despite the small sample we were able to achieve statistical significance in the difference between the parameters prior to and after surgery. Further prospective studies with extended samples of patients are needed.В работе представлены результаты оценки перфузии мягких тканей стопы у пациентов с сахарным диабетом и критической ишемией нижних конечностей с помощью метода флуоресцентной ангиографии (ФАГ) в ближнем инфракрасном диапазоне. В исследование были включены 4 пациента с сахарным диабетом и критической ишемией нижних конечностей. Всем пациентам была выполнена чрескожная транслюминальная баллонная ангиопластика артерий нижних конечностей. Для оценки перфузии тканей стопы при помощи метода флуоресцентной ангиографии были определены следующие параметры: T0m – время достижения максимальной интенсивности флуоресценции с момента внутривенного введения индоцианина зеленого; TIm – время наступления максимальной интенсивности флуоресценции с момента ее появления в зоне интереса; Im – уровень максимальной интенсивности флуоресценции. Зоной интереса являлась кожа в околораневой зоне стопы. В результате были получены медианы параметров ФАГ в исследуемой области стопы: до операции – T0m = 164 с (от 148 до 181), TIm = 48 с (от 38 до 56), и после операции – T0m = 80 с (от 69 до 92), TIm = 27 с (от 20 до 39) (р<0,05). В ходе исследования неблагоприятных реакций зафиксировано не было. Несмотря на небольшую выборку, удалось получить статистически значимую разницу указанных параметров у пациентов до и после операции. Необходимо проведение дальнейших проспективных исследований с расширением выборки пациентов

    The role of genes of renin-angiotensin system in the development of adverse outcomes of treatment in severe intraventricular hemorrhages in premature infants

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    Введение: Внутрижелудочковые кровоизлияния (ВЖК) являются причиной повышенной заболеваемости и смертности преждевременно рожденных детей и ассоциируются с неблагоприятными неврологическими исходами. Цель: Подтвердить роль генов ренин-ангиотензиновой системы в развитии неблагоприятных исходов лечения тяжелых ВЖК у преждевременно рожденных детей. Материалы и методы: Проведено проспективное исследование, в которое включено 58 новорожденных (средний вес при рождении 1016,8±52,59 г, гестационный возраст 26,96±0,33 нед.), которые лечились в лечебных учреждениях Полтавской области в течение 2012-2015 гг. Изучали I/D полиморфизм АСЕ гена, A/C полиморфизм AGT2R1 гена и 4a/b полиморфизм eNOS гена. Распределение генотипа сравнивали между группами с помощью анализа χ2. Результаты исследования: Из 58 детей, включенных в исследование у 33 (56,9%) младенцев развилась вентркулодилятация, которая у 8 (13,8%) новорожденных прогрессировала в гидроцефалию. 34 (58,6%) младенцев с тяжелыми ВЖК умерли. Средний показатель (медиана) времени смерти детей составил 10,6 суток. Среди детей, которые умерли, достоверно чаще, чем у детей, которые выжили, выявляли сочетание генотипов ID&DD гена АСЕ+4ab & 4АА гена eNOS и на границе статистической значимости – изолированно генотип 4ab & 4АА гена eNOS. Сочетание генотипа ID+DD АСЕ гена и AC+CC генотипа AGTR1 гена достоверно чаще оказывалось среди детей с вентрикулодилятацией, чем у детей без нее. Вес при рождении имеет негативные корреляционные тренды с летальными исходами и не имеет – с вентрикулодилятацией и гидроцефалией. Выводы: Летальные исходы у детей с ВЖК ассоциируются с весом при рождении, а также наличием у них сочетания генотипов ID+DD гена АСЕ и 4ab+4аа гена eNOS; Introduction: Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) causes increased morbidity and mortality in premature infants and is associated with adverse neurological outcomes. The aim of the research is to confirm the role of genes of renin-angiotensin system in the development of adverse outcomes of treatment of severe IVC in preterm. Materials and methods: A prospective study was conducted, which included 58 premature infants (average birth weight 1016.8 ± 52.59 g, gestational age 26.96 ±0.33 weeks), who were treated at medical institutions in Poltava region during 2012-2015. I/D polymorphism of ACE gene, A/C polymorphism of AGT2R1 gene and 4a/b polymorphism of the eNOS gene were studied. The distribution of the genotype was compared between groups using the χ2 analysis. Results: Out of 58 children enrolled in the study, 33 (56.9%) of infants developed ventricular dilatation, which in 8 (13.8%) of the newborns progressed to hydrocephalus. Thirty-four (58.6%) infants with severe IVHs died. The average (median) time of death of infants was 10.6 days. Among children who died, a combination of genotypes ID & DD of the gene ACE +4ab & 4AA of the eNOS gene was found significantly more often than in children who survived, and at the border of statistical significance – the isolated genotype 4ab & 4 aa of the eNOS gene. The combination of genotype ID+DD of the ACE gene and the AC + CC genotype of the AGTR1 gene was significantly more frequent among children with ventricular dilatation than in children without it. The weight at birth have negative correlation trends with lethal outcomes and do not have with ventricular dilatation and hydrocephalus. Conclusions: Lethal outcomes in children with IVH are associated with weight at birth, as well as the presence of a combination of genotypes ID+DD of the ACE gene and 4ab+4aa of the eNOS gene

    Трубка ендотрахеальна з системою для екстратубажного введення речовини

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    Трубка ендотрахеальна з системою для екстратубажного введення речовин, що включає інтубаційну трубку із конектором та герметизуючою манжетою, яка відрізняється тим, що лікарські засоби вводяться через канал в порожнину герметизуючої манжети, у стінках якої виконані перфоративні зрошуючі отвори діаметром 0,3 мм

    Linking markemes in Russian and British literary texts of the first half of the nineteenth century

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    The paper aims at visualizing and analyzing the markeme links in literary texts of Russian and British writers of the first half of nineteenth century. According to the target goal, the tasks of determining the preferred markeme links between the authors, substantial study of maximum force markeme links and comparing the linking markeme vocabulary in Russian and English literary texts have been solved. The topicality of this study is conditioned by the need to devise the ways of cognitive-graphical representations of analytic data and their semantic interpretation and by the scarcity of comparative quantitative studies of the language of Russian and English literary texts, which could present information for comparative and typological analysis of language and literary processes.The study of markeme links is one of the ways of formalized content analysis of the text. The scientists identified regularities to which the texts in natural languages are subject. This enables the use of the mathematical apparatus in linguistic studies. The use of both digital and traditional linguistic studies methods allows analyzing text corpora with mathematical and statistical methods and composing national text corpora, corpora of translations, interactive maps, creating social networks of writers, poets, philosophers, modeling script texts into picture line, analyzing text sentiment, running network analysis and so on. This article suggests analyzing markeme links of maximum force in pairs of authors when comparing “with each other”. The method of markeme analysis proposed by A.A. Kretov as one of the means to formalize the semantical analysis of the text is used to solve the set tasks. It provides a means of presenting a complete picture of literary works language markeme composition of any chronological interval or historical period. It also gives the possibility to analyze texts practically of any wordage. Besides the method of markeme analysis allows analyzing markeme composition of literary (especially - fiction) works of individual authors or groups of authors, markeme specifications and the influence of social and cultural processes on markeme dynamics, studying the evolution of markeme vocabulary through several chronological intervals and establishing literary and genetic links between authors who belong to the same or different chronological intervals an individual DH prospect developed by A.A. Kretov, his colleagues and scholars. Its potential is not limited with solving the given problems. As a qualitative and quantitative analysis, markemological studies employ markeme analysis as a method. This method allows formalizing semantic analysis of texts. Markeme analysis is a method of computer-based identification of keywords, or markemes, followed by visualization of obtained data in the form of bar graphs, charts, graphs, clusters that undergo semantic interpretation. A.A. Kretov developed sharply defined notions on how to identify markemes using a special formula to calculate author's weight or Index of Textual Markedness. The computational formula expresses functionality between a frequency weight and a length weight of a word. As the length weight of a word is constant because it depends on the length of the word in letters or sounds, it is the value of frequency weight that determines the value of InTeM. When a word distribution in the text exceeds a standard frequency distribution threshold for this word, the value of its InTeM becomes positive thereby expressing the level of significance for the word in the particular text. The texts are processed with word thematic analysis manipulation programs “TemAl” and “ProTemAl-Engl” developed in Voronezh State University. “TemAl” processes Russian texts and “ProTemAl-Engl” does the same with English texts. These programs calculate the value of InTeM for each word as well. To guarantee comparability of markeme weights of different authors the procedure of normalizing InTeM values is carried out. This is due to the fact that too often there is great difference both in number of works and their length in words written by different authors and their availability in digital form. InTeM normalizing eliminates their incorrect correlation. The analysis of linking markemes that establish markeme links between two or more authors allows determining the degree of markeme similarity between the authors of chronological interval. Mutual markemes are selected from each author markeme list. Index of Markeme Similarity (IMaS) is the measurable parameter that gives possibility to determine the degree of generality of markeme lexicon of two authors. The computation of IMaS in each pair of authors belonging to the chronological interval is based on the value of total normalized indices of textual markedness of their mutual markemes. The mutual markemes of those two writers that have the largest value of IMaS are their linking markemes. The value of IMaS determines the power of markeme link. When the value of IMaS is the largest for only one writer in the pair, a directional or oriented link of maximum power is formed. In case the value of IMaS is the largest for both writers in the pair, mutually oriented link is formed between them. The present study results in the analysis of linking markemes in the texts of Russian and British writers of the first half of the nineteenth century in reference to the distinguished centre of attraction. The method of visualizing the links between the authors who belong to the same chronological interval allows to distinguish the centre of attraction and intermediate centres of zero, first and second degree, to compute the power of centripetal links, to stratify and analyze linking markemes, to study markeme specificity of the centre of attraction and to distinguish markemes that provide an indirect link between the centre of attraction and intermediate centres. The use of the algorithm of visualizing markeme relations between the authors provides a means of revealing existing centrifugal and centripetal markeme links between the writers, distinguishing the centre of attraction, identifying its major figures and the authors who have direct or indirect markeme links of maximum force with each of them. Obtained data make it possible to compute the power of the center of attraction and the semantic study of maximum force markeme links leads to the specification of both the intermediate centres that are represented by key figures of the centre of attraction and the centre of attraction itself